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ListUserColumnPermissions Method

Esta característica se quitará en una versión futura de Microsoft SQL Server. Evite utilizar esta característica en nuevos trabajos de desarrollo y tenga previsto modificar las aplicaciones que actualmente la utilizan.

The ListUserColumnPermissions method returns a SQLObjectList object that enumerates column-level access permissions for a specified Microsoft SQL Server database role or user.


object.ListUserColumnPermissions(UserName )asSQLObjectList


  • object
    Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.

  • UserName
    String that specifies an existing user-defined database role in SQL Server, or user by name.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT ListUserColumnPermissions(


A SQLObjectList object that contains Permission objects.


The ListUserColumnPermissions method enumerates object-access permissions granted explicitly.

SQL Server and database roles assign permissions by granting statement execution permissions implicitly. Implicit grants are not enumerated by the ListUserPermissions method.


If an application calls ListUserColumnPermissions on an instance of SQL Server version 7.0, the constant, SQLDMO_E_SQL80ONLY, and the message "This property or method requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later" are returned.