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Server.EnumServerPermissions Method

Enumerates a list of server permissions for the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.


Texto actualizado:

Use this method to return an array of ServerPermissionInfo objects that contain information about the permissions currently set on the instance of SQL Server.

Este espacio de nombres, clase o miembro solamente se admite en la versión 2.0 de Microsoft .NET Framework.

Lista de sobrecargas

Nombre Description
Server.EnumServerPermissions ()
Enumerates a list of server permissions for the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Server.EnumServerPermissions (ServerPermissionSet)
Enumerates a list of server permissions for a specified permission on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Server.EnumServerPermissions (String)
Enumerates a list of server permissions for a specified grantee on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Server.EnumServerPermissions (String, ServerPermissionSet)
Enumerates a list of server permissions for a specified grantee and a specified permission on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.

Vea también


Server Class
Server Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Namespace

Otros recursos

How to: Grant Server Permissions in Visual Basic .NET
Calling Methods
Administrar servidores