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GetMembers Método

Returns a MemberCollection that contains a collection of members for the Level.

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Método público GetMembers() () () () Returns a MemberCollection that contains a collection of members for the Level. Note   This method loads all members of the level. If there are a large number of members, this method may take a long time to execute.
Método público GetMembers(Int64, Int64) Returns a MemberCollection that contains a collection of members for the Level. The returned object contains up to count members, and begins at the position indicated by the start parameter.
Método público GetMembers(Int64, Int64, array<MemberFilter> [] () [] []) Returns a MemberCollection that contains a collection of members for the Level. The returned object contains up to count members, begins at the position indicated by the start parameter, and is filtered by the filters parameter.
Método público GetMembers(Int64, Int64, array<String> [] () [] [], array<MemberFilter> [] () [] []) Returns a MemberCollection that contains a collection of members for the Level. The returned object contains up to count members, begins at the position indicated by the start parameter, and is filtered by the filters parameter. Each member caches the properties indicated by the Array passed into the properties parameter. Note   For performance reasons, this overload should only be used if non-default member properties are needed.
