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XlBuiltInDialog Enumeration

Specifies which dialog box to display.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel (in Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll)


Public Enumeration XlBuiltInDialog
Dim instance As XlBuiltInDialog
public enum XlBuiltInDialog


Member name Description
xlDialogOpen Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOpenLinks Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSaveAs Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFileDelete Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPageSetup Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPrint Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPrinterSetup Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogArrangeAll Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWindowSize Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWindowMove Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogRun Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSetPrintTitles Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFont Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDisplay Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogProtectDocument Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCalculation Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogExtract Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDataDelete Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSort Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDataSeries Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogTable Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatNumber Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAlignment Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogStyle Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogBorder Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCellProtection Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogColumnWidth Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogClear Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPasteSpecial Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogEditDelete Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogInsert Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPasteNames Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDefineName Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCreateNames Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormulaGoto Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormulaFind Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGalleryArea Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGalleryBar Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGalleryColumn Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGalleryLine Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGalleryPie Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGalleryScatter Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCombination Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGridlines Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAxes Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAttachText Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPatterns Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogMainChart Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOverlay Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogScale Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatLegend Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatText Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogParse Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogUnhide Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkspace Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogActivate Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCopyPicture Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDeleteName Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDeleteFormat Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogNew Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogRowHeight Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatMove Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatSize Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormulaReplace Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSelectSpecial Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogApplyNames Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogReplaceFont Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSplit Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOutline Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSaveWorkbook Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCopyChart Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatFont Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogNote Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSetUpdateStatus Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogColorPalette Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogChangeLink Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAppMove Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAppSize Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogMainChartType Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOverlayChartType Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOpenMail Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSendMail Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogStandardFont Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogConsolidate Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSortSpecial Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGallery3dArea Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGallery3dColumn Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGallery3dLine Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGallery3dPie Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogView3d Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGoalSeek Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkgroup Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFillGroup Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogUpdateLink Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPromote Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDemote Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogShowDetail Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogObjectProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSaveNewObject Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogApplyStyle Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAssignToObject Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogObjectProtection Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCreatePublisher Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSubscribeTo Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogShowToolbar Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPrintPreview Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogEditColor Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatMain Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatOverlay Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogEditSeries Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDefineStyle Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGalleryRadar Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogEditionOptions Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogZoom Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogInsertObject Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSize Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogMove Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatAuto Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGallery3dBar Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGallery3dSurface Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCustomizeToolbar Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkbookAdd Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkbookMove Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkbookCopy Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkbookOptions Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSaveWorkspace Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogChartWizard Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAssignToTool Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPlacement Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFillWorkgroup Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkbookNew Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogScenarioCells Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogScenarioAdd Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogScenarioEdit Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogScenarioSummary Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPivotTableWizard Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPivotFieldProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOptionsCalculation Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOptionsEdit Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOptionsView Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAddinManager Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogMenuEditor Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAttachToolbars Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOptionsChart Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogVbaInsertFile Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogVbaProcedureDefinition Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogRoutingSlip Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogMailLogon Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogInsertPicture Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGalleryDoughnut Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogChartTrend Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkbookInsert Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOptionsTransition Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOptionsGeneral Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFilterAdvanced Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogMailNextLetter Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDataLabel Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogInsertTitle Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFontProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogMacroOptions Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkbookUnhide Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkbookName Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogGalleryCustom Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAddChartAutoformat Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogChartAddData Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogTabOrder Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSubtotalCreate Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkbookTabSplit Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWorkbookProtect Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogScrollbarProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPivotShowPages Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogTextToColumns Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatCharttype Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPivotFieldGroup Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPivotFieldUngroup Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCheckboxProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogLabelProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogListboxProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogEditboxProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOpenText Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPushbuttonProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFilter Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFunctionWizard Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSaveCopyAs Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOptionsListsAdd Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSeriesAxes Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSeriesX Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSeriesY Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogErrorbarX Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogErrorbarY Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFormatChart Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSeriesOrder Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogMailEditMailer Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogStandardWidth Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogScenarioMerge Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSummaryInfo Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFindFile Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogActiveCellFont Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogVbaMakeAddin Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogFileSharing Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogAutoCorrect Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCustomViews Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogInsertNameLabel Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSeriesShape Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogChartOptionsDataLabels Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogChartOptionsDataTable Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSetBackgroundPicture Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDataValidation Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogChartType Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogChartLocation Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
_xlDialogPhonetic Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogChartSourceData Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
_xlDialogChartSourceData Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSeriesOptions Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPivotTableOptions Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPivotSolveOrder Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPivotCalculatedField Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPivotCalculatedItem Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogConditionalFormatting Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogInsertHyperlink Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogProtectSharing Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogOptionsME Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPublishAsWebPage Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPhonetic Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogNewWebQuery Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogImportTextFile Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogExternalDataProperties Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWebOptionsGeneral Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWebOptionsFiles Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWebOptionsPictures Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWebOptionsEncoding Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWebOptionsFonts Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPivotClientServerSet Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPropertyFields Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogSearch Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogEvaluateFormula Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDataLabelMultiple Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogChartOptionsDataLabelMultiple Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogErrorChecking Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogWebOptionsBrowsers Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogCreateList Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogPermission Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogMyPermission Displays the dialog box described in the constant name.
xlDialogDocumentInspector Document Inspector dialog box
xlDialogNameManager NameManager dialog box
xlDialogNewName NewName dialog box
xlDialogSparklineInsertLine Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogSparklineInsertColumn Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogSparklineInsertWinLoss Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogSlicerSettings Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogSlicerCreation Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogSlicerPivotTableConnections Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogPivotTableSlicerConnections Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogPivotTableWhatIfAnalysisSettings Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogSetManager Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogSetMDXEditor Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogSetTupleEditorOnRows Reserved for internal use.
xlDialogSetTupleEditorOnColumns Reserved for internal use.

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Namespace