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Live Communications Server Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Reference

Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1

Live Communications Server Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Reference

The following are the Live Communications Server WMI classes.

Name Description
MSFT_SIPAddressBookURLData Provides data about the location of the Address Book Service for purposes of downloading the address book to the Microsoft Office Communicator client.
MSFT_SIPApplicationElement Defines an application instance on the Live Communications Server, and can be used to determine whether the application is running.
MSFT_SIPApplicationPriorityList Defines the execution order of the applications installed on the Live Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPApplicationSetting Defines the settings used to register a SIP application with the Live Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPArchivingServerSetting Specifies the computer running the Live Communications Server Archiving service.
MSFT_SIPDomainData Defines an entry in the list of domains served by the running Live Communications Server.
MSTF_SIPEdgeProxySetting Specifies the Access Proxy to which a pool is to connect.
MSFT_SIPESEmSetting Defines the proxy/redirect settings for Live Communications Server User services.
MSFT_SIPESGlobalRegistrarSetting Defines the global settings for searching the registrar.
MSFT_SIPESGlobalSearchSetting Defines the settings for the Live Communications Server registrar, including SPOP/MPOP availability and various expiry settings.
MSFT_SIPESServerSetting Defines the specific Live Communications Server settings that pertain to enterprise services.
MSFT_SIPESTrustedServerSetting Defines the fully qualified domain name of a trusted server.
MSFT_SIPESUserACEData Defines SIP-level allow/block access for a homed Live Communications user.
MSFT_SIPESUserContactData Defines the data associated with a contact.
MSFT_SIPESUserContactGroupData Defines a contact group associated with a specific Active Directory user.
MSFT_SIPESUserSetting Defines the settings for a specific Active Directory user in the context of SIP.
MSFT_SIPFederationAuthorizedForwardingProxyData Lists forwarding proxies that are allowed to connect to this Access Proxy.
MSFT_SIPFederationAutoFedAllowedDomainData Specifies external domains enabled for enhanced federation.
MSFT_SIPFederationDeniedDomainSetting Specifies domains that are blocked from connecting to this access proxy. Any connection from or to this domain will be dropped.
MSFT_SIPFederationDirectPartnerTable Lists the domains that are direct federation partners.
MSFT_SIPFederationExternalEdgeListeningAddressSetting Provides certification data for the listening port on the external edge of an Access Proxy.
MSFT_SIPFederationExternalEdgeListeningPortData Provides configuration data for the listening port on the external edge of an Access Proxy.
MSFT_SIPFederationExternalEdgeSetting Exposes properties for configuring the external edge of an access proxy.
MSFT_SIPFederationInternalDomainData Lists the domains within an organization to which this Access Proxy will route messages.
MSFT_SIPFederationInternalEdgeListeningAddressSetting Provides certification data for the listening port on the internal edge of an Access Proxy.
MSFT_SIPFederationInternalEdgeSetting Exposes properties for configuring the internal edge of an access proxy.
MSFT_SIPFederationInternalServerData Lists all internal trusted servers in the enterprise.
MSFT_SIPFederationListeningAddressSetting Specifies the listening addresses on the internal and external edges of an Access Proxy.
MSFT_SIPFederationNetworkProviderTable Lists IM service providers specified on an Access Proxy.
MSFT_SIPGlobalArchivingSetting Defines the global archiving defaults for users.
MSFT_SIPGlobalFederationSetting Defines the default route and port used by internal servers to route to an Access Proxy; also provides a way to disable communication with the Access Proxy for all internal users.
MSFT_SIPListeningAddressData Defines a listening address on the Live Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPLoadedExtensionModuleElement Defines an element that indicates the status of the Live Communications User services (registrar).
MSFT_SIPLogOptions Defines the options available to the Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 Archiving service.
MSFT_SIPLogServiceSetting Defines an instance of the Archiving service, which logs SIP messages sent to it by the archiving agent running on the Live Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPLogSetting Defines the settings for the loaded instance of the logging-specific extension module on the Live Communications Server.
MSFT_SIPLogVersion Specifies the version of Live Communications Server Archiving Service.
MSFT_SIPPoolSetting Defines a Live Communications Server Enterprise Edition pool or Standard Edition pool.
MSFT_SIPProxySecuritySetting Defines the security provider and realm for the proxy service.
MSFT_SIPProxyServerSetting Specifies the Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1, Proxy to which a pool is to connect.
MSFT_SIPProxySetting Defines the settings for a SIP proxy server.
MSFT_SIPRemoteAddressData Provides configuration data for a remote trusted server.
MSFT_SIPRoutingSetting Defines the transport protocol for DNS-routed messages, and contains the default port for TLS connections.
MSFT_SIPRoutingTableData Defines a single static route entry in the Live Communications Server routing table.
MSFT_SIPTroubleShootingSetting Supports a new logging mechanism that provides an audit trail of user behavior, and assists in troubleshooting routing and security configuration issues.
MSFT_SIPUserReplicatorSetting Specifies how often the User Replicator synchronizes with the Active Directory directory service.
MSFT_SIPVersion Specifies the version of Live Communications Server.
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