websvcSharepointDirectoryManagementService (Espacio de nombres)

Provides classes that enable requests for various management operations for e-mail distribution groups.


  Clase Descripción
Clase pública RequestInfo Provides information about the person making one of the requests defined by the SharepointEmailWS interface and his or her reasons for the request.
Clase pública RequestResponse Provides an informational response to programmatic requests for certain management operations for e-mail distribution groups.
Clase pública SharepointEmailWS Provides methods for managing Active Directory e-mail distribution groups and their membership.


  Enumeración Descripción
Enumeración pública ContactFlags Indicates whether all e-mail that is addressed to a contact or only authenticated e-mail is received by the contact from Microsoft Exchange.
Enumeración pública DistributionGroupFlags Indicates whether all e-mail that is addressed to an e-mail distribution group or only authenticated e-mail is received by the group from Microsoft Exchange.
Enumeración pública RequestStatus Specifies the outcome of a programmatic request for a management operation concerning an e-mail distribution group.