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Espacio de nombres Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces


  Clase Descripción
Clase pública ConfigurationSettingsChangedEventArgs Infraestructura. Creates argument objects when the configuration settings was changed.
Clase pública DataSourceDescriptorPropertyChangedEventArgs Infraestructura. Represents an interface that contains the data source descriptor property.
Clase pública DataSourceKinds Infraestructura. Provides an enumeration of data source kinds.
Clase pública MenuCommandEx Infraestructura. Represents an extended menu command item.


  Interfaz Descripción
Interfaz pública ICommandTarget Infraestructura. Represents the target element on which to raise the specified command.
Interfaz pública ICommandTargetMenuService Infraestructura. Represents a command target menu service.
Interfaz pública IConfigurationSettings Infraestructura. Represents a configuration settings.
Interfaz pública IConfigurationSettings2 Represents the configuration settings for the active VS configuration.
Interfaz pública IDataSourceDescriptor Infraestructura. Represents a data source descriptor.
Interfaz pública IDataSourceDescriptorProvider Infraestructura. Represents a data source descriptor provider.
Interfaz pública IDataSourceDescriptorService Infraestructura. Represents the data source interface class with descriptor service.
Interfaz pública IDeploymentModuleResolver Infraestructura. Displays the module resolver to be use under this class.
Interfaz pública IDesignerToolWindow Infraestructura. Represents an interface of designer tool for the specified window.
Interfaz pública IDesignerToolWindowAwareControl Infraestructura. Defines a designer tool control for window.
Interfaz pública IDesignerToolWindowEvents Infraestructura. Specifies the events for designer tool window.
Interfaz pública IDesignerToolWindowFactory Infraestructura. Represents a designer tool window factory.
Interfaz pública IDesignerToolWindowService Infraestructura. Represents a designer tool window service.
Interfaz pública IDWDesignerService Infraestructura. Represents a designer service for the data warehouse.
Interfaz pública IMiningModelDrillThroughHandler Controls how the results of a drillthrough operation are displayed.
Interfaz pública IMiningModelViewerControl Infraestructura. Represents a viewer control for mining model.
Interfaz pública IMiningModelViewerControl2 Extends an interface for IMiningModelViewerControl which supports passing an DbConnection object in addition to a connection string.
Interfaz pública IRootCommandTargetProvider Infraestructura. Represents a root command interface that provides target objects.


  Delegado Descripción
Delegado público ConfigurationSettingsChangedEventHandler Infraestructura. Defines a delegate that will handle the event when configuration settings changed.
Delegado público DataSourceDescriptorPropertyChangedEventHandler Infraestructura. Represents an event handler when the data source decriptior property was changed.
Delegado público TransformConfigurationValueCallback Defines a delegate that is used in transform operations of configuration settings.


  Enumeración Descripción
Enumeración pública DwObjectKind Infraestructura. Gets the type of the data warehouse object.