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Referencia de sintaxis FQL (ABNF)

Última modificación: viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

Hace referencia a: SharePoint Server 2010

La estructura de una expresión de lenguaje de consulta FAST (FQL) se ajusta a las siguientes reglas, que cumplen con la sintaxis de formulario aumentado Backus-Naur (ABNF).

Para mejorar la legibilidad, en las reglas se da por hecho que no hay espacios en blanco adicionales en la expresión FQL. Sin embargo, FQL admite el espacio en blanco inmediatamente delante y detrás de paréntesis, comas, operadores, palabras clave y tokens.

Si bien ABNF no admite explícitamente una codificación que no sea EE.UU.-ASCII, los tipos de datos quoted-string-value y unquoted-string-value admiten los valores de los caracteres anchos con codificación UTF-8.

fql-expression  = (operator-expression / paren-expression / token)

operator-expression = [in-expression] (and / andnot / any / or / rank
    / xrank / near / onear / not / equals / filter / starts-with
    / ends-with / count)

paren-expression = [in-expression] "(" fql-expression ")"

token = [in-expression] (datetime-token / float-token / int-token
    / phrase-token / range-token / string-token)

; Operator expressions
and = "and" "(" multiple-fql-params ")"
andnot = "andnot" "(" multiple-fql-params ")"
any = "any" "(" multiple-fql-params ")"
or = "or" "(" multiple-fql-params ")"

rank = "rank" "(" rank-param *("," rank-param) ")"
rank-param = token / fql-expression

xrank = "xrank" "(" xrank-param *("," xrank-param) ")"
xrank-param = ("boost" "=" integer-value)
    / ("boostall" "=" yesno-value)
    / fql-expression

near = "near" "(" near-param *("," near-param) ")"
near-param = ("N" "=" token-distance) / fql-expression

onear = "onear" "(" onear-param *("," onear-param) ")"
onear-param = ("N" "=" token-distance) / fql-expression

not = "not" "(" fql-expression ")"

count = ("count" "(" token
    1*("," (("from" "=" int-token) / ("to" "=" int-token))) ")")

equals = "equals" "("
    [in-expression] (string-token / phrase-token) ")"
starts-with = "starts-with" "("
    [in-expression] (string-token / phrase-token) ")"
ends-with = "ends-with" "("
    [in-expression] (string-token / phrase-token) ")"
filter = "filter" "(" fql-expression ")"

; Token operator expressions
phrase-token = "phrase" "(" phrase-token-param
    *("," phrase-token-param) ")"
phrase-token-param = ("weight" "=" unsigned-integer-value)
    / ("linguistics" "=" onoff-value)
    / ("wildcard" "=" onoff-value)
    / token

string-token = explicit-string-token / implicit-string-token
explicit-string-token = "string" "(" string-token-param
    *("," string-token-param) ")"
string-token-param = ("mode" "=" mode-value)
    / ("N" "=" token-distance)
    / ("weight" "=" integer-value)
    / ("minexpansion" "=" integer-value)
    / ("maxexpansion" "=" integer-value)
    / ("linguistics" "=" onoff-value)
    / ("wildcard" "=" onoff-value)
    / token
implicit-string-token = string-value

float-token = explicit-float-token / implicit-float-token
explicit-float-token = "float" "(" (float-value
    / (DQUOTE float-value DQUOTE)) ")"
implicit-float-token = *DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT

int-token = explicit-int-token / implicit-int-token
explicit-int-token = "int" "(" (integer-value
    / (DQUOTE integer-value DQUOTE)
    / (DQUOTE integer-value *(SP integer-value) DQUOTE ","
    / (numeric-or-mode "," DQUOTE 1*integer-value *(SP integer-value)
implicit-int-token = integer-value

datetime-token = explicit-datetime-token / implicit-datetime-token
explicit-datetime-token = "datetime" "(" (datetime-value
    / (DQUOTE datetime-value DQUOTE)) ")"
implicit-datetime-token = datetime-value

range-token = "range" "(" range-token-param *("," range-token-param)
range-token-param = ("from" "=" from-condition)
    / ("to" "=" to-condition)
    / range-limit
range-limit = datetime-token / float-token / int-token
    / "min" / "max"
from-condition = unquoted-from-condition
    / (DQUOTE unquoted-from-condition DQUOTE)
unquoted-from-condition = "GE" / "GT"
to-condition = unquoted-to-condition
    / (DQUOTE unquoted-to-condition DQUOTE)
unquoted-to-condition = "LE" / "LT"

; Data types
string-value = quoted-string-value / unquoted-string-value

; <quoted-string-value> can contain any characters
; (including wide characters) that are not control
; characters, except for double quotation marks.
quoted-string-value = DQUOTE 1*(quoted-escaped-character
    / %x20-21 / %x23-ffffffff) DQUOTE
quoted-escaped-character =
    / quoted-escaped-newline
    / quoted-escaped-carriage-return
    / quoted-escaped-tab
    / quoted-escaped-backspace
    / quoted-escaped-form-feed
    / quoted-escaped-double-quote
    / quoted-escaped-single-quote

quoted-escaped-backslash = "\\"
quoted-escaped-newline = "\n"
quoted-escaped-carriage-return = "\r"
quoted-escaped-tab = "\t"
quoted-escaped-backspace = "\b"
quoted-escaped-form-feed = "\f"
quoted-escaped-double-quote = "\" DQUOTE
quoted-escaped-single-quote = "'"

; <unquoted-string-value> can contain any characters (including wide
; characters) that are not control characters, except for spaces,
; commas, double quotation marks, parentheses,colons, and equals
; signs.
unquoted-string-value =
    1*(%x21 / %x23-27 / %x2a-2b / %x2d-39 / %x3b-3c / %x3e-ffffffff)
integer-value = ["-" / "+"] 1*DIGIT
unsigned-integer-value = 1*DIGIT
float-value = ["-" / "+"] (*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT) / 1*DIGIT

datetime-value = year "-" month "-" day
    ["T" hour ":" minute ":" second ["Z"]]
year = 4*DIGIT            ; four-digit or longer year (0000-infinity)
month = ("0" DIGIT)       ; two-digit month (00-09)
    / ("1" %x30-32)       ; two-digit month (10-12)
day = (%x30-32 DIGIT)     ; two-digit day (00-29)
    / ("3" %x30-31)       ; two-digit day (30-31)
hour = (%x30-31 DIGIT)    ; two-digit hour (00-19)
    / ("2" %x30-33)       ; two-digit hour (20-23)
minute = (%x30-35 DIGIT)  ; two-digit minute (00-59)
second = (%x30-35 DIGIT)  ; two-digit second (00-59)

yesno-value = quoted-yesno-value / unquoted-yesno-value
quoted-yesno-value = DQUOTE unquoted-yesno-value DQUOTE
unquoted-yesno-value = "YES" / "NO"

onoff-value = quoted-onoff-value / unquoted-onoff-value
quoted-onoff-value = DQUOTE unquoted-onoff-value DQUOTE
unquoted-onoff-value = "ON" / "OFF"

; <mode-value> must be inside double quotation marks.
mode-value = DQUOTE ("PHRASE" / "AND" / "OR" / "ANY" / "NEAR"

; General syntax elements
in-expression = ((internal-property-name / property-name) ":")
    / (DQUOTE (internal-property-name / property-name) DQUOTE ":")
numeric-or-mode = "mode" "=" DQUOTE "OR" DQUOTE
token-distance = unsigned-integer-value
internal-property-name = property-name "." property-name
property-name = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT)
multiple-fql-params = fql-expression 1*("," fql-expression)

Vea también


Introducción a la integración de consultas de FAST Search

Referencia de sintaxis del lenguaje de consulta FAST (FQL)

Especificación de la propiedad FQL

Expresiones de token de FQL

Operadores de lenguaje de consulta FAST (FQL)

Lenguaje de consulta simple FQL