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Clase BulkInsertTask

Provides the properties and methods for the Bulk Insert task, which is the quickest way to copy large amounts of data into a SQL Server table or view. This class cannot be inherited.

Jerarquía de herencia

System. . :: . .Object
  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime. . :: . .DtsObject
    Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime. . :: . .Task

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.BulkInsertTask
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.SqlServer.BulkInsertTask (en Microsoft.SqlServer.BulkInsertTask.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class BulkInsertTask _
    Inherits Task _
    Implements IDTSComponentPersist, IDTSBulkInsertTask, IDTSBreakpointSite, IDTSSuspend
Dim instance As BulkInsertTask
public sealed class BulkInsertTask : Task, 
    IDTSComponentPersist, IDTSBulkInsertTask, IDTSBreakpointSite, IDTSSuspend
public ref class BulkInsertTask sealed : public Task, 
    IDTSComponentPersist, IDTSBulkInsertTask, IDTSBreakpointSite, IDTSSuspend
type BulkInsertTask =  
        inherit Task
        interface IDTSComponentPersist
        interface IDTSBulkInsertTask
        interface IDTSBreakpointSite
        interface IDTSSuspend
public final class BulkInsertTask extends Task implements IDTSComponentPersist, IDTSBulkInsertTask, IDTSBreakpointSite, IDTSSuspend

El tipo BulkInsertTask expone los siguientes miembros.


  Nombre Descripción
Método público BulkInsertTask Initializes a new instance of the BulkInsertTask class.



  Nombre Descripción
Propiedad pública BatchSize Gets or sets the number of rows in each batch.
Propiedad pública CheckConstraints Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates if you want to enforce table and column check constraints.
Propiedad pública CodePage Gets or sets the code page of the data in the data file.
Propiedad pública DataFileType Gets or sets a value from the DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType enumeration that indicates the data-type value to use in the load operation.
Propiedad pública DebugMode Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether a task should determine whether breakpoints are enabled.
Propiedad pública DestinationConnection Gets or sets the name of the destination connection object.
Propiedad pública DestinationTableName Gets or sets the name of the destination table or view.
Propiedad pública ExecutionValue Returns a user-defined object. This field is read-only. (Se hereda de Task.)
Propiedad pública FieldTerminator Gets or sets the field terminator for use in char and widechar data files.
Propiedad pública FireTriggers Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the insert triggers should be executed on the table during the operation.
Propiedad pública FirstRow Gets or sets the first row from which to start copying.
Propiedad pública FormatFile Gets or sets the full path of a format file.
Propiedad pública KeepIdentity Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies how identity value or values in the imported data file are used for the identity column
Propiedad pública KeepNulls Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether empty columns should retain a nullNothingnullptrunites una referencia NULL (Nothing en Visual Basic). value during the bulk load operation, or insert default values into the columns.
Propiedad pública LastRow Gets or sets the number of the last row to copy.
Propiedad pública MaximumErrors Gets or sets the maximum number of errors that can occur before the bulk insert operation fails.
Propiedad pública RowTerminator Gets or sets the row terminator for use in char and widechar data files.
Propiedad pública SortedData Gets or sets the Order by clause in the bulk insert statement
Propiedad pública SourceConnection Gets or sets the name of the source connection object.
Propiedad pública SqlStatement Gets a String array that contains the Transact-SQL statement to run.
Propiedad pública SuspendRequired Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether tasks should suspend when they encounter a breakpoint. This value is set by the runtime engine for tasks and containers when a breakpoint is encountered.
Propiedad pública TableLock Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the table is locked during the bulk insert operation.
Propiedad pública UseFormatFile Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the Bulk Insert task uses a format file.
Propiedad pública Version *** Member deprecated; see Remarks. ***    Returns the version of the task. This property is read-only. (Se hereda de Task.)



  Nombre Descripción
Método público AcceptBreakpointManager Called by the run-time engine when a task or container is created, and is passed a BreakpointManager to enable the task to create, remove, and check the status of breakpoints. This method is called by the runtime and is not used in code.
Método público CanUpdate *** Member deprecated; see Remarks. ***    A Boolean that indicates whether the new package XML can update the old package XML. (Se hereda de Task.)
Método público Equals Determines whether two object instances are equal. (Se hereda de DtsObject.)
Método público Execute Runs the Bulk Insert task. (Invalida Task. . :: . .Execute(Connections, VariableDispenser, IDTSComponentEvents, IDTSLogging, Object).)
Método protegido Finalize (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público GetConnectionID Gets a String containing the ID of the connection. (Se hereda de Task.)
Método público GetConnectionName Gets a String containing the name of the connection. (Se hereda de Task.)
Método público GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance. (Se hereda de DtsObject.)
Método público GetType (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público InitializeTask Initializes the properties associated with the task. This method is called by the runtime and is not used in code. (Invalida Task. . :: . .InitializeTask(Connections, VariableDispenser, IDTSInfoEvents, IDTSLogging, EventInfos, LogEntryInfos, ObjectReferenceTracker).)
Método público LoadFromXML This method is not callable by your application code. To load a package saved as .xml, use the Application..::..LoadPackage method.
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público ResumeExecution Resumes execution of the task after pausing. The task or container is resumed by the runtime engine.
Método público SaveToXML This method is not callable by your application code. To save a package as .xml, use the Application..::..SaveToXml method.
Método público SuspendExecution Indicates that the executable needs to suspend. This method is called by the runtime engine.
Método público ToString (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público Update *** Member deprecated; see Remarks. ***    This method updates the old package XML with the new package XML if CanUpdate is set to true. (Se hereda de Task.)
Método público Validate Verifies that the Bulk Insert task component is correctly configured. (Invalida Task. . :: . .Validate(Connections, VariableDispenser, IDTSComponentEvents, IDTSLogging).)



For more information, see Tarea Inserción masiva.

Seguridad para subprocesos

Cualquier miembro público static (Shared en Visual Basic) de este tipo es seguro para subprocesos. No se garantiza que los miembros de instancia sean seguros para subprocesos.