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How Do I...

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This section provides how-to topics for working with the Open XML Application Programming Interface (API).

In This Section

How to: Accept All Revisions in a Word 2007 Document by Using the Open XML API

How to: Add an Image Part to an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Add a New Document Part that Receives a Relationship Id to an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Add a New Document Part to an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Copy the Contents of an Office Open XML Package Part to a Document Part in a Different Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Create an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Delete the Comments in a Word 2007 Document by Using the Open XML API

How to: Delete the Headers and Footers in a Word 2007 Document by Using the Open XML API

How to: Duplicate an Existing Document Part from an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Get the Contents of a Document Part from an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Get Worksheet Information from an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Insert Custom XML to an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Remove a Document Part from an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Replace a Document Part in an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Replace the Header in a Word 2007 Document by Using the Open XML API

How to: Retrieve Comments from a Word 2007 Document by Using the Open XML API

How to: Retrieve Property Values from a Word 2007 Document by Using the Open XML API

How to: Validate the Contents of a Document Part in an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Use Annotations to Minimize Serialization and Deserialization by Using the Open XML API

How to: Validate the Contents of a Document Part in an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API

How to: Validate an Office Open XML Package against a Collection of Schemas by Using the Open XML API

How to: Validate an Office Open XML Package by Using the Open XML API