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PublisherMonitor Miembros

Monitors a replication Publisher.

El tipo PublisherMonitor expone los siguientes miembros.


  Nombre Descripción
Método publico PublisherMonitor() () () () Creates a new instance of the PublisherMonitor class.
Método publico PublisherMonitor(String, ServerConnection) Creates a new instance of the PublisherMonitor class with the specified name and a connection to the Distributor.



  Nombre Descripción
Método protegido CheckValidCreation Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método protegido CheckValidDefinition Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método publico CommitPropertyChanges Sends all the cached property change statements to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método publico Decouple Decouples the referenced replication object from the server. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método publico EnumDatabasePublications Returns information about publications that use a specified publication database.
Método publico EnumDatabaseSubscriptions Returns information on subscriptions that belong to publications that use a specified publication database.
Método publico EnumDistributionAgentSessionDetails Returns detailed information about a Distribution Agent session.
Método publico EnumDistributionAgentSessions Returns information about Distribution Agent sessions.
Método publico EnumErrorRecords Returns information on errors associated with a specified error ID that occurred during a synchronization session.
Método publico EnumLogReaderAgentSessionDetails Returns detailed information about a Log Reader Agent session.
Método publico EnumLogReaderAgentSessions Returns information about Log Reader Agent sessions.
Método publico EnumMergeAgentSessionDetails Returns detailed information about a Merge Agent session.
Método publico EnumMergeAgentSessionDetails2 Returns additional detailed information about a Merge Agent session.
Método publico EnumMergeAgentSessions Returns information about Merge Agent sessions.
Método publico EnumMergeAgentSessions2 Returns additional information about Merge Agent sessions.
Método publico EnumPublications Returns information on publications at a monitored Publisher.
Método publico EnumPublications2 Returns additional information on publications at a monitored Publisher.
Método publico EnumSnapshotAgentSessionDetails Returns detailed information about a Snapshot Agent session.
Método publico EnumSnapshotAgentSessions Returns information about Snapshot Agent sessions.
Método publico EnumSubscriptions Returns information about subscriptions that belong to a publication at the monitored Publisher.
Método publico Equals (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido Finalize (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido GetChangeCommand Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método protegido GetCreateCommand Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método protegido GetDropCommand Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método publico GetHashCode (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico GetType (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido InternalRefresh Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método publico Load Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método publico LoadProperties Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico Refresh Reloads the properties of the object. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Método publico ToString (Se hereda de Object).



  Nombre Descripción
Propiedad pública CachePropertyChanges Gets or sets whether to cache changes made to the replication properties or to apply them immediately. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Propiedad pública CacheRefreshPolicy Infraestructura.
Propiedad pública ConnectionContext Gets or sets the connection to an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Propiedad pública DistributionDatabase Gets the name of the distribution database used by the Publisher.
Propiedad pública ExcludeAnonymousSubscriptions Gets whether or not information on anonymous subscriptions is returned.
Propiedad pública IsExistingObject Gets whether the object exists on the server or not. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Propiedad pública Name Gets the name of the Publisher.
Propiedad pública PublicationMonitors Represents a collection of PublicationMonitor objects, each of which represents a publication defined at the Publisher being monitored.
Propiedad pública PublisherType Gets the type of the database server that is the Publisher.
Propiedad pública SqlServerName Gets the name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance to which this object is connected. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
Propiedad pública StatusAndWarning Gets status information and warnings for the monitored threshold metrics on the Publisher.
Propiedad pública UserData Gets or sets an object property that allows users to attach their own data to the object. (Se hereda de ReplicationObject).
