Compartir a través de

del método Project.QueueDeleteProjects

Elimina uno o varios proyectos.

Espacio de nombres:  WebSvcProject
Ensamblado:  ProjectServerServices (en ProjectServerServices.dll)


<SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace := "",  _
    ResponseNamespace := "",  _
    Use := SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle := SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
Public Sub QueueDeleteProjects ( _
    jobUid As Guid, _
    deleteWSS As Boolean, _
    projectUids As Guid(), _
    deleteBoth As Boolean _
Dim instance As Project
Dim jobUid As Guid
Dim deleteWSS As Boolean
Dim projectUids As Guid()
Dim deleteBoth As Boolean

instance.QueueDeleteProjects(jobUid, _
    deleteWSS, projectUids, deleteBoth)
[SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace = "", 
    ResponseNamespace = "", 
    Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
public void QueueDeleteProjects(
    Guid jobUid,
    bool deleteWSS,
    Guid[] projectUids,
    bool deleteBoth


  • jobUid
    Tipo: System.Guid

    El GUID de la tarea de la cola.

  • deleteWSS
    Tipo: System.Boolean

    Si true, elimina el sitio de SharePoint que está asociado a cada uno de ellos especifica project.

  • projectUids
    Tipo: []

    Una matriz de GUID de proyecto.

  • deleteBoth
    Tipo: System.Boolean

    Si True, elimina los proyectos en la base de datos de trabajo y la base de datos publicada. Si elimina False, los proyectos de sólo la base de datos publicada.


QueueDeleteProjects es un método asincrónico que envía un mensaje para el servicio de cola de Project Server.

Permisos de Project Server




Permite a un usuario eliminar o mover los proyectos. Permiso global. Si un usuario tiene este permiso, no hay otros permisos son necesarios.

Permiso global


Permite a un usuario eliminar los proyectos especificados. Permiso de categoría.


El ejemplo siguiente crea dos proyectos de ejemplo, publica los proyectos y, a continuación, elimina.

Para obtener información crítica acerca de cómo ejecutar este ejemplo de código, vea Prerequisites for Reference Code Samples.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ServiceModel;
using PSLibrary = Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library;
using System.Xml;

namespace Microsoft.SDK.Project.Samples.QueueDeleteProjects
    class Program
        private static int numProjects = 2;
        private const string ENDPOINT_PROJECT = "basicHttp_Project";
        private const string ENDPOINT_QUEUESYSTEM = "basicHttp_QueueSystem";
        private static SvcProject.ProjectClient projectClient;
        private static SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystemClient queueSystemClient;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            int maxSeconds2Wait = 20;       // Maximum number of seconds to wait for the queue.
            string comment = string.Empty;
            string queueError = "\n\tThe {0} queue job did not complete within {1} seconds.";

            Console.WriteLine("\nStart Time: {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString());
            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();


            // Prepare data for the specified number of projects to create.
            Guid[] projectUids = new Guid[numProjects];
            Int32 projectType = Convert.ToInt32(PSLibrary.Project.ProjectType.Project);
            SvcProject.ProjectDataSet[] projDs = new SvcProject.ProjectDataSet[numProjects];

            for (int i = 0; i < numProjects; i++)
                projectUids[i] = Guid.NewGuid();
                projDs[i] = new SvcProject.ProjectDataSet();
                SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow projRow = projDs[i].Project.NewProjectRow();
                projRow.PROJ_TYPE = projectType;
                projRow.PROJ_UID = projectUids[i];
                projRow.PROJ_NAME = "QDelProjTest_" + projectUids[i].ToString();

            // Create and publish the projects.

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
            Console.WriteLine("\nCreating {0} projects via WCF...", numProjects.ToString());

                for (int i = 0; i < numProjects; i++)
                    // Create the project and wait for the queue.
                    projectClient.QueueCreateProject(projectUids[i], projDs[i], false);

                    if (!Helpers.WaitForQueue(SvcQueueSystem.QueueMsgType.ProjectCreate,
                                         queueSystemClient, maxSeconds2Wait))
                        Console.WriteLine(queueError, "ProjectCreate", maxSeconds2Wait.ToString());

                    // Publish the project and wait for the queue.
                    projectClient.QueuePublish(projectUids[i], projectUids[i], true, string.Empty);

                    if (Helpers.WaitForQueue(SvcQueueSystem.QueueMsgType.ProjectPublish,
                                         queueSystemClient, maxSeconds2Wait))
                        comment = "\nProject created and published: " + projDs[i].Project[0].PROJ_NAME;
                        comment = string.Format(queueError, "ProjectPublish", maxSeconds2Wait.ToString());

                    DisplayTime(timer, comment);

                // Delete the projects and wait for the queue.

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.Write("\n\nDeleting {0} projects...\n", numProjects.ToString());

                Guid deleteJobUid = Guid.NewGuid();
                projectClient.QueueDeleteProjects(deleteJobUid, true, projectUids, true);

                if (Helpers.WaitForQueue(SvcQueueSystem.QueueMsgType.ProjectDelete,
                                     queueSystemClient, maxSeconds2Wait))
                    comment = "\nProjects Deleted.";
                    comment = string.Format(queueError, "ProjectDelete", maxSeconds2Wait.ToString());

                DisplayTime(timer, comment);

            // Use the WCF FaultException, because the ASMX SoapException does not 
            // exist in a WCF-based application.

            catch (FaultException fault)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                comment = "\nTotal RunTime: ";
                DisplayTime(timer, comment);
                Console.Write("\nPress any key to exit... ");

        public static void DisplayTime(Stopwatch timer, string comment)
            // Pause the timer and display the current accumulated time in seconds.
            TimeSpan ts = timer.Elapsed;
            string elapsedTime = String.Format("\n\tElapsed time: {0:F4} seconds ({1:F2} minutes) ", 
                ts.TotalSeconds, ts.TotalMinutes);
            Console.WriteLine(comment + elapsedTime);

        // Use the endpoints defined in app.config to configure the client.
        public static void ConfigClientEndpoints(string endpt)
            if (endpt == ENDPOINT_PROJECT)
                projectClient = new SvcProject.ProjectClient(endpt);
            else if (endpt == ENDPOINT_QUEUESYSTEM)
                queueSystemClient = new SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystemClient(endpt);
        // Extract a PSClientError object from the WCF FaultException object, and
        // then display the exception details and each error in the PSClientError stack.
        private static void WriteFaultOutput(FaultException fault)
            string errAttributeName;
            string errAttribute;
            string errOut;
            string errMess = "".PadRight(30, '=') + "\r\n"
                + "Error details: \n" + "\r\n";

            PSLibrary.PSClientError error = Helpers.GetPSClientError(fault, out errOut);
            errMess += errOut;

            PSLibrary.PSErrorInfo[] errors = error.GetAllErrors();
            PSLibrary.PSErrorInfo thisError;

            for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
                thisError = errors[i];
                errMess += "\r\n".PadRight(30, '=') + "\r\nPSClientError output:\r\n\n";
                errMess += thisError.ErrId.ToString() + "\n";

                for (int j = 0; j < thisError.ErrorAttributes.Length; j++)
                    errAttributeName = thisError.ErrorAttributeNames()[j];
                    errAttribute = thisError.ErrorAttributes[j];
                    errMess += "\r\n\t" + errAttributeName
                        + ": " + errAttribute;


    class Helpers
        // Helper method: GetPSClientError.         
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract a PSClientError object from the ServiceModel.FaultException,
        /// for use in output of the GetPSClientError stack of errors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="errOut">Shows that FaultException has more information 
        /// about the errors than PSClientError has. FaultException can also contain 
        /// other types of errors, such as failure to connect to the server.</param>
        /// <returns>PSClientError object, for enumerating errors.</returns>
        public static PSLibrary.PSClientError GetPSClientError(FaultException e,
                                                               out string errOut)
            const string PREFIX = "GetPSClientError() returns null: ";
            errOut = string.Empty;
            PSLibrary.PSClientError psClientError = null;

            if (e == null)
                errOut = PREFIX + "Null parameter (FaultException e) passed in.";
                psClientError = null;
                // Get a ServiceModel.MessageFault object.
                var messageFault = e.CreateMessageFault();

                if (messageFault.HasDetail)
                    using (var xmlReader = messageFault.GetReaderAtDetailContents())
                        var xml = new XmlDocument();

                        var serverExecutionFault = xml["ServerExecutionFault"];
                        if (serverExecutionFault != null)
                            var exceptionDetails = serverExecutionFault["ExceptionDetails"];
                            if (exceptionDetails != null)
                                    errOut = exceptionDetails.InnerXml + "\r\n";
                                    psClientError =
                                        new PSLibrary.PSClientError(exceptionDetails.InnerXml);
                                catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                                    errOut = PREFIX + "Unable to convert fault exception info ";
                                    errOut += "a valid Project Server error message. Message: \n\t";
                                    errOut += ex.Message;
                                    psClientError = null;
                                errOut = PREFIX + "The FaultException e is a ServerExecutionFault, "
                                    + "but does not have ExceptionDetails.";
                            errOut = PREFIX + "The FaultException e is not a ServerExecutionFault.";
                else // No detail in the MessageFault.
                    errOut = PREFIX + "The FaultException e does not have any detail.";
            errOut += "\r\n" + e.ToString() + "\r\n";
            return psClientError;

        public static bool WaitForQueue(SvcQueueSystem.QueueMsgType jobType, 
                                        SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystemClient queueSystemClient,
                                        int maxSeconds)
            int numJobs = 1;         // Number of jobs in the queue, of the same type; one in this example.
            bool completed = false;  // Queue job completed.
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            SvcQueueSystem.QueueStatusDataSet queueStatusDs = new SvcQueueSystem.QueueStatusDataSet();

            int timeout = 0;         // Number of seconds waited.
            Console.Write("\nWaiting for job " + jobType.ToString());

            SvcQueueSystem.QueueMsgType[] messageTypes = { jobType };
            SvcQueueSystem.JobState[] jobStates = { SvcQueueSystem.JobState.Success };

            while ((timeout < maxSeconds) && (queueStatusDs.Status.Count < numJobs))
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);    // Sleep one second.

                queueStatusDs = queueSystemClient.ReadMyJobStatus(

            //Console.WriteLine("\n\tQueue Correlation GUID: {0}\n", 
            //    queueStatusDs.Status[0].CorrelationGUID.ToString());

            if (queueStatusDs.Status.Count == numJobs)
                completed = true;
            return completed;

A continuación se muestra el resultado desde el programa. Muestra que dos proyectos se han creado, publicados y eliminados en el tiempo transcurrido.

Start Time: 5/12/2011 1:05:27 PM

Creating 2 projects via WCF...

Waiting for job ProjectCreate.
Waiting for job ProjectPublish.
Project created and published: QDelProjTest_057714bf-acf6-4d62-ab3d-d50f88704f5b

        Elapsed time: 4.0213 seconds (0.07 minutes)

Waiting for job ProjectCreate.
Waiting for job ProjectPublish.
Project created and published: QDelProjTest_3e92d726-59df-4cb7-943a-39970fc90ae9

        Elapsed time: 6.8441 seconds (0.11 minutes)

Deleting 2 projects...

Waiting for job ProjectDelete.
Projects Deleted.
        Elapsed time: 8.3478 seconds (0.14 minutes)

Press any key to exit...

Vea también


clase Project

Miembros Project

Espacio de nombres WebSvcProject