Compartir a través de

del método SPSite.LookupUriInRemoteFarm

Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a Web site in the specified remote server farm.

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.SharePoint
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.SharePoint (en Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


Public Shared Function LookupUriInRemoteFarm ( _
    farm As SPFarm, _
    id As Guid, _
    zone As SPUrlZone _
) As Uri
Dim farm As SPFarm
Dim id As Guid
Dim zone As SPUrlZone
Dim returnValue As Uri

returnValue = SPSite.LookupUriInRemoteFarm(farm, _
    id, zone)
public static Uri LookupUriInRemoteFarm(
    SPFarm farm,
    Guid id,
    SPUrlZone zone


  • id
    Tipo: System.Guid

    A GUID that identifies the Web site.

Valor devuelto

Tipo: System.Uri
A System.Uri object that represents the URI of the Web site.

Vea también


clase SPSite

Miembros SPSite

Espacio de nombres Microsoft.SharePoint