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ReportParameter.PromptUser Propiedad

Indicates whether the user is prompted for the value of the parameter.

Espacio de nombres:  ReportExecution2005
Ensamblado:  ReportExecution2005 (en ReportExecution2005.dll)


Public Property PromptUser As Boolean 
Dim instance As ReportParameter 
Dim value As Boolean 

value = instance.PromptUser

instance.PromptUser = value
public bool PromptUser { get; set; }
property bool PromptUser {
    bool get ();
    void set (bool value);
member PromptUser : bool with get, set
function get PromptUser () : boolean 
function set PromptUser (value : boolean)

Valor de la propiedad

Tipo: System.Boolean
A Boolean value.


Report parameters that contain a value of false for the PromptUser property cannot be submitted as input arguments to the Render method and cannot be used in URL access. If you submit a value for the parameter in this case an error is returned.

The value for the PromptUser property can be omitted. To omit this property, set the PromptUserSpecified property to false. If you set a value for the PromptUser property, you must also set the PromptUserSpecified property to true.

Vea también


ReportParameter Clase

Espacio de nombres ReportExecution2005