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Espacio de nombres Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Services.DataContracts

Provides a common location for data contract namespace constants. As new versions are released with modified data contracts, new constants should be added.


  Clase Descripción
Clase pública Annotation Represents an annotation.
Clase pública Attribute Represents a master data attribute including its identification and data value.
Clase pública AttributeGroup Defines the data contract for the attribute group.
Clase pública AuditInfo Defines the data contract for the audit information which contains created by and updated by information.
Clase pública BRAction Represents an action argument within a created business rule.
Clase pública BRActionComponent Represents an action component of business rules.
Clase pública BRActionGroup Represents a group of related business rules action components currently available for use in Master Data Services.
Clase pública BRArgument Represents the base class for all business rule arguments. This class is abstract.
Clase pública BRAttributeArgument Represents an attribute argument that cannot have child arguments.
Clase pública BRAttributeArgumentBase Represents the base class for arguments that reference attributes. This class is abstract.
Clase pública BRAttributeTypeInfo Represents the type information for business rule attributes.
Clase pública BRAttributeValueArgument Represents a business rule attribute value argument.
Clase pública BRBlankArgument Represents a specialized argument for providing blank as a value in conditions and validation action.
Clase pública BRCondition Represents the conditions to be evaluated to trigger actions defined in a created business rule.
Clase pública BRConditionComponent Represents a rule item type component that is a condition.
Clase pública BRConditionGroup Represents a group of condition components of business rules.
Clase pública BRConditionTreeNode Represents a logical operator group for conditions.
Clase pública BRDeleteCriteria Represents the criteria for the delete operation.
Clase pública BRDomainBasedAttributeArgument Represents an attribute argument that has a child attribute argument.
Clase pública BRFreeformArgument Represents a business rule free-form argument.
Clase pública BRGetCriteria Represents the criteria for the Get operation.
Clase pública BRHierarchyArgument Represents a hierarchy argument that must have a child attribute argument.
Clase pública BRItem Represents a base class for actions and conditions.
Clase pública BRItemTypeComponent Represents an abstract base class for item type components (condition and action items).
Clase pública BRPublishCriteria Represents the criteria for the Publish operation.
Clase pública BRResultOptions Identifies the level of detail desired from the Get operation for each of the internal BusinessRuleSet collections.
Clase pública BusinessRule Represents a business rule.
Clase pública BusinessRuleSet Represents a business rule set.
Clase pública BusinessRulesPalette Represents a collection of all possible actions and conditions used for building business rules within the MDS system.
Clase pública Collection Represents a collection of data contracts.
Clase pública DataContractBase Represents a base class for all data contracts.
Clase pública DataContractNamespace Provides a common location for data contract namespace constants. As new versions are released with modified data contracts, new constants should be added.
Clase pública DataQualityDomain Infraestructura. Represents the data quality domain.
Clase pública DataSourceFieldMapping Infraestructura. Represents the field mapping for the data source.
Clase pública DateMatchingCriterion Infraestructura. Represents the criteria for date matching.
Clase pública DerivedHierarchy Defines the data contract for the derived hierarchy.
Clase pública DerivedHierarchyContextIdentifier Defines the data contract for the derived hierarchy context identifier. An object with the identifier resides within the context of a derived hierarchy.
Clase pública DerivedHierarchyLevel Defines the data contract for the derived hierarchy level.
Clase pública EditionExpiredMessage Represents the message displayed when the edition has expired.
Clase pública Entity Defines the data contract for the entity.
Clase pública EntityContextIdentifier Defines the data contract for the entity context identifier. An object with the identifier resides within the context of an entity.
Clase pública EntityMembers Represents the entity members of the data contract.
Clase pública EntityMembersCopyCriteria Represents the criteria of members to copy.
Clase pública EntityMembersGetCriteria Represents the criteria to get members.
Clase pública EntityMembersInformation Represents a complex type data response returned to describe the EntityMembers result set that is returned in the same response.
Clase pública EntityMemberType Represents a structure of an entity within MDS including Attributes and attribute groups.
Clase pública EntityStagingBatch Infraestructura. Identifies a unique batch awaiting or undergoing entity based staging.
Clase pública EntityStagingBatchCriteria Infraestructura. Represents a criteria of a unique batch awaiting or undergoing entity based staging.
Clase pública EntityStagingGetCriteria Infraestructura. Represents the criteria that determine the behavior of the EntityStagingGet service call.
Clase pública Error Represents a data contracts error message.
Clase pública ErrorContext Represents the context of errors.
Clase pública ExactMatchingCriterion Infraestructura. Represents the criteria for exact matching.
Clase pública ExplicitHierarchy Defines the data contract for the explicit hierarchy.
Clase pública ExportView Represents the information related to the user-created view within the Master Data Services system. These views are created to provide simplified SQL access to the data stored in the Master Data Services system in a number of common formats.
Clase pública FileAttribute Represents the attribute of file.
Clase pública FunctionPrivilege Defines a data contract for the function permissions.
Clase pública FunctionPrivilegesCriteria Represents the criteria for function privileges.
Clase pública Group Defines the data contract for the group.
Clase pública HierarchyMemberPrivilege Defines the data contract for the hierarchy member permission.
Clase pública HierarchyMemberPrivilegesCriteria Represents the criteria for hierarchy member privileges.
Clase pública HierarchyMembers Represents a class used by HierarchyMembersGet.
Clase pública HierarchyMembersGetCriteria Represents the criteria that are used by HierarchyMembersGet.
Clase pública Identifier Defines the data contract for the base identifier of an object.
Clase pública International Represents the data contract for the international message header, as per the working draft standard for Web Services Internationalization WS-I18N.
Clase pública Knowledgebase Infraestructura. Represents the knowledge base.
Clase pública MatchingCriterion Infraestructura. Represents the criteria for matching.
Clase pública MatchingPolicy Infraestructura. Represents the matching policy for the service.
Clase pública MatchingRule Infraestructura. Specifies a single rule in a matching policy.
Clase pública MdmDataContract<TIdType> Defines the base data contract.
Clase pública Member Represents a master data member or row of data used to store the member related information.
Clase pública MemberAttributeIdentifier Defines the data contract for the member attribute identifier. An object with the identifier resides within the context of a member type and an attribute.
Clase pública MemberIdentifier Defines the data contract for the member identifier.
Clase pública MemberKey Represents a class used in the EntityMemberKeyGet operation.
Clase pública MemberSourceTarget Represents a MemberSourceTarget complex type containing members to be copied.
Clase pública MemberTypeContextIdentifier Defines the data contract for the member type context identifier. An object with the identifier resides within the context of a member type.
Clase pública Metadata Defines the data contract for metadata, which is used in several metadata API requests and responses.
Clase pública MetadataAttribute Defines the data contract for the metadata attribute.
Clase pública MetadataResultOptions Defines the data contract for MetadataResultOptions.
Clase pública MetadataSearchCriteria Represents the criteria for the MetadataGet operation. Each parameter is optional; those specified are combined with an AND. Leave all parameters empty to get all metadata.
Clase pública Model Defines the data contract for the model.
Clase pública ModelContextIdentifier Defines the data contract for the model context identifier. An object with the identifier resides within the context of a model.
Clase pública ModelMembersGetCriteria Represents a class used by ModelMembersGet.
Clase pública ModelMembersResultCriteria Represents criteria for model member results.
Clase pública ModelPrivilege Defines the data contract for the model permission.
Clase pública ModelPrivilegesCriteria Defines the data contract for the security result criteria.
Clase pública NumericByDifferenceMatchingCriterion Infraestructura. Represents the criteria for matching numeric by difference.
Clase pública NumericByPercentageMatchingCriterion Infraestructura. Represents the criteria for matching numeric by percentage.
Clase pública NumericMatchingCriterion Infraestructura. Represents the criteria for numeric matching.
Clase pública OperationResult Represents a standard container for all operation responses that includes a list of errors.
Clase pública Parent Represents a parent member used by all the member related operations.
Clase pública ParentChild Represents a parent-child relationship record from a hierarchy.
Clase pública PrerequisiteMatchingCriterion Infraestructura. Represents the criteria for prerequisite matching.
Clase pública ReplacementId Represents a response complex type that defines an individual Transaction that was replaced during the operation, including prior and new identifiers.
Clase pública SecurityDeleteCriteria Defines the data contract for the security delete criteria.
Clase pública SecurityPrincipals Defines the data contract for the security principals.
Clase pública SecurityPrincipalsCriteria Defines the data contract for the security principals criteria.
Clase pública SecurityPrincipalsDeleteCriteria Represents the criteria data contract for filtering security principals to be deleted through the Master Data Services API.
Clase pública SecurityPrivileges Defines the data contract for the security search criteria.
Clase pública SecurityPrivilegesDeleteCriteria Represents the criteria data contract for security privileges in the Master Data Services API.
Clase pública SecurityPrivilegesGetCriteria Represents the data contract for security privileges retrieval criteria in the Master Data Services API.
Clase pública SecurityResultOptions Defines the data contract for the security results options.
Clase pública SecuritySet Defines the data contract for the security search criteria.
Clase pública SimilarMatchingCriterion Infraestructura. Represents the criteria for similar matching.
Clase pública StagingBatch Represents a container used to store all the staging batch information.
Clase pública StagingBatchError Represents the error information for a batch.
Clase pública StagingBatchInformation Represents a read-only container for statistical information about a staging batch including row counts, data source, and prior batch.
Clase pública StagingResultCriteria Represents the criteria for the staging batch result.
Clase pública StagingSearchCriteria Defines the criteria for staging batch types.
Clase pública StagingUnbatchedCriteria Represents the criteria used to identify records to be placed into a new batch.
Clase pública StagingUnbatchedInformation Represents the summary information about the unbatched records in the system.
Clase pública StringMatchingCriterion Infraestructura. Represents the criteria for string matching.
Clase pública SystemDomainList Defines the data contract for a system domain list.
Clase pública SystemDomainListGetCriteria Represents the criteria for the SystemDomainListGet operation.
Clase pública SystemDomainListItem Defines the data contract for a system domain list item.
Clase pública SystemPropertyValue Defines the data contract for system properties.
Clase pública SystemSetting Represents a single setting within the Administrador de datos maestros system. These settings should be members of a SystemSettingGroup.
Clase pública SystemSettingGroup Defines the data contract for a system setting group. Related system settings are placed in the same group.
Clase pública SystemSettingsGetCriteria Represents the criteria of a system settings group for retrieval.
Clase pública TabularColumnDefinition Infraestructura. Describes a single column in a tabular data.
Clase pública TabularData Infraestructura. Represents rows and columns of data.
Clase pública TabularDataRow Infraestructura. Represents a single row of data in a tabular data.
Clase pública Transaction Represents any master data changes along with user and time information that is associated with the change.
Clase pública TransactionSearchCriteria Represents the criteria used to get the Administrador de datos maestros transactions.
Clase pública User Defines the data contract for the user object.
Clase pública ValidationIssue Represents a validation issue recorded against a master data member and attribute based on a validation business rule.
Clase pública ValidationProcessCriteria Represents the criteria for the validation process.
Clase pública ValidationProcessOptions Represents the validation process options.
Clase pública ValidationProcessResult Represents the result of a validation process.
Clase pública ValidationSearchCriteria Represents the criteria when searching for validation issues.
Clase pública ValidationSummaryItem Represents the summary information related to the data that was validated.
Clase pública Version Defines the data contract for the version. Member data is associated with a version.
Clase pública VersionFlag Defines the data contract for the version flag.
Clase pública WeightedMatchingCriterion Infraestructura. Represents the criteria for weighted matching.


  Interfaz Descripción
Interfaz pública IBRArgument Represents the interface for all business rule arguments.
Interfaz pública IBRAttributeArgumentContainer Represents an interface for BRArguments that contain an attribute argument, either as the argument itself or as a child argument.
Interfaz pública IBRAttributeArgumentParent Represents an interface for BRArguments that can have a child attribute argument.


  Enumeración Descripción
Enumeración pública AttributeDataType Specifies the data types of a member attribute.
Enumeración pública AttributeType Specifies the type of an attribute.
Enumeración pública AttributeValueType Specifies the value types of a member attribute.
Enumeración pública BREntityMemberType Specifies the type of entity member associated with a business rule.
Enumeración pública BRItemType Specifies the selected business rule condition or action.
Enumeración pública BRPropertyName Specifies the name identifying a property within a business rule component.
Enumeración pública BRPropertyType Specifies the business rule property types.
Enumeración pública BRStatus Specifies the update and publication status of a business rule.
Enumeración pública BusinessRuleType Contains values that specify the business rule type.
Enumeración pública DisplayType Contains values specifying the chosen display format for domain-based attribute columns [Code, Code {Name}, Name {Code}].
Enumeración pública DomainType Infraestructura. Enumerates the possible types of a domain.
Enumeración pública EmailFormat Specifies the email format types.
Enumeración pública EntityStagingBatchSelectionMode Specifies an entity staging batch selection mode.
Enumeración pública EntityStagingImportType Infraestructura. Specifies the entity staging import type.
Enumeración pública ExportViewFormat Specifies the types of export view format.
Enumeración pública FunctionalArea Specifies the types of functional area.
Enumeración pública GroupType Specifies the type (source) of a security group.
Enumeración pública HierarchyItemType Specifies the type of item in a derived hierarchy level.
Enumeración pública HierarchyType Specifies the type of hierarchy.
Enumeración pública LogicalOperator Specifies the supported logical operators used to join multiple business rule conditions.
Enumeración pública MemberKeyLookupType Enumerates the types of key supplied in a member lookup.
Enumeración pública MemberReturnOption Specifies one of Data, Counts, or DataAndCounts. The operation response will include member data only, member counts only or both the data and the counts as specified.
Enumeración pública MemberType Specifies the type of member for an entity and its associated objects.
Enumeración pública ModelObjectType Specifies the model permission types.
Enumeración pública ObjectType Specifies the type of master data management (MDM) object.
Enumeración pública OperationStatus Infraestructura. Contains values specifying the status of an operation.
Enumeración pública Permission Specifies the permission that is assigned to a principal for accessing an Master Data Services function, object or data member.
Enumeración pública PermissionType Specifies the permission type of a master data management (MDM) object.
Enumeración pública PrincipalType Specifies the various master data management (MDM) type of security principal.
Enumeración pública RelationshipType Specifies the type of hierarchy relationship between members.
Enumeración pública ResultType Specifies the type of results to return during API get operations.
Enumeración pública SearchOption Specifies the search options to use during API get operations.
Enumeración pública SecurityPermission Contains values specifying the effective security permission for a user of an MDS object.
Enumeración pública SecurityResolutionType Specifies the resolution specification when returning security permissions. Permissions may be retrieved as they were assigned or in a net effective list of permissions.
Enumeración pública SortDirection Specifies the sort direction of a sorted column.
Enumeración pública StagingBatchDeleteType Contains values specifying the type of deletion to process on staging batches.
Enumeración pública StagingBatchStatus Contains values specifying the processing status of a staging (import) batch.
Enumeración pública StagingDataStatus Contains values specifying a status indicating the success or failure of staging records.
Enumeración pública StagingDataType Contains values specifying the staging data type.
Enumeración pública SystemPropertyType Specifies the possible SystemPropertyValue property types.
Enumeración pública TransactionType Specifies the type of member change identified in a transaction.
Enumeración pública ValidationIssueStatus Contains values specifying the validation issue status.
Enumeración pública ValidationStatus Contains values specifying the validation status of a master data member.
Enumeración pública VersionStatus Specifies the status of a version.
Enumeración pública VersionValidationStatus Specifies the validation status of a version.