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MyPresenceChooser Control

Use the MyPresenceChooser control in Microsoft Lync 2010 Control applications to display and change the user’s current presence status selection. Clicking the control displays a list of presence status options, for example “Be Right Back”. The user can change their presence status by selecting one of these options. The MyPresenceChooser control includes the ability to show and select custom presence states. This control can only be applied to the currently signed-in user and therefore does not have a Source property.

MyPresenceChooser Control


Notable MyPresenceChooser control public properties that are related to unified communications appear in the following table. For more information, see Lync 2010 Class Libraries References.




Gets the display name of the currently logged in user.


Gets an enumerated value that represents the currently signed-in user’s availability. The type is a ContactAvailability enumeration. Possible values:

  • Invalid

  • None

  • Free

  • FreeIdle

  • Busy

  • BusyIdle

  • DoNotDisturb

  • TemporarilyAway

  • Away

  • Offline


Reserved for internal use. This property may appear in XAML text when editing templates. To preserve control functionality it should remain unchanged.

Code Example

The following example can be used for Microsoft Silverlight and Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application development.


See Also

Other Resources

Lync 2010 Controls Reference

Lync 2010 Controls