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Espacio de nombres Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask namespace contains the classes and members used to run a web method and store the results in a specified location.


  Clase Descripción
Clase pública ArrayValue Holds the value of a parameter when the parameter is of type Array.
Clase pública ComplexProperty Encapsulates the information about one property of a complex type parameter.
Clase pública ComplexValue Encapsulates the value of a complex type parameter.
Clase pública DTSParamInfo Creates an instance of a DTSParamInfo class that corresponds to one parameter of a Web method.
Clase pública DTSParamValue Defines an abstract base class that represents the value of a parameter passed to a Web method.
Clase pública DTSParamValueCollection Represents a collection of DTSParamValue objects.
Clase pública DTSWebMethodInfo Encapsulates the details of a web method.
Clase pública EnumValue Holds the value of a parameter when the parameter type is Enum.
Clase pública Helper Contains methods to identify a primitive data type and map the primitive type to a Microsoft .NET Framework system type.
Clase pública PrimitiveValue Encapsulates a specific DTSParamValue, the Primitive type.
Clase pública VariableValue Represents the variable value.
Clase pública WebServiceTask Runs a Web method and stores the result in a specified location. This class cannot be inherited.
Clase pública WebserviceTaskException Contains the definition for exceptions used by the WebServiceTask.
Clase pública WebServiceTaskUtil Accesses and invokes the Web services. This class is used by both the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WebServiceTask and its user interface as a reusable library of functions.


  Interfaz Descripción
Interfaz pública IDTSWebServiceTask Infraestructura. Represents a DTS Web Service task.


  Enumeración Descripción
Enumeración pública DTSOutputType Classifies the storage location of the result of a Web method invocation. The result of the Web method can be stored either in a file or in a variable.
Enumeración pública DTSParamType Defines the type of the parameter that passed to a Web service method.