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Clase DistributionSubscription

Represents information stored at the Distributor about a subscription to a transactional or snapshot publication.

Jerarquía de herencia

System. . :: . .Object
  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication. . :: . .ReplicationObject

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo (en Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class DistributionSubscription _
    Inherits ReplicationObject
Dim instance As DistributionSubscription
public sealed class DistributionSubscription : ReplicationObject
public ref class DistributionSubscription sealed : public ReplicationObject
type DistributionSubscription =  
        inherit ReplicationObject
public final class DistributionSubscription extends ReplicationObject

El tipo DistributionSubscription expone los siguientes miembros.


  Nombre Descripción
Método público DistributionSubscription() () () () Creates a new instance of the DistributionSubscription class.
Método público DistributionSubscription(String, String, String, String, String, String, ServerConnection) Creates a new instance of the DistributionSubscription class, with the required properties and with a connection to the Distributor.



  Nombre Descripción
Propiedad pública AgentJobId Gets the ID of the SQL Server Agent job that synchronizes the Subscription. 
Propiedad pública AgentSchedule Gets the synchronization agent schedule for the subscription.
Propiedad pública CachePropertyChanges Gets or sets whether to cache changes made to the replication properties or to apply them immediately. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Propiedad pública ConnectionContext Gets or sets the connection to an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Propiedad pública DistributionAgent Gets the name of the SQL Server Agent job that is used to synchronize the subscription. 
Propiedad pública DistributionDBName Gets or sets the name of the distribution database.
Propiedad pública IsExistingObject Gets whether the object exists on the server or not. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Propiedad pública Name Gets the name of the subscription.
Propiedad pública PublicationDBName Gets or sets the name of the publication database.
Propiedad pública PublicationName Gets or sets the name of the publication to which the subscription belongs.
Propiedad pública PublisherName Gets or sets the Publisher of the publication to which the subscription belongs.
Propiedad pública SqlServerName Gets the name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance to which this object is connected. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Propiedad pública Status Gets or sets the status of the subscription.
Propiedad pública SubscriberName Gets or sets the name of the Subscriber.
Propiedad pública SubscriptionDBName Gets or sets the name of the subscription database.
Propiedad pública SubscriptionType Gets or sets whether the Distribution agent runs at the Distributor (Push) or at the Subscriber (Pull).
Propiedad pública SyncType Gets or sets the manner in which the subscription is initialized.
Propiedad pública UserData Gets or sets an object property that allows users to attach their own data to the object. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)



  Nombre Descripción
Método protegido CheckValidCreation Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método protegido CheckValidDefinition Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método público CommitPropertyChanges Sends all the cached property change statements to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método público Decouple Decouples the referenced replication object from the server. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método público Equals (Se hereda de Object.)
Método protegido Finalize (Se hereda de Object.)
Método protegido GetChangeCommand Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método protegido GetCreateCommand Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método protegido GetDropCommand Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método público GetHashCode (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público GetType (Se hereda de Object.)
Método protegido InternalRefresh Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método público Load Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método público LoadProperties Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público Refresh Reloads the properties of the object. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject.)
Método público Script Infraestructura.
Método público ToString (Se hereda de Object.)



The DistributionSubscription class is primarily used by SQL Server Management Studio to maintain subscriptions to non-SQL Server Publications. Use an instance of the TransSubscription or class to obtain information on subscriptions registered with a SQL Server Publisher.

The DistributionSubscription class can only be used to return information about an existing subscription. You must use an instance of the TransSubscription class to create or remove a subscription to a transactional or snapshot publication.

This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

Seguridad para subprocesos

Cualquier miembro público static (Shared en Visual Basic) de este tipo es seguro para subprocesos. No se garantiza que los miembros de instancia sean seguros para subprocesos.