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Application Miembros

Discovers and accesses Package objects. It can also access collections and properties that contain information about the system.

El tipo Application expone los siguientes miembros.


  Nombre Descripción
Método publico Application Initializes a new instance of the Application class.



  Nombre Descripción
Método publico CreateFolderOnDtsServer Creates a folder on the server that appears in the Stored Packages node of the Integration Services service hierarchy.
Método publico CreateFolderOnSqlServer Creates a folder on the specified instance of SQL Server.
Método publico DataTypeInfoFromDataType Returns the DataTypeInfo object for the specified data type.
Método publico Equals Determines whether two object instances are equal. (Se hereda de DtsObject).
Método publico ExistsOnDtsServer Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the specified package already exists on the Integration Services service.
Método publico ExistsOnSqlServer Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the specified package exists on the instance of SQL Server.
Método protegido Finalize (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico FolderExistsOnDtsServer Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the specified folder already exists on the file system.
Método publico FolderExistsOnSqlServer Returns a Boolean that indicates whether the specified folder already exists on the instance of SQL Server.
Método publico GetDtsServerPackageInfos Gets a PackageInfos collection that contains the packages stored in the SSIS Package Store on an instance of SQL Server, within the specified folder.
Método publico GetDtsServerRoles Returns an array of Strings that lists the roles available for a folder.
Método publico GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance. (Se hereda de DtsObject).
Método publico GetPackageInfos Gets a PackageInfos collection that contains the packages stored in an instance of SQL Server, within the specified logical folder, by using the server name, user name, and password.
Método publico GetPackageInfos2 Infraestructura.
Método publico GetPackageRoles Returns the database roles that have read access and write access to the package. Database roles apply only to packages stored in the SQL Server msdb database.
Método publico GetRunningPackages Returns a RunningPackages collection that contains RunningPackage objects. This property is read-only.
Método publico GetServerInfo Returns the SQL Server version number of the SQL Server product installed on the target server.
Método publico GetServerVersionEx Returns the edition, product level, and other values that indicate the version of SSIS installed.
Método publico GetType (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico LoadFromDtsServer Loads a package from the specified server.
Método publico LoadFromSqlServer Loads a package from SQL Server by specifying the server name, user name, and password.
Método publico LoadFromSqlServer2 Infraestructura.
Método publico LoadPackage(String, IDTSEvents) Loads a Package from the file system.
Método publico LoadPackage(String, IDTSEvents, Boolean) Loads a Package from the file system, and specifies the threading model.
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico RemoveFolderFromDtsServer Removes the specified folder from the specified server.
Método publico RemoveFolderFromSqlServer Removes the specified folder from the specified instance of SQL Server.
Método publico RemoveFromDtsServer Removes a package from the specified server.
Método publico RemoveFromSqlServer Removes a package from the specified instance of SQL Server.
Método publico RenameFolderOnDtsServer Renames a folder on the specified instance of SQL Server.
Método publico RenameFolderOnSqlServer Renames a folder on the specified instance of SQL Server.
Método publico SaveToDtsServer Saves a package to the file system.
Método publico SaveToSqlServer Saves a package to an instance of SQL Server.
Método publico SaveToSqlServerAs Saves a package to an instance of SQL Server with a new name.
Método publico SaveToXml Saves the XML definition of a package to a file.
Método publico SetPackageRoles Sets the database roles that have read access and write access to the package. Database roles apply only to package stored in the SQL Server msdb database.
Método publico ToString (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico Upgrade Upgrades one or more Integration Services packages from a specified source location to a specified destination location.



  Nombre Descripción
Propiedad pública CheckSignatureOnLoad Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the runtime should check the digital signature of the package when loading the package.
Propiedad pública ComponentStorePath Returns the path where pipeline components are stored. This property is read-only.
Propiedad pública ConnectionInfos Returns a ConnectionInfos collection that contains ConnectionInfo objects. This property is read-only.
Propiedad pública DataTypeInfos Returns a DataTypeInfos collection that contains DataTypeInfo objects. This property is read-only.
Propiedad pública DBProviderInfos Returns a DBProviderInfos collection that contains DBProviderInfo objects in the application. This property is read-only.
Propiedad pública ForEachEnumeratorInfos Returns a ForEachEnumeratorInfos collection that contains ForEachEnumeratorInfo objects. This property is read-only.
Propiedad pública LogProviderInfos Returns a LogProviderInfos collection that contains LogProviderInfo objects. This property is read-only.
Propiedad pública PackagePassword Sets the value of the password for the package. This property is write-only.
Propiedad pública PackageUpgradeOptions Gets or sets a value that indicates which upgrade options will be applied to a collection of Integration Services packages during the upgrade process.
Propiedad pública PipelineComponentInfos Returns a PipelineComponentInfos collection that contains PipelineComponentInfo objects.
Propiedad pública TaskInfos Returns a TaskInfos collection that contains TaskInfo objects. This property is read-only.
Propiedad pública UpdateObjects *** Member deprecated; see Remarks. ***    Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether extensible objects can be updated at package load time if an updated version is found.
Propiedad pública UpdatePackage Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether packages can be updated when an updated version is found.
