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TraceTable Miembros

The TraceTable class is a Trace object that represents a table of trace information.

El tipo TraceTable expone los siguientes miembros.


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Método publico TraceTable Initializes a new instance of the TraceTable class.



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Método publico Close Closes the trace reader and writer. (Se hereda de TraceReaderWriter).
Método publico Dispose Deletes the trace reader information. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico Equals (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido Finalize (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico GetBoolean Returns a Boolean value from the record at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetByte Returns a Byte value from the record at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetBytes Gets a stream of bytes from the specified column offset into the buffer as an array, starting at the given buffer offset. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetChar Gets a character value of the specified column. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetChars(Int32, array<Char> [] () [] [], Int32, Int32, Int32) Gets a character array value from the record at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetChars(Int32, Int64, array<Char> [] () [] [], Int32, Int32) Gets a character array value from the record at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetData Returns IDataReader object used when the field points to a remote data structure. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetDataTypeName Gets the data type of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetDateTime Gets a DateTime value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetDecimal Gets a Decimal value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetDouble Gets a floating point value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetFieldType Returns the field type of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetFloat Gets a floating point value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetGuid Gets a Guid system value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetHashCode (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico GetInt16 Gets a small integer value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetInt32 Gets an integer value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetInt64 Gets a long integer value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetName Gets the name of the field at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetOrdinal Gets the ordinal value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetSchemaTable Gets a table that describes the schema. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetStream Gets the stream of data. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetString Gets a String value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetTimeSpan Gets a TimeSpan value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetType (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico GetValue Gets a value of the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico GetValues Gets an array of values from the data value at the specified column position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico InitializeAsReader Initializes a new instance of the TraceTable class for reading trace data.
Método publico InitializeAsReplayOutputWriter Initializes a new instance of the TraceTable class for writing replay trace information.
Método publico InitializeAsWriter Initializes the specified TraceTable object for reading trace data from a TraceReader object, analyzing the data, and writing data to the referenced trace table.
Método publico IsDBNull Specifies whether the specified column is set to null. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico IsNull Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether value of the data at the specified column position is null. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico NextResult Moves to the next result in the trace. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico Read Reads the trace record. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico ToString (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico TranslateSubclass Translates the sub class. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Método publico Write Writes the trace to the trace file or the trace table. (Se hereda de TraceReaderWriter).



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Campo protegido currentRow Specifies the current row. (Se hereda de TraceReader).



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Propiedad pública Depth Gets the depth value for the trace reader. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Propiedad pública FieldCount Gets the number of columns in the data. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Propiedad pública IsClosed Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the trace reader is closed. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Propiedad pública Item[ ( [ ( Int32] ) ] ) Gets the column specified by the index position. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Propiedad pública Item[ ( [ ( String] ) ] ) Gets the column with the specified name. (Se hereda de TraceReader).
Propiedad pública RecordsAffected Gets the number of records of data. (Se hereda de TraceReader).



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Evento público WriteNotify Raises an event when the trace is written to the trace file or trace table. (Se hereda de TraceReaderWriter).
