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Table.GetArray Method (Outlook)

Obtains a two-dimensional array that contains a set of row and column values from the Table.

Version Information

Version Added: Outlook 2007


expression .GetArray(MaxRows)

expression A variable that represents a Table object.




Data Type





Specifies the maximum number of rows to return from the Table.

Return Value

A Variant value that is a two-dimensional array representing a set of row and column values from the Table. The array is zero-based; an array index (i, j) indexes into the i-th column and j-th row in the array. Columns in the array correspond to columns in the Table, and rows in the array correspond to rows in the Table. The number of rows in the returned array is the lesser value of MaxRows and the actual number of rows in the Table.


The GetArray method offers a conceptually simple means to get values from a Table by copying all or part of the data in the Table (based on the current row) to an array and indexing into the array.

GetArray always starts at the current row of the Table. It returns an array with MaxRows number of rows if there are at least MaxRows number of rows in the Table starting at the current position. If MaxRows is not larger than the total number of rows in the Table, and there are fewer than MaxRows number of elements in the Table starting at the current row, it will return an array that contains only the remaining rows in the Table. If GetArray is called and there are no remaining rows, then GetArray returns an empty array with zero elements.

After obtaining the appropriate rows from the Table and before it returns, GetArray always repositions the current row to the next row in the Table, if there exists a next row. GetArray(n) operates as if Table.GetNextRow is called n times.

The values in the columns map to columns in the Table, and are therefore determined by the format of the property name used for the column. For more information, see Factors Affecting Property Value Representation in the Table and View Classes.


The following code sample obtains a Table by filtering on all items in the Inbox that contain "Office" in the subject. It then uses the Table.GetArray method to copy the data from the Table to an array, and prints the property value of each item returned.

For more information on specifying property names in a filter by namespace reference, see Referencing Properties by Namespace.

Sub DemoTableUsingGetArray() 
 Dim Filter As String 
 Dim i, ubRows As Long 
 Dim j, ubCols As Integer 
 Dim varArray 
 Dim oTable As Outlook.Table 
 Dim oFolder As Outlook.Folder 
 Const SchemaPropTag As String = _ 
 On Error Resume Next 
 'Get a Folder object for the Inbox 
 Set oFolder = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
 'Filter on the subject containing "Office" 
 Filter = "@SQL=" & Chr(34) & SchemaPropTag & "0x0037001E" _ 
 & Chr(34) & " like '%Office%'" 
 'Get all items in Inbox that meet the filter 
 Set oTable = oFolder.GetTable(Filter) 
 On Error GoTo Err_Trap 
 varArray = oTable.GetArray(oTable.GetRowCount) 
 'Number of rows is the second dimension of the array 
 ubRows = UBound(varArray, 2) 
 'Number of columns is the first dimension of the array 
 ubCols = UBound(varArray) 
 'Array is zero-based 
 'Rows corrspond to items in the table, so for each item... 
 For j = 0 To ubRows 
 'Columns correspond to properties in the table, print the value of each property 
 For i = 0 To ubCols 
 Debug.Print varArray(i, j) 
 Exit Sub 
 Debug.Print "Error#:" & Err.Number & " Desc: " & Err.Description 
 Resume Next 
End Sub

See Also


Table Object

Table Object Members