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DistributionPublishers Collection

Esta característica se quitará en una versión futura de Microsoft SQL Server. Evite utilizar esta característica en nuevos trabajos de desarrollo y tenga previsto modificar las aplicaciones que actualmente la utilizan.

The DistributionPublishers collection contains DistributionPublisher objects that expose the properties of Publishers using the referenced Distributor.

Modelo de objeto SQL-DMO con el objeto actual


Add Method

Remove Method (Collections)

Item Method

Script Method (Replication Objects)

Refresh Method



With the DistributionPublishers collection, you can:

  • Add a Publisher to a Distributor.
  • Generate a Transact-SQL command batch to script Publisher configuration for all Publishers using a Distributor.
  • Remove a Publisher from a Distributor.

To remove a Publisher from a Distributor

  1. Get a DistributionPublisher object from the DistributionPublishers collection of a connected Distributor object.

  2. Use the Remove method.