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Representación de indicadores de rendimiento clave (tabular)

Los KPI se usan para medir el rendimiento de un valor, definido por una medida base, con respecto a un valor de destino.

Representación de indicadores clave de rendimiento

En los modelos de objetos tabulares, un indicador clave de rendimiento (KPI) es una medida con información adicional para que la aplicación cliente la muestre gráficamente. Un KPI normalmente tiene información sobre el objetivo que se pretende obtener, el estado de la medida en comparación con el objetivo e información para que la herramienta cliente sepa cómo va a mostrar gráficamente el estado.

Indicador clave de rendimiento en AMO

Cuando se usa AMO para administrar un KPI de modelo tabular, no hay una correspondencia uno a uno entre los objetos de los KPI de AMO; el objeto Kpi de AMO no se usa con este fin. En AMO, en los modelos tabulares, los KPI se representan mediante una serie de objetos creados en uno de los elementos de la colección de Commands y de CalculationProperties.

En el fragmento de código siguiente se muestra cómo se crea una de las múltiples definiciones de KPI posibles.

        private void addStaticKPI(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double KPIGoal = 0, status1ThresholdValue = 0, status2ThresholdValue = 0
                , redAreaValue = 0, yellowAreaValue = 0, greenAreaValue = 0;
            string clientStatusGraphicImageName = "Three Circles Colored";

            //Verify input requirements
            //Goal values
            if (staticTargetKPI.Checked)
            {//Static KPI Goal selected
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staticTargetKPIGoal.Text)
                    || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(staticTargetKPIGoal.Text)
                    || !double.TryParse(staticTargetKPIGoal.Text, out KPIGoal))
                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Static Goal is not defined or is not a valid number."), "AMO to Tabular message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            {//Measure KPI Goal selected
                if (!TargetMeasureForKPISelected)
                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Measure Goal is not selected."), "AMO to Tabular message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstStatusThresholdValue.Text)
                || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstStatusThresholdValue.Text)
                || !double.TryParse(firstStatusThresholdValue.Text, out status1ThresholdValue)
                || string.IsNullOrEmpty(secondStatusThresholdValue.Text)
                || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(secondStatusThresholdValue.Text)
                || !double.TryParse(secondStatusThresholdValue.Text, out status2ThresholdValue))
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Status Threshold are not defined or they are not a valid number."), "AMO to Tabular message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusValueRedArea.Text)
                || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(statusValueRedArea.Text)
                || !double.TryParse(statusValueRedArea.Text, out redAreaValue)
                || string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusValueYellowArea.Text)
                || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(statusValueYellowArea.Text)
                || !double.TryParse(statusValueYellowArea.Text, out yellowAreaValue)
                || string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusValueGreenArea.Text)
                || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(statusValueGreenArea.Text)
                || !double.TryParse(statusValueGreenArea.Text, out greenAreaValue))
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Status Area values are not defined or they are not a valid number."), "AMO to Tabular message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //Set working variables
            string kpiTableName = ((DataRowView)MeasuresInModelList.CheckedItems[0])[0].ToString();
            string kpiMeasureName = ((DataRowView)MeasuresInModelList.CheckedItems[0])[1].ToString();

            //Verify if KPI is already defined
            if (modelCube.MdxScripts["MdxScript"].CalculationProperties.Contains(string.Format("KPIs.[{0}]", kpiMeasureName)))
                //ToDo: Verify with the user if wants to update KPI or exit
                //If user wants to update then remove KPI from mdxScripts and continue with the creating the KPI
                // Until the code to remove KPI is finished we'll have to exit with a message of no duplicated KPIs are allowed
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Another KPI exists for the same measeure."), "AMO to Tabular message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            StringBuilder kpiCommand = new StringBuilder();

            AMO.MdxScript mdxScript = modelCube.MdxScripts["MdxScript"];

            string goalExpression;
            if (staticTargetKPI.Checked)
            {//Static KPI Goal selected
                goalExpression = KPIGoal.ToString();
            {//Measure KPI Goal selected
                string measureGoalMeasureName = ((DataRowView)KpiTargetMeasures.CheckedItems[0])[1].ToString();
                goalExpression = string.Format("[Measures].[{0}]", measureGoalMeasureName);

            kpiCommand.AppendLine(string.Format("CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.Measures.[_{1} Goal] AS '{2}', ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = '{0}';"
                    , kpiTableName, kpiMeasureName, goalExpression));

            string statusExpression;
            if (staticTargetKPI.Checked)
            {//Static KPI Goal selected
                statusExpression = string.Format("KpiValue(\"{0}\")", kpiMeasureName).Trim();
            {//Measure KPI Goal selected
                string measureGoalMeasureName = ((DataRowView)KpiTargetMeasures.CheckedItems[0])[1].ToString().Trim();

                string M = string.Format("[Measures].[{0}]", kpiMeasureName);
                string T = string.Format("[Measures].[{0}]", measureGoalMeasureName);

                if (KpiRelationDifference.Checked)
                    statusExpression = string.Format("{1} - {0}", M, T);
                    if (KpiRelationRatioMT.Checked)
                        statusExpression = string.Format("{0} / {1}", M, T);
                        statusExpression = string.Format("{1} / {0}", M, T);
            kpiCommand.AppendLine(string.Format("CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.Measures.[_{1} Status] "
                                                      + " AS 'Case When IsEmpty({9}) Then Null "
                                                               + " When ({9}) {2} {3} Then {4} "
                                                               + " When ({9}) {5} {6} Then {7} "
                                                               + " Else {8} End'"
                                                      + ", ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = '{0}';"
                , kpiTableName, kpiMeasureName // 0, 1
                , statusThreshold1ComparisonOperator.Text, status1ThresholdValue, redAreaValue // 2, 3, 4
                , statusThreshold2ComparisonOperator.Text, status2ThresholdValue, yellowAreaValue, greenAreaValue // 5, 6, 7, 8
                , statusExpression // 9

            kpiCommand.AppendLine(string.Format("CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.Measures.[_{1} Trend] AS '0', ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = '{0}';"
                , kpiTableName, kpiMeasureName));

            kpiCommand.AppendLine(string.Format("CREATE KPI CURRENTCUBE.[{1}] AS Measures.[{1}]"
                                                       + ", ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = '{0}'"
                                                       + ", GOAL = Measures.[_{1} Goal]"
                                                       + ", STATUS = Measures.[_{1} Status]"
                                                       + ", TREND = Measures.[_{1} Trend]"
                                                       + ", STATUS_GRAPHIC = '{2}'"
                                                       + ", TREND_GRAPHIC = '{2}';"
                , kpiTableName, kpiMeasureName, clientStatusGraphicImageName));

            {//Adding Calculation Reference for the Measure itself
                if (!mdxScript.CalculationProperties.Contains(kpiMeasureName))
                    AMO.CalculationProperty cp = new AMO.CalculationProperty(kpiMeasureName, AMO.CalculationType.Member);
                    cp.FormatString = ""; // ToDo: Get formatting attributes for the member
                    cp.Visible = true;
            {//Adding Calculation Reference for the Goal measure
                AMO.CalculationProperty cp = new AMO.CalculationProperty(string.Format("Measures.[_{0} Goal]", kpiMeasureName), AMO.CalculationType.Member);
                cp.FormatString = ""; // ToDo: Get formatting attributes for the member
                cp.Visible = false;

            {//Adding Calculation Reference for the Status measure
                AMO.CalculationProperty cp = new AMO.CalculationProperty(string.Format("Measures.[_{0} Status]", kpiMeasureName), AMO.CalculationType.Member);
                cp.FormatString = ""; // ToDo: Get formatting attributes for the member
                cp.Visible = false;

            {//Adding Calculation Reference for the Status measure
                AMO.CalculationProperty cp = new AMO.CalculationProperty(string.Format("Measures.[_{0} Trend]", kpiMeasureName), AMO.CalculationType.Member);
                cp.FormatString = ""; // ToDo: Get formatting attributes for the member
                cp.Visible = false;

            {//Adding Calculation Reference for the KPI
                AMO.CalculationProperty cp = new AMO.CalculationProperty(string.Format("KPIs.[{0}]", kpiMeasureName), AMO.CalculationType.Member);
                cp.FormatString = ""; // ToDo: Get formatting attributes for the member
                cp.Visible = true;
                newDatabase.Update(AMO.UpdateOptions.ExpandFull, AMO.UpdateMode.UpdateOrCreate);
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("KPI successfully defined."), "AMO to Tabular message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            catch (AMO.OperationException amoOperationException)
                //ToDo: remove anything left in mdxScript up to the point where the exception was thrown
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error creating KPI for Measure '{0}'[{1}]\nError message: {2}", kpiTableName, kpiMeasureName, amoOperationException.Message), "AMO to Tabular message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);


Ejemplo AMO2Tabular

Para obtener una descripción acerca de cómo se usa AMO para crear y manipular representaciones de indicadores clave de rendimiento, vea el código fuente del ejemplo AMO a tabular. Revise específicamente el siguiente archivo de código fuente: AddKPIs.cs. El ejemplo está disponible en Codeplex. Nota importante sobre el código: el código se proporciona solo como apoyo de los conceptos lógicos explicados aquí y no debe usarse en un entorno de producción; no debe usarse para otros fines excepto el pedagógico.