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ReplicationSecurity Object

Esta característica se quitará en una versión futura de Microsoft SQL Server. Evite utilizar esta característica en nuevos trabajos de desarrollo y tenga previsto modificar las aplicaciones que actualmente la utilizan.

The ReplicationSecurity object represents authentication information used when connecting to a Distributor or Publisher. It is commonly used with pull and anonymous subscriptions.

Modelo de objetos SQL-DMO con el objeto actual


With the ReplicationSecurity object, you can:

  • Enable Windows Authentication.

  • Enable SQL Server Authentication.

To enable Windows Authentication

  • Set the SecurityMode property to SQLDMOReplSecurity_Integrated.

To enable SQL Server Authentication

  1. Set the SecurityMode property to SQLDMOReplSecurity_Normal.

  2. Set the StandardLogin property to a Microsoft SQL Server login.

  3. Set the StandardPassword property to the password for the SQL Server login.