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DatabaseOptions Miembros

The DatabaseOptions object represents SQL Server database options.

El tipo DatabaseOptions expone los siguientes miembros.


  Nombre Descripción
Método protegido AddDatabaseContext (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método publico Alter() () () () Updates any DatabaseOptions object property changes on the instance of SQL Server. 
Método publico Alter(TimeSpan) Updates any DatabaseOptions object property changes on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server. 
Método publico Alter(TerminationClause) Updates any DatabaseOptions object property changes on the instance of SQL Server. 
Método protegido AlterImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido AlterImplFinish (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido AlterImplInit (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido AlterImplWorker (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido BindDefaultImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido BindRuleImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CheckCollation (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CheckObjectState() () () () Validates the state of the referenced object. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CheckObjectState(Boolean) Validates the state of the referenced object with the option to specify that an exception is thrown if the object is not yet created. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CheckObjectStateImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CheckVersion100 (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CheckVersion80 Checks the validity of the object on SQL Server 2000. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CheckVersion80SP3 Checks the validity of the object on SQL Server 2000 SP3. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CheckVersion90 Check the validity of the object on SQL Server 2005. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CheckVersionBelow90 (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CleanObject (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CreateImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CreateImplFinish (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido CreateImplInit (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método publico Discover (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido DropImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido DropImplWorker (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido EnumScriptImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido EnumScriptImplWorker (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método publico Equals (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido Finalize (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido FormatSqlVariant (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GenerateDataSpaceFileStreamScript (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GenerateDataSpaceScript (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetBindDefaultScript (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetBindRuleScript (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetBoolParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%) (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetBoolParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%, Boolean) (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetDateTimeParameter (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetDateTimeParameterAsInt (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetDBName Gets the database name that is associated with the object. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetEnumParameter (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetFragOptionString (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetGuidParameter (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método publico GetHashCode (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido GetParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%) (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%, Boolean) (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetPropValue (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetPropValueOptional (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetPropValueOptionalAllowNull (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetRealValue (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetScriptingOptionsForCreate (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetServerName Gets the name of the instance of SQL Server with which the object is associated. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetServerObject (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetSqlServerVersionName Gets the version name of the instance of SQL Server with which the object is associated. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetStringParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%) (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetStringParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%, Boolean) (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetTimeSpanParameterAsInt (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método publico GetType (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido GetUrnRecursive(StringBuilder) (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido GetUrnRecursive(StringBuilder, UrnIdOption) (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido ImplInitialize (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método publico Initialize() () () () Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método publico Initialize(Boolean) Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido IsObjectDirty Verifies whether the object properties have been modified and the changes have not yet been persisted on the instance of SQL Server. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido IsObjectInitialized Verifies whether the object has been initialized. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido IsObjectInSpace Verifies whether the object is isolated or connected to the instance of SQL Server. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido IsVersion80SP3 (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido MarkDropped (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido MarkForDropImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido PostAlter (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido PostCreate (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido PostDrop (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método publico Refresh (Invalida SqlSmoObject. . :: . .Refresh() () () ().)
Método protegido ScriptAlter (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido ScriptCreate (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido ScriptDdl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido ScriptDrop (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido ScriptImpl() () () () (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido ScriptImpl(ScriptingOptions) (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido ScriptImplWorker (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido SetParentImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método publico SetSnapshotIsolation Sets the snapshot isolation level.
Método publico ToString Returns a String that represents the referenced object. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido TouchImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido UnbindDefaultImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método protegido UnbindRuleImpl (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Método publico Validate (Se hereda de SmoObjectBase).



  Nombre Descripción
Campo protegido m_ExtendedProperties (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).



  Nombre Descripción
Propiedad pública AnsiNullDefault Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT database option is active.
Propiedad pública AnsiNullsEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the ANSI_NULLS_ENABLED database option is active.
Propiedad pública AnsiPaddingEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the ANSI_PADDING_ENABLED database option is active.
Propiedad pública AnsiWarningsEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the ANSI_WARNING_ENABLED database option is active.
Propiedad pública ArithmeticAbortEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the ARITHMETICABORT database option is active.
Propiedad pública AutoClose Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the AUTOCLOSE database option is active.
Propiedad pública AutoCreateStatistics Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the AUTOCREATESTATISTICS database option is active.
Propiedad pública AutoShrink Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the AUTOSHRINK database option is active.
Propiedad pública AutoUpdateStatistics Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the AUTOUPDATESTATISTICS database option is active.
Propiedad pública AutoUpdateStatisticsAsync Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the AUTOUPDATESTATISTICSASYNC database option is active.
Propiedad pública BrokerEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the Service Broker service is enabled.
Propiedad pública CloseCursorsOnCommitEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT database option is active.
Propiedad pública ConcatenateNullYieldsNull Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL database option is active.
Propiedad pública DatabaseOwnershipChaining Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the database ownership chaining is active.
Propiedad pública DateCorrelationOptimization Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the date correlation optimization is active.
Propiedad protegida ExecuteForScalar Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object is set to the execute for scalar option. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Propiedad pública IsParameterizationForced Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether parameterization is forced on the database.
Propiedad protegida IsTouched Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object properties have been updated but not yet persisted on the server. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Propiedad pública LocalCursorsDefault Gets the Boolean value that specifies whether the local server cursors are used by default.
Propiedad pública MirroringRedoQueueMaxSize Gets or sets the maximum size of the redo queue of the mirror server instance in KB.
Propiedad pública MirroringTimeout Gets or sets the maximum time, in seconds, that the principal server instance waits for a PING message from another instance in the mirroring session before assuming the other instance is disconnected.
Propiedad pública NumericRoundAbortEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether the NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT database option is active.
Propiedad protegida ObjectInSpace Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object exists in isolation, or whether it is directly or indirectly connected to the instance of SQL Server. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Propiedad pública PageVerify Specifies the type of page integrity check that Microsoft SQL Server performs when reading database pages.
Propiedad pública Parent Gets the Database object that is the parent of the DatabaseOptions object.
Propiedad pública Properties
Propiedad pública QuotedIdentifiersEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether identifiers delimited by double quotation marks (" ") are Transact-SQL reserved keywords or contain characters not usually allowed by the Transact-SQL syntax rules.
Propiedad pública ReadOnly Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the database is read-only.
Propiedad pública RecoveryModel Gets or sets the recovery model for the database.
Propiedad pública RecursiveTriggersEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that specifies whether recursive triggers are enabled on the database.
Propiedad protegida ScalarResult Gets the scalar result for the referenced object. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Propiedad pública SnapshotIsolationState Gets the snapshot isolation state for the database.
Propiedad pública State Gets the state of the referenced object. (Se hereda de SmoObjectBase).
Propiedad pública Trustworthy The TRUSTWORTHY database property is used to indicate whether the instance of SQL Server trusts the database and the contents within it.
Propiedad pública Urn Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object. (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Propiedad pública UserAccess Gets or sets the database user access.
Propiedad pública UserData Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. (Se hereda de SmoObjectBase).



  Nombre Descripción
Evento público PropertyChanged (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Evento público PropertyMetadataChanged (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).


Implementaciones de interfaces explícitas

  Nombre Descripción
Implementación de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado IAlienObjectDiscover (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Implementación de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado IAlienObjectGetParent (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Implementación de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado IAlienObjectGetProperty (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Implementación de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado ISfcPropertyProviderGetPropertySet (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Implementación de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado IAlienObjectGetUrn (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Implementación de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado IAlienObjectResolve (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
Implementación de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado IAlienObjectSetProperty (Se hereda de SqlSmoObject).
