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Clase BackupSet

Represents the backup set.

Jerarquía de herencia


Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (en Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class BackupSet
Dim instance As BackupSet
public sealed class BackupSet
public ref class BackupSet sealed
type BackupSet =  class end
public final class BackupSet

El tipo BackupSet expone los siguientes miembros.


  Nombre Descripción
Propiedad pública BackupFinishDate Gets the date and time the backup operation finished.
Propiedad pública BackupMediaSet Gets the backup media set.
Propiedad pública BackupSetGuid Gets the unique backup set identification number that identifies the backup set.
Propiedad pública BackupSetType Gets the backup set type whose value can be Database, Differential, Log, FileOrFilegroup.
Propiedad pública BackupSize Gets the size of the backup set, in bytes.
Propiedad pública BackupStartDate Gets the date and time when the backup operation started.
Propiedad pública BeginsLogChain Gets a value that indicates whether the backup set is the first in a continuous chain of log backups.
Propiedad pública CheckpointLsn Gets the log sequence number of the log record where redo must start.
Propiedad pública CompressedBackupSize Gets the total byte count of the backup stored on disk.
Propiedad pública DatabaseBackupLsn Gets the log sequence number of the most recent full database backup.
Propiedad pública DatabaseGuid Gets the unique ID of the database where the backup was taken.
Propiedad pública DatabaseName Gets the name of the database involved in the backup operation.
Propiedad pública Description Gets the description of the backup set.
Propiedad pública DifferentialBaseGuid Gets the unique identifier of the differential base for a single-based differential backup.
Propiedad pública DifferentialBaseLsn Gets the base log sequence number for differential backups.
Propiedad pública ExpirationDate Gets the date and time the backup set expires.
Propiedad pública FamilyGuid Unique ID of the original database at creation.
Propiedad pública FirstLsn Gets the log sequence number of the first or oldest log record in the backup set.
Propiedad pública FirstRecoveryForkID Gets the ID of the starting recovery fork.
Propiedad pública ForkPointLsn Gets the log sequence number of the fork point, if FirstRecoveryForkID is not equal to last RecoveryForkID.
Propiedad pública HasBulkLoggedData Gets a value that indicates whether the backup contains bulk-logged data.
Propiedad pública HasIncompleteMetaData Gets a value that indicates whether the backup is a tail log backup with incomplete metadata.
Propiedad pública IsCopyOnly Gets a value that indicates whether the backup set is copy-only.
Propiedad pública IsDamaged Gets a value that indicates whether damage to the database was detected when this backup was created, and the backup operation was requested to continue despite errors.
Propiedad pública IsForceOffline Gets a value that indicates whether the database was offline when the backup was taken.
Propiedad pública IsReadOnly Gets a value that indicates whether the database was read-only at the time of backup.
Propiedad pública IsSnapshot Gets a value that indicates whether the backup was taken using the SNAPSHOT option.
Propiedad pública LastLsn Gets the log sequence number of the next log record after the backup set.
Propiedad pública MachineName Gets the name of the computer where the backup was taken.
Propiedad pública Name Gets name of the backup set.
Propiedad pública Position Gets the backup set position used in the restore operation to locate the position of appropriate backup set in the file.
Propiedad pública RecoveryForkID Gets the ID of the ending recovery fork.
Propiedad pública ServerName Gets the name of the server where the backup was taken.
Propiedad pública ServerVersion Gets the Microsoft SQL Server version where the backup was taken.
Propiedad pública SoftwareVendorId Gets the identification number of the software vendor writing the backup media header.
Propiedad pública UserName Gets the name of the user who performed the backup operation.



  Nombre Descripción
Método público Equals (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público GetHashCode (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público GetType (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público ToString (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público Verify Verifies the backup set.


Seguridad para subprocesos

Cualquier miembro público static (Shared en Visual Basic) de este tipo es seguro para subprocesos. No se garantiza que los miembros de instancia sean seguros para subprocesos.

Vea también


Espacio de nombres Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo