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Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient Espacio de nombres

Represents the ADOMD.NET data provider.

The ADOMD.NET data provider is used to access multidimensional data sources, such as Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS), in managed code. Using the AdomdConnection, you can connect to a multidimensional data source, and you can then run queries and statements using an AdomdCommand to return AdomdDataReader and CellSet objects containing multidimensional data. You can also use the AdomdConnection to view metadata for multidimensional data sources, either by examining the CubeDef and related objects or by retrieving schema rowsets directly from the data source.

For more information, see Programación del cliente ADOMD.NET.


  Clase Descripción
Clase pública AdomdCacheExpiredException Represents an exception thrown by ADOMD.NET when a cached version of an ADOMD.NET object is no longer valid.
Clase pública AdomdCommand Represents a command to be run against an analytical data source.
Clase pública AdomdConnection Represents a connection to a multidimensional data source.
Clase pública AdomdConnectionException Represents an exception thrown by ADOMD.NET when the connection could not be opened or was disconnected.
Clase pública AdomdDataAdapter Represents a Microsoft .NET Framework data adapter for an analytical data source.
Clase pública AdomdDataReader Provides a means of reading a forward-only result set that is obtained by running a command, and can be used to access analytical data sources.
Clase pública AdomdError Represents a server or provider-specific error.
Clase pública AdomdErrorCollection Gets a collection of AdomdError objects.
Clase pública AdomdErrorLocation Represents the location in the CommandText or CommandStream at which the error occurred.
Clase pública AdomdErrorResponseException Represents an exception thrown by ADOMD.NET when a response is received from a provider which indicates an error. This exception contains a collection of AdomdError objects that contain information about each problem reported by the provider.
Clase pública AdomdException Represents an exception thrown by ADOMD.NET.
Clase pública AdomdParameter Represents a parameter to an AdomdCommand object.
Clase pública AdomdParameterCollection Gets a collection of AdomdParameter objects contained in an AdomdCommand object.
Clase pública AdomdProperty Represents a property of a command.
Clase pública AdomdPropertyCollection This class gets a collection of AdomdProperty objects contained in an AdomdCommand.
Clase pública AdomdRestriction Restricts the information returned when retrieving schema information from a connection.
Clase pública AdomdRestrictionCollection Gets a collection of AdomdRestriction objects.
Clase pública AdomdSchemaGuid Contains the most commonly available schema rowset GUIDs used by the GetSchemaDataSet method of the AdomdConnection.
Clase pública AdomdTransaction Represents a transaction to be performed at a multidimensional data source.
Clase pública AdomdUnknownResponseException Represents an exception thrown by ADOMD.NET when a response has been returned from the provider that is not understood.
Clase pública AxesInfo Represents metadata pertaining to the axes that are associated with an instance of a CellSet class.
Clase pública Axis Represents an axis within a cellset.
Clase pública AxisCollection Gets a read-only collection of Axis objects contained by a CellSet.
Clase pública Cell Represents a cell in a given cellset. For a complete list of class members, see Cell.
Clase pública CellCollection Contains a read-only collection of Cell objects contained by a CellSet.
Clase pública CellInfo Represents metadata pertaining to the cells that are associated with an instance of a CellSet class
Clase pública CellProperty Represents a cell property for a given cell.
Clase pública CellPropertyCollection Contains a collection of CellProperty objects contained by a Cell.
Clase pública CellSet Represents a cellset that is returned as a result of a query.
Clase pública CubeCollection Contains a read-only, on-demand list of CubeDef objects contained by an AdomdConnection.
Clase pública CubeDef Represents the metadata for a cube.
Clase pública CubeInfo Represents metadata pertaining to a cube that is associated with an instance of a CellSet class.
Clase pública Dimension Represents a dimension within a cube.
Clase pública DimensionCollection Contains a read-only, on-demand collection of Dimension objects contained in a CubeDef.
Clase pública Hierarchy Represents a dimension hierarchy contained by a dimension or set.
Clase pública HierarchyCollection Contains a read-only, on-demand collection of Hierarchy objects contained in a Dimension or a Set.
Clase pública Kpi Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metadata wrappers around measures and Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expressions.
Clase pública KpiCollection Contains a read-only, on-demand list of Kpi objects contained by a CubeDef.
Clase pública Level Represents a level within a hierarchy.
Clase pública LevelCollection Contains a read-only, on-demand collection of Level objects contained in a Hierarchy.
Clase pública LevelProperty Represents a member property available on members in the level.
Clase pública LevelPropertyCollection Represents a read-only, on-demand collection of LevelProperty objects contained by a Level.
Clase pública Measure Represents a measure within a cube or measure group.
Clase pública MeasureCollection Gets a read-only, on-demand collection of Measures objects contained by a CubeDef.
Clase pública Member Represents a single member within a hierarchy, tuple, level, or member.
Clase pública MemberCollection Gets a read-only, on-demand collection of Member objects contained by a Position, a Level, or a Tuple.
Clase pública MemberFilter Represents a single filter to be applied when retrieving a collection of members.
Clase pública MemberProperty Represents a single member property for a given member.
Clase pública MemberPropertyCollection Gets a read-only, on-demand collection of MemberProperty objects contained by a Member.
Clase pública MiningAttribute Represents a mining attribute on a MiningContentNode object and MiningDistribution object.
Clase pública MiningAttributeCollection Represents a read-only, on-demand collection of MiningAttribute objects contained by a MiningModel.
Clase pública MiningContentNode Represents the learned content of a MiningModel in a hierarchical node format.
Clase pública MiningContentNodeCollection Represents a read-only, on-demand collection of MiningContentNode objects contained by a MiningModel or MiningContentNode object.
Clase pública MiningDistribution Represents the distribution of a value in a MiningContentNode.
Clase pública MiningDistributionCollection Represents a read-only, on-demand collection of MiningDistribution objects contained by a MiningContentNode.
Clase pública MiningModel Represents a mining model of an AdomdConnection.
Clase pública MiningModelCollection Represents a read-only, on-demand collection of MiningModel objects contained by a MiningStructure or AdomdConnection object.
Clase pública MiningModelColumn Represents a column in a mining model.
Clase pública MiningModelColumnCollection Represents a read-only, on-demand collection of MiningModelColumn objects contained by a MiningModel object.
Clase pública MiningParameter Represents an algorithm-specific parameter on the MiningModel.
Clase pública MiningParameterCollection Represents a read-only, on-demand collection of MiningParameter objects contained by a MiningModel object.
Clase pública MiningService Represents a mining algorithm available from a AdomdConnection object.
Clase pública MiningServiceCollection Gets a read-only collection of MiningService objects contained by a CellSet.
Clase pública MiningServiceParameter Represents an available parameter for the mining service.
Clase pública MiningServiceParameterCollection Gets a read-only collection of MiningServiceParameter objects contained by a CellSet.
Clase pública MiningStructure Represents a mining structure on the server.
Clase pública MiningStructureCollection Represents a read-only, on-demand collection of MiningStructure objects contained by an AdomdConnection object.
Clase pública MiningStructureColumn Represents the structure of a mining column.
Clase pública MiningStructureColumnCollection Gets a read-only collection of MiningStructureColumn objects contained by a CellSet.
Clase pública MiningValue Represents a value in the mining distribution or mining column.
Clase pública MiningValueCollection Gets a read-only collection of MiningValue objects contained by a CellSet.
Clase pública NamedSet Represents a named set for a given cube.
Clase pública NamedSetCollection Gets a read-only, on-demand collection of NamedSet objects contained by a CubeDef.
Clase pública OlapInfo Represents metadata associated with an instance of a CellSet.
Clase pública OlapInfoAxis Represents metadata pertaining to an axis that is associated with a CellSet.
Clase pública OlapInfoAxisCollection Gets a read-only, on-demand collection of OlapInfoAxis objects.
Clase pública OlapInfoCube Represents metadata pertaining to a cube that is associated with an instance of a CellSet class.
Clase pública OlapInfoCubeCollection Gets a read-only, on-demand collection of OlapInfoCube objects.
Clase pública OlapInfoHierarchy Represents metadata of a hierarchy that is contained in an instance of a CellSet class.
Clase pública OlapInfoHierarchyCollection Gets a read-only, on-demand collection of OlapInfoHierarchy objects.
Clase pública OlapInfoProperty Represents metadata pertaining to hierarchy, cell, and cube objects that are contained in an OlapInfoProperty.
Clase pública OlapInfoPropertyCollection Gets a read-only, on-demand collection of OlapInfoProperty objects.
Clase pública Position Represents a tuple reference contained by an Axis.
Clase pública PositionCollection Gets a read-only collection of Position objects contained by an Axis object.
Clase pública Property Represents a property of various ADOMD.NET objects.
Clase pública PropertyCollection Gets a read-only collection of Property objects contained by a CellSet.
Clase pública Set Represents an ordered collection of zero or more tuples.
Clase pública Tuple Represents an ordered collection of members from different hierarchies.
Clase pública TupleCollection Gets a read-only collection of Tuple objects contained by a Set.


  Estructura Descripción
Estructura pública AdomdDataReader. . :: . .Enumerator
Estructura pública AdomdErrorCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Implements the System.Collections..::..IEnumerator interface to support iterating over an AdomdErrorCollection and reading its individual AdomdError objects.
Estructura pública AdomdPropertyCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Implements the System.Collections..::..IEnumerator interface to support iterating over an AdomdPropertyCollection object and reading its individual AdomdProperty values.
Estructura pública AdomdRestrictionCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a AdomdRestrictionCollection and reading its individual AdomdRestriction objects.
Estructura pública AxisCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Implements the System.Collections..::..IEnumerator interface to support iterating over an AxisCollection and reading its individual Axis objects.
Estructura pública CellCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a CellCollection and reading its individual Cell objects.
Estructura pública CellPropertyCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Implements the System.Collections..::..IEnumerator interface to support iterating over an CellPropertyCollection and reading its individual CellProperty objects
Estructura pública CubeCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Implements the System.Collections..::..IEnumerator interface to support iterating over an CubeCollection and reading its individual CubeDef objects.
Estructura pública DimensionCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a DimensionCollection and reading its individual Dimension objects.
Estructura pública HierarchyCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a HierarchyCollection and reading its individual Hierarchy.
Estructura pública KpiCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a KpiCollection and reading its individual Kpi objects.
Estructura pública LevelCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a LevelCollection and reading its individual Level objects.
Estructura pública LevelPropertyCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a LevelPropertyCollection and reading its individual LevelProperty objects.
Estructura pública MeasureCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MeasureCollection and reading its individual Measure objects.
Estructura pública MemberCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MemberCollection and reading its individual Member objects.
Estructura pública MemberPropertyCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MemberPropertyCollection and reading its individual MemberProperty objects.
Estructura pública MiningAttributeCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningAttributeCollection and reading its individual MiningAttributeParameter objects.
Estructura pública MiningContentNodeCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningContentNodeCollection and reading its individual MiningContentNode objects.
Estructura pública MiningDistributionCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningDistributionCollection and reading its individual MiningDistribution objects.
Estructura pública MiningModelCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningModelCollection and reading its individual MiningModel objects.
Estructura pública MiningModelColumnCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningModelColumnCollection and reading its individual MiningModelColumn objects.
Estructura pública MiningParameterCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningParameterCollection and reading its individual MiningParameter objects.
Estructura pública MiningServiceCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningServiceCollection and reading its individual MiningService objects.
Estructura pública MiningServiceParameterCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningServiceParameterCollection and reading its individual MiningServiceParameter objects.
Estructura pública MiningStructureCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningStructureCollection and reading its individual MiningStructure objects.
Estructura pública MiningStructureColumnCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningStructureColumnCollection and reading its individual MiningStructureColumn objects.
Estructura pública MiningValueCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a MiningValueCollection and reading its individual MiningValue objects.
Estructura pública NamedSetCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a NamedSetCollection and reading its individual NamedSet objects.
Estructura pública OlapInfoAxisCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a OlapInfoAxisCollection and reading its individual OlapInfoAxis objects.
Estructura pública OlapInfoCubeCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a OlapInfoCubeCollection and reading its individual OlapInfoCube objects.
Estructura pública OlapInfoHierarchyCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a OlapInfoHierarchyCollection and reading its individual OlapInfoHierarchy objects.
Estructura pública OlapInfoPropertyCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a OlapInfoPropertyCollection and reading its individual OlapInfoProperty objects.
Estructura pública PositionCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a PositionCollection and reading its individual Position objects.
Estructura pública PropertyCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a PropertyCollection and reading its individual Property objects.
Estructura pública TupleCollection. . :: . .Enumerator Supports iterating over a TupleCollection and reading its individual Tuple objects.


  Enumeración Descripción
Enumeración pública ConnectionExceptionCause Describes the reason for the connection exception.
Enumeración pública CubeType Returned by Type to determine if the CubeDef represents a dimension or a cube.
Enumeración pública DimensionTypeEnum Represents the dimension type of a Dimension.
Enumeración pública HierarchyOrigin Describes the overall structure of a hierarchy.
Enumeración pública LevelTypeEnum Represents the level type of a Level.
Enumeración pública MemberFilterType Represents the type of filtering to apply to the member property when using a MemberFilter.
Enumeración pública MemberTypeEnum Represents the member type of a Member.
Enumeración pública MiningColumnDistribution Describes the distribution of the MiningModelColumn.
Enumeración pública MiningColumnType Describes the type of the underlying data that a MiningModelColumn represents.
Enumeración pública MiningFeatureSelection Describes the type of attribute to return when calling GetAttributes. Alternatively describes a MiningAttribute.
Enumeración pública MiningNodeType Represents the type of the MiningContentNode.
Enumeración pública MiningServiceControl Represents the level of control that the mining service algorithm exposes on the training operation.
Enumeración pública MiningServiceExpectedQuality Describes the relative expected quality of the patterns found by the mining service algorithm.
Enumeración pública MiningServicePredictionComplexity Describes the relative expected complexity of executing a prediction with the mining service algorithm.
Enumeración pública MiningServiceScaling Describes the relative expected scalability of the mining service algorithm.
Enumeración pública MiningServiceTrainingComplexity Describes the relative expected complexity of training the mining service algorithm.
Enumeración pública MiningValueType Represents the type of the value of the MiningDistribution object and the MiningValue object.
Enumeración pública SchemaObjectType Represents the object type of an object retrieved by the GetSchemaObject method of the CubeDef.