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Setting.Encrypted Propiedad

Indicates whether the extension setting value should be encrypted in the report server database.

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces
Ensamblados:   Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces (en Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces.dll)
  Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts (en Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts.dll)


Public Property Encrypted As Boolean 
Dim instance As Setting 
Dim value As Boolean 

value = instance.Encrypted

instance.Encrypted = value
public bool Encrypted { get; set; }
property bool Encrypted {
    bool get ();
    void set (bool value);
member Encrypted : bool with get, set
function get Encrypted () : boolean 
function set Encrypted (value : boolean)

Valor de la propiedad

Tipo: System.Boolean
A Boolean value indicating whether a value for the setting should be encrypted in the report server database.


If a setting is marked as encrypted then the report server encrypts the data before storing it in the report server database.

Set the Encrypted property to true when the value of the setting may contain sensitive data such as a password.

Vea también


Setting Clase

Espacio de nombres Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces