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XmlForm.GetWorkflowTasks Method

Gets a reference to a Microsoft.Office.Core.WorkflowTasks collection for the current form.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.InfoPath
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.InfoPath (in Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.dll)


Public MustOverride Function GetWorkflowTasks As Object
Dim instance As XmlForm
Dim returnValue As Object

returnValue = instance.GetWorkflowTasks()
public abstract Object GetWorkflowTasks()

Return Value

Type: System.Object
A Microsoft.Office.Core.WorkflowTasks collection that contains any Microsoft.Office.Core.WorkflowTask objects for the current form.



For the GetWorkFlowTasks method to work, you must establish a reference to the Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Library (from the COM tab of the Add Reference dialog box in Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications). This will establish a reference to the Microsoft.Office.Core namespace, which contains the WorkflowTasks class.

This member can be accessed only by forms opened from a form template that has been configured to run with full trust using the Security and Trust category of the Form Options dialog box. This member requires full trust for the immediate caller and cannot be used by partially trusted code. For more information, see "Using Libraries from Partially Trusted Code" on MSDN.

This type or member can be accessed only from code running in forms opened in Microsoft InfoPath Filler.


In the following code example, clicking the Button control displays the count of workflow tasks associated with the current form.

This example requires a using or Imports directive for the Microsoft.Office.Core namespace in the declarations section of the form code module.

public void CTRL1_Clicked(object sender, ClickedEventArgs e)
   WorkflowTasks myWorkflowTasks = 

   int workflowTasksCount = myWorkflowTasks.Count;

   MessageBox.Show("Get " + workflowTasksCount.ToString() + " 
      workflow tasks.");
Public Sub CTRL1_Clicked(ByVal sender As Object, _
   ByVal e As ClickedEventArgs)
   Dim myWorkflowTasks As WorkflowTasks = _
      DirectCast(Me.GetWorkflowTasks(), WorkflowTasks)

   Dim workflowTasksCount As Integer = myWorkflowTasks.Count

   MessageBox.Show("Get " & workflowTasksCount.ToString() & " _
      workflow tasks.")
End Sub

See Also


XmlForm Class

XmlForm Members

Microsoft.Office.InfoPath Namespace