ItemProperty.IsUserProperty Property (Outlook)
Returns a Boolean value that indicates if the item property is a custom property created by the user. Read-only.
expression .IsUserProperty
expression A variable that represents an ItemProperty object.
The following example displays the names of all properties created by the user. The subroutine DisplayUserProps accepts an ItemProperties collection and searches through it, displaying the names of all ItemProperty objects where the IsUserProperty value is True. The ItemProperties collection is zero-based. In other words, the first object in the collection is accessed with an index value of zero (0).
Sub ItemProperty()
'Creates a new mail item and access it's properties
Dim objMail As MailItem
Dim objitems As ItemProperties
'Create the mail item
Set objMail = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'Create a reference to the item properties collection
Set objitems = objMail.ItemProperties
'Create a reference to the item property page
Call DisplayUserProps(objitems)
End Sub
Sub DisplayUserProps(ByVal objitems As ItemProperties)
'Displays the names of all user-created item properties in the collection
For i = 0 To objitems.Count - 1
'Display name of property if it was created by the user
If objitems.Item(i).IsUserProperty = True Then
MsgBox "The property " & objitems(i).Name & " was created by the user."
End If
Next i
End Sub