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_Workbook Members

Represents a Microsoft Excel workbook.

The following tables list the members exposed by the _Workbook type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
AcceptLabelsInFormulas True if labels can be used in worksheet formulas. The default value is False. Read/write Boolean.
ActiveChart Returns a Chart object that represents the active chart (either an embedded chart or a chart sheet). An embedded chart is considered active when it's either selected or activated. When no chart is active, this property returns Nothing. Read-only.
ActiveSheet Returns an object that represents the active sheet (the sheet on top) in the active workbook or in the specified window or workbook. Returns Nothing if no sheet is active. Read-only.
Application When used without an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Excel application. When used with an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object (you can use this property with an OLE Automation object to return the application of that object). Read-only.
AutoUpdateFrequency Returns or sets the number of minutes between automatic updates to the shared workbook. Read/write Integer.
AutoUpdateSaveChanges True if current changes to the shared workbook are posted to other users whenever the workbook is automatically updated. False if changes aren’t posted (this workbook is still synchronized with changes made by other users). The default value is True. Read/write Boolean.
BuiltinDocumentProperties Returns a Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties collection that represents all the built-in document properties for the specified workbook. Read-only.
CalculationVersion Returns a number whose rightmost four digits are the minor calculation engine version number and whose other digits (on the left) are the major version of Microsoft Excel. For a Workbook object, this property returns the information about the version of Excel that the workbook was last fully recalculated by. Read-only Integer.
ChangeHistoryDuration Returns or sets the number of days shown in the shared workbook's change history. Read/write Integer.
Charts Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the chart sheets in the specified workbook. Read-only.
CodeName Returns the code name for the object. Read-only String. The value that you see in the cell to the right of (Name) in the Properties window is the code name of the selected object. At design time, you can change the code name of an object by changing this value. You cannot programmatically change this property at run time.
Colors Returns or sets colors in the palette for the workbook. The palette has 56 entries, each represented by an RGB value. Read/write Object.
CommandBars Returns a CommandBars object that represents the Microsoft Excel command bars. Read-only.
ConflictResolution Returns or sets the way conflicts are to be resolved whenever a shared workbook is updated. Read/write XlSaveConflictResolution.
Container Returns the object that represents the container application for the specified OLE object. Read-only Object.
CreateBackup True if a backup file is created when this file is saved. Read-only Boolean.
Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created. If the object was created in Microsoft Excel, this property returns the string XCEL, which is equivalent to the hexadecimal number 5843454C. Read-only XlCreator.
CustomDocumentProperties Returns or sets a Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties collection that represents all the custom document properties for the specified workbook.
CustomViews Returns a CustomViews collection that represents all the custom views for the workbook.
Date1904 True if the workbook uses the 1904 date system. Read/write Boolean.
DisplayDrawingObjects Returns or sets how shapes are displayed. Read/write XlDisplayDrawingObjects.
DisplayInkComments A Boolean value that determines whether ink comments are displayed in the workbook. Read/write Boolean.
DocumentLibraryVersions Returns a DocumentLibraryVersions collection that represents the collection of versions of a shared workbook that has versioning enabled and that is stored in a document library on a server.
EnableAutoRecover Saves changed files, of all formats, on a timed interval. Read/write Boolean.
EnvelopeVisible True if the e-mail composition header and the envelope toolbar are both visible. Read/write Boolean.
Excel4IntlMacroSheets Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the Microsoft Excel 4.0 international macro sheets in the specified workbook. Read-only.
Excel4MacroSheets Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro sheets in the specified workbook. Read-only.
FileFormat Returns the file format and/or type of the workbook. Read-only XlFileFormat.
FullName Returns the name of the object, including its path on disk, as a string. Read-only String.
FullNameURLEncoded Returns a String indicating the name of the object, including its path on disk, as a string. Read-only.
HasPassword True if the workbook has a protection password. Read-only Boolean.
HasRoutingSlip True if the workbook has a routing slip. Read/write Boolean.
HighlightChangesOnScreen True if changes to the shared workbook are highlighted on-screen. Read/write Boolean.
HTMLProject Returns the HTMLProject object in the specified workbook, which represents a top-level project branch as in the Project Explorer in the Microsoft Script Editor. Read-only.
InactiveListBorderVisible A Boolean value that specifies whether list borders are visible when a list is not active. Returns True if the border is visible. Read/write Boolean.
IsAddin True if the workbook is running as an add-in. Read/write Boolean.
IsInplace True if the specified workbook is being edited in place. False if the workbook has been opened in Microsoft Excel for editing. Read-only Boolean.
KeepChangeHistory True if change tracking is enabled for the shared workbook. Read/write Boolean.
ListChangesOnNewSheet True if changes to the shared workbook are shown on a separate worksheet. Read/write Boolean.
Mailer You have requested Help for a Visual Basic keyword used only on the Macintosh. For information about this keyword, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.
MultiUserEditing True if the workbook is open as a shared list. Read-only Boolean.
Name Returns the name of the object. Read-only String.
Names Returns a Names collection that represents all the names in the specified workbook (including all worksheet-specific names). Read-only Names object.
Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object. Read-only.
Password Returns or sets the password that must be supplied to open the specified workbook. Read/write String.
PasswordEncryptionAlgorithm Returns a String indicating the algorithm Microsoft Excel uses to encrypt passwords for the specified workbook. Read-only.
PasswordEncryptionFileProperties True if Microsoft Excel encrypts file properties for the specified password-protected workbook. Read-only Boolean.
PasswordEncryptionKeyLength Returns an Integer indicating the key length of the algorithm Microsoft Excel uses when encrypting passwords for the specified workbook. Read-only.
PasswordEncryptionProvider Returns a String specifying the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Microsoft Excel uses when encrypting passwords for the specified workbook. Read-only.
Path Returns the complete path to the application, excluding the final separator and name of the application. Read-only String.
Permission Returns a Microsoft.Office.Core.Permission object that represents the permission settings in the specified workbook.
PersonalViewListSettings True if filter and sort settings for lists are included in the user's personal view of the shared workbook. Read/write Boolean.
PersonalViewPrintSettings True if print settings are included in the user's personal view of the shared workbook. Read-write Boolean.
PrecisionAsDisplayed True if calculations in this workbook will be done using only the precision of the numbers as they’re displayed. Read/write Boolean.
ProtectStructure True if the order of the sheets in the workbook is protected. Read-only Boolean.
ProtectWindows True if the windows of the workbook are protected. Read-only Boolean.
PublishObjects Returns the PublishObjects collection. Read-only.
ReadOnly Returns True if the object has been opened as read-only. Read-only Boolean.
ReadOnlyRecommended True if the workbook was saved as read-only recommended. Read-only Boolean.
RemovePersonalInformation True if personal information can be removed from the specified workbook. The default value is False. Read/write Boolean.
RevisionNumber Returns the number of times the workbook has been saved while open as a shared list. If the workbook is open in exclusive mode, this property returns 0 (zero). Read-only Integer.
Routed True if the workbook has been routed to the next recipient. False if the workbook needs to be routed. Read-only Boolean.
RoutingSlip Returns a RoutingSlip object that represents the routing slip for the workbook. Reading this property if there's no routing slip causes an error (check the HasRoutingSlip property first). Read-only.
Saved True if no changes have been made to the specified workbook since it was last saved. Read/write Boolean.
SaveLinkValues True if Microsoft Excel saves external link values with the workbook. Read/write Boolean.
SharedWorkspace Returns a Microsoft.Office.Core.SharedWorkspace object that represents the Document Workspace in which a specified document is located. Read-only.
Sheets Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the sheets in the specified workbook. Read-only Sheets object.
ShowConflictHistory True if the Conflict History worksheet is visible in the workbook that's open as a shared list. Read/write Boolean.
ShowPivotTableFieldList True (default) if the PivotTable field list can be shown. Read/write Boolean.
SmartDocument Returns a Microsoft.Office.Core.SmartDocument object that represents the settings for a smart document solution. Read-only.
SmartTagOptions Returns a SmartTagOptions object representing the options that can be performed with a smart tag.
Styles Returns a Styles collection that represents all the styles in the specified workbook. Read-only.
Sync Returns a Microsoft.Office.Core.Sync object that provides access to the methods and properties for documents that are part of a Document Workspace.
TemplateRemoveExtData True if external data references are removed when the workbook is saved as a template. Read/write Boolean.
UpdateLinks Returns or sets an XlUpdateLinks constant indicating a workbook's setting for updating embedded OLE links. Read/write.
UpdateRemoteReferences True if Microsoft Excel updates remote references in the workbook. Read/write Boolean.
UserStatus Returns a 1-based, two-dimensional array that provides information about each user who has the workbook open as a shared list. The first element of the second dimension is the name of the user, the second element is the date and time when the user last opened the workbook, and the third element is a number indicating the type of list (1 indicates exclusive, and 2 indicates shared). Read-only Object.
VBASigned True if the Visual Basic for Applications project for the specified workbook has been digitally signed. Read-only Boolean.
VBProject Returns a VBProject object that represents the Visual Basic project in the specified workbook. Read-only.
WebOptions Returns the WebOptions collection, which contains workbook-level attributes used by Microsoft Excel when you save a document as a Web page or open a Web page. Read-only.
Windows Returns a Windows collection that represents all the windows in the specified workbook. Read-only Windows object.
Worksheets Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the worksheets in the specified workbook. Read-only Sheets object.
WritePassword Returns or sets a String for the write password of a workbook. Read/write.
WriteReserved True if the workbook is write-reserved. Read-only Boolean.
WriteReservedBy Returns the name of the user who currently has write permission for the workbook. Read-only String.
XmlMaps Returns an XmlMaps collection that represents the schema maps that have been added to the specified workbook. Read-only.
XmlNamespaces Returns an XmlNamespaces collection that represents the XML namespaces contained in the specified workbook. Read-only.


Public Methods

  Name Description
AcceptAllChanges Accepts all changes in the specified shared workbook.
Activate Activates the first window associated with the workbook. This won't run any Auto_Activate or Auto_Deactivate macros that might be attached to the workbook (use the RunAutoMacros method to run those macros).
AddToFavorites Adds a shortcut to the workbook or a hyperlink to the Favorites folder.
BreakLink Converts formulas linked to other Microsoft Excel sources or OLE sources to values.
CanCheckIn True if Microsoft Excel can check in a specified workbook to a server.
ChangeFileAccess Changes the access permissions for the workbook. This may require an updated version to be loaded from the disk.
ChangeLink Changes a link from one document to another.
CheckIn Returns a workbook from a local computer to a server and sets the local workbook to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally. Calling this method will also close the workbook.
Close Closes the object.
DeleteNumberFormat Deletes a custom number format from the workbook.
EndReview Terminates a review of a file that has been sent for review using the SendForReview method.
ExclusiveAccess Assigns the current user exclusive access to the workbook that's open as a shared list.
FollowHyperlink Displays a cached document if it’s already been downloaded. Otherwise, this method resolves the hyperlink, downloads the target document, and displays the document in the appropriate application.
ForwardMailer You have requested Help for a Visual Basic keyword used only on the Macintosh. For information about this keyword, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.
HighlightChangesOptions Controls how changes are shown in a shared workbook.
LinkInfo Returns the link date and update status. Object.
LinkSources Returns an array of links in the workbook. The names in the array are the names of the linked documents, editions, or DDE or OLE servers. Returns Empty if there are no links. Object.
MergeWorkbook Merges changes from one workbook into an open workbook.
NewWindow Creates a new window or a copy of the specified window.
OpenLinks Opens the supporting documents for a link or links.
PivotCaches Returns a PivotCaches collection that represents all the PivotTable caches in the specified workbook. Read-only.
Post Posts the specified workbook to a public folder. This method works only with a Microsoft Exchange client connected to a Microsoft Exchange server.
PrintOut Prints the object.
PrintPreview Shows a preview of the object as it would look when printed.
Protect Protects a workbook so that it cannot be modified.
ProtectSharing Saves the workbook and protects it for sharing.
PurgeChangeHistoryNow Removes entries from the change log for the specified workbook.
RecheckSmartTags Causes a foreground smart tag check to occur, automatically annotating data that was not annotated before.
RefreshAll Refreshes all external data ranges and PivotTable reports in the specified workbook.
RejectAllChanges Rejects all changes in the specified shared workbook.
ReloadAs Reloads a workbook based on an HTML document, using the specified document encoding.
RemoveUser Disconnects the specified user from the shared workbook.
Reply You have requested Help for a Visual Basic keyword used only on the Macintosh. For information about this keyword, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.
ReplyAll You have requested Help for a Visual Basic keyword used only on the Macintosh. For information about this keyword, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.
ReplyWithChanges Sends an e-mail message to the author of a workbook that has been sent out for review, notifying them that a reviewer has completed review of the workbook.
ResetColors Resets the color palette to the default colors.
Route Routes the workbook, using the workbook's current routing slip.
RunAutoMacros Runs the Auto_Open, Auto_Close, Auto_Activate, or Auto_Deactivate macro attached to the workbook. This method is included for backward compatibility. You should use the Open, Close, Activate and Deactivate events instead of these macros.
Save Saves changes to the specified workbook.
SaveAs Saves changes to the workbook in a different file.
SaveAsXMLData Exports the data that has been mapped to the specified XML schema map to an XML data file.
SaveCopyAs Saves a copy of the workbook to a file but doesn't modify the open workbook in memory.
SendFaxOverInternet Sends a worksheet as a fax to the specified recipients.
SendForReview Sends a workbook in an e-mail message for review to the specified recipients.
SendMail Sends the workbook by using the installed mail system.
SendMailer You have requested Help for a Visual Basic keyword used only on the Macintosh. For information about this keyword, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.
SetLinkOnData Sets the name of a procedure that runs whenever a DDE link is updated.
SetPasswordEncryptionOptions Sets the options for encrypting workbooks using passwords.
ToggleFormsDesign Toggles form design mode on or off.
Unprotect Removes protection from a sheet or workbook. This method has no effect if the sheet or workbook isn't protected.
UnprotectSharing Turns off protection for sharing and saves the workbook.
UpdateFromFile Updates a read-only workbook from the saved disk version of the workbook if the disk version is more recent than the copy of the workbook that is loaded in memory. If the disk copy hasn't changed since the workbook was loaded, the in-memory copy of the workbook isn't reloaded.
UpdateLink Updates a Microsoft Excel, DDE, or OLE link (or links).
WebPagePreview Displays a preview of the specified workbook as it would look if saved as a Web page.
XmlImport Imports an XML data file into the current workbook. Returns XlXmlImportResult.
XmlImportXml Imports an XML data stream that has been previously loaded into memory. Returns XlXmlImportResult.


See Also


_Workbook Interface
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Namespace