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Data Mining Model (Decision Support Objects)

[!NOTA]   Esta característica se quitará en la versión siguiente de Microsoft SQL Server. No utilice esta característica en nuevos trabajos de desarrollo y modifique lo antes posible las aplicaciones que actualmente la utilizan.

The MiningModel object in Decision Support Objects (DSO) provides support for data mining models in Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 Analysis Services. To access data mining models, the MiningModels collection of the DSO Database object is used. The MiningModel object uses the MiningModel interface, with a ClassType property of clsMiningModel.

The MiningModel object is used to:

  • Provide access to data mining columns for a relational or OLAP data mining model.
  • Construct and modify relational or OLAP data mining models.
  • Process a relational or OLAP data mining model.
  • Provide access to mining model roles.

Vea también


Database (Decision Support Objects)


Column (Decision Support Objects)
Data Mining Examples
Role (Decision Support Objects)

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