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Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common Namespace


Contains the classes and enumerations that are used by other classes in the Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement namespaces. Many of the exception classes that are used in the Service Manager SDK are contained in this namespace.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AbstractQueryDefinitionCannotBeGenerated

Represents a data access layer specific exception that is thrown when a query definition for an abstract class cannot be generated because no concrete derived types exist.

System_CAPS_pubclass AccessRightsQueryOptions

Specifies query options while getting back access rights.

System_CAPS_pubclass AgentPendingActionException

Represents the exception that is thrown because an operation could not be performed while an agent is completing an action.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthorizationStoreInitializationException

Represents the exception that is thrown when database connectivity errors prevent reading of authorization data from the authorization store.

System_CAPS_pubclass AuthorizationStoreNotFoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the authorization store is unable to be found.

System_CAPS_pubclass BinaryStream

Exposes a System.IO.Stream object around binary data. This class is to be used as a base class for other classes.

System_CAPS_pubclass ClassInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the monitoring class already exists in the user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass ClassInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the user role scope does not allow the monitoring class to be specified.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConcurrentUpdateException

Represents the exception that is thrown when you are unable to perform an operation because the timestamp of the object being used is older than the current timestamp.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConfigServiceUnavailableException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the configuration service is unavailable. The inner exception should give more information about the error.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConnectionSettings

Defines connection settings for all management group connections.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConnectorAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a connector already exists.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConnectorAlreadyInStateException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a connector is already in state.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConnectorDoesNotOwnObjectException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the connector does not own an object.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConnectorInvalidException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the connector is invalid.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConsoleTaskInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a console task already exists in a user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass ConsoleTaskInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a console task is not allowed to be added to a user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreatableEnterpriseManagementObject

Represents an enterprise management object type that can be created.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreatableEnterpriseManagementRelationshipObject

Represents a management relationship object type that can be created.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreatableMonitoringBase


System_CAPS_pubclass CreatableMonitoringBaseWithId

Obsolete.An abstract class that is the base for all IMonitoringBase objects with an identifier that can be created and updated inline.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreateSystemUserRoleNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when you cannot create user roles with IsSystem specified.

System_CAPS_pubclass CyclicDependencyException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a cyclic dependency is found in management pack references.

System_CAPS_pubclass DashboardReferenceInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown when dashboard reference already exists in the user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass DashboardReferenceInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the dashboard reference is not allowed to be added to a user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataAccessLayerException

Represents the exception that is thrown when there is an error accessing data that is layer specific.

System_CAPS_pubclass DatabaseObjectDoesNotExistException

Represents the exception that is thrown when there is an error accessing layer-specific data because a database object does not exist.

System_CAPS_pubclass DatabaseUnavailableException

Represents the exception that is thrown when you are unable to connect to a database to perform a requested operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataItemDoesNotExistException

Represents the exception that is thrown when there is a layer-specific data access error because an item does not exist that is required to complete a query.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataReader

Reads information from a management group.

System_CAPS_pubclass DeleteSystemProfileOperationImplicitScopeNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when you cannot delete system profile operation scopes.

System_CAPS_pubclass DeleteSystemUserRoleNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when you cannot delete user roles with IsSystem specified.

System_CAPS_pubclass DeserializationException

Represents the exception that is thrown when type information could not be found when reconnecting to a Management Group.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataAbstractClassIdNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because an abstract class identifier for a managed entity is not allowed in a discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataAbstractMonitoringClassIdNotAllowedException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because an abstract monitoring Class identifier is not allowed in a Discovery Data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataAbstractRelationshipTypeIdNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the abstract relationship type identifier is not allowed in a discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataClassNotDeployedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the class is not deployed in the discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataClassPropertyValueAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the managed type property value is already in the discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataConflictingObjectPropertyValueException

Represents the exception that is thrown when one or more properties have conflicting values for the same instance.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataConflictingRelationshipPropertyValueException

Represents the exception that is thrown when one or more properties have conflicting values for the same relationship.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataDiscoverySourceNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the discovery source in a discovery data item is not allowed.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataFromRuleTargetedToDeletedMonitoringObjectException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring Object identifier specified in the discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataFromRuleTargetedToDeletedObjectException

Represents the exception that is thrown because discovery data has been received from a rule targeted at a nonexistent managed entity ID.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInsertionCollisionException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a discovery data item has already been inserted by another user or process.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidClassIdException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a discovery data item refers to an invalid class identifier for a managed entity.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidClassPropertyValueException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a discovery data item has a property value that is not allowed for the property type.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidEntitySourceException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the specified entity source identifier in the discovery data item is not valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidMonitoringClassIdException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring class identifier specified in the discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidMonitoringClassPropertyValueException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring class property specified in the discovery data item. The property value needs to adhere to the type.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidNullPropertyValueException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a value was not specified for a required property in a discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidPropertyLengthException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the length of the property value is invalid for the property.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidRelationshipSourceException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid relationship source specified in the discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidRelationshipSourceRoleTypeIdException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid relationship source type identifier specified in the discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidRelationshipTargetException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid relationship target specified in the discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidRelationshipTargetRoleTypeIdException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid relationship target type identifier specified in the discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataInvalidRelationshipTypeIdException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid relationship type identifier specified in the discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataLifetimeDependencyException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a discovery data item cannot be updated because the item is already bound to another Membership relationship.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataMissingKeyException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is a missing key property in the discovery data item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataModificationCollisionException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a discovery data item cannot be updated because the item has been changed by another user or process.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataMonitoringClassPropertyValueAlreadyExistsException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because a monitoring class property value already exists in the discovery data item. You should check for duplicate property values when this exception is thrown.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataPropertyNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because property in a discovery data item is not allowed.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataRelationshipNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the Relationship in a Discovery Data item is not allowed.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataTargetEntityMissingException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the target entity is missing in the discovery data item. The target entity and the membership relationship entity must be inserted together.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataTargetMembershipAlreadyBoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the target of a discovery data item relationship is already bound to another membership through a hosting relationship.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataTransactionAlreadyBoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a discovery data transaction is already bound to a discovery source.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataTypeExtensionInstanceDeletionException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a discovery data item rule specifies the explicit deletion of a type extension instance.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataUnresolvedClassPropertyNameException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an unresolved class property name in the discovery data item. You can try to use fully qualified names to avoid this exception.

System_CAPS_pubclass DiscoveryDataUnresolvedMonitoringClassPropertyNameException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an unresolved monitoring class property name in the discovery data item. You can try to use fully qualified names to avoid this exception.

System_CAPS_pubclass EditSystemUserRoleNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when you are not allowed to edit system user roles.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementBase

Represents the base class for enterprise management objects and properties.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementException

Represents a base class for all SDK exceptions.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementObject

Represents an object instance.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementObjectBaseWithProperties

Represents the base class for management objects and relationships that have properties.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementObjectClassHistory

Represents the change history of a class instance’s properties.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementObjectCriteria

Represents the object criteria.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementObjectGenericCriteria

Represents the criteria for querying generic properties of objects.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementObjectHistory

Represents the history of a single EnterpriseManagementObject.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementObjectHistoryTransaction

Represents a single history transaction on a management object instance.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementObjectHistoryTransactionEntry

Represents the base class for transaction history entries.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementObjectProjection

Represents a projection of an object instance and its hierarchy.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementObjectRelationshipHistory

Represents a single-instance relationship history.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementRelationshipObject<T>

Represents a relationship.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementRelationshipObjectGenericCriteria

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Represents the generic criteria in a relationship.

System_CAPS_pubclass EnterpriseManagementSimpleObject

Represents a property value on an EnterpriseManagementObject object.

System_CAPS_pubclass EventDataValidationFailureException

Represents the exception that is thrown because event data failed to be validated.

System_CAPS_pubclass HealthServiceUnavailableException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the health service is unavailable. The inner exception that caused this exception contains more details about the problem.

System_CAPS_pubclass HierarchyNode<T>

Represents an item in a hierarchy of T type objects.

System_CAPS_pubclass InconsistentDataException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a method call produced inconsistent results. The data on the client does not match the data returned from the server. This can be caused by the client-side cache being out of sync with the server data.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidClassInUserRoleScopeException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid class specified in the user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidCompositeQueryException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a type projection causes a data access layer query generation error.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidConnectionException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is a data-access-layer-specific problem indicating that an opened connection is no longer valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidConsoleTaskInUserRoleScopeException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a console task is specified that is invalid for the user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidCriteriaException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the criteria could not be parsed.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidDashboardReferenceInUserRoleScopeException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the dashboard reference specified in the user role scope is not valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidDatabaseDataException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the data retrieved from the database is invalid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidDiagnosticException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the specified diagnostic is not valid for the current object or state change event.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidGroupTypeException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the Type of the group specified is invalid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidJobConfigurationException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the job configuration is invalid. The inner exception that caused the current exception gives more details about why the exception was thrown.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidMonitoringClassInUserRoleScopeException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid Class specified in the User Role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidMonitoringDiagnosticException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown when a diagnostic is not valid for the current monitoring object or state change event.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidMonitoringObjectInUserRoleScopeException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring Object specified in the User Role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidMonitoringProfileException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because the Profile that is specified for the User Role is not valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidMonitoringRecoveryException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown when a recovery is not valid for the current monitoring object or state change event.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidMonitoringTaskInUserRoleScopeException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring Task specified in the User Role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidMonitoringUserRoleNameException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid user role or description. Make sure the characters and the number of characters for the user role or description are valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidMonitoringViewInUserRoleScopeException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid monitoring View that is specified in the User Role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidObjectCriteriaException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the criteria specified for an object is invalid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidObjectInUserRoleScopeException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid object specified in the user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidProfileException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the profile that is specified for the user role is not valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidProfileOperationImplicitScopeException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the property identifier and relationship identifier are specified at the same time.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidReaderException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a reader was invalid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidRecoveryException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the recovery is not valid for the current object or state change event.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidRecurrenceIntervalInMinutesException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the recurrence interval specified in the subscription is not valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidRecurrenceTerminateCountException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the invalid recurrence terminate count is specified in the subscription.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidRelationshipEndpointException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the value specified for the relationship endpoint is not valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidRelationshipObjectException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the specified relationship object is not valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidResultSetException

Represents the exception that is thrown from the data access layer when an invalid result set is returned from a query.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidServiceException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the service specified for an action is invalid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidServiceMethodException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the service method specified for an action is invalid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidServiceTypeException

Represents the exception thrown because the service type specified for an action is invalid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidSimpleObjectValueException

Represents the exception that is thrown when an invalid value is specified for a simple object property.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidSortPropertyException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the specified sort property was invalid for sorting.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidTaskInUserRoleScopeException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid task specified in the user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidTemplateInUserRoleScopeException

Represents the exception that is thrown because an invalid template is specified in a user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidUserRoleNameException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is an invalid user role or description. Make sure the characters and the number of characters for the user role or description are valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvalidViewInUserRoleScopeException

Represents the exception that is thrown because an invalid view is specified in the user role scope.

System_CAPS_pubclass JobCredentials

Specifies the base class for credentials associated with a job.

System_CAPS_pubclass JobDefinition

Represents a storage class used for submitting a job. This class is intended for internal use only.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocationMonitoringObjectCertificateNotFoundException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because the certificate for the location monitoring Object was not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocationMonitoringObjectNotAvailableException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because a location monitoring object instance is not available.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocationMonitoringObjectNotFoundException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because a location monitoring Object instance was not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocationMonitoringObjectNotManagedException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because a location monitoring object instance is not managed.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocationObjectCertificateNotFoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the certificate for the location object was not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocationObjectNotAvailableException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a location object instance is not available.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocationObjectNotFoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a location object instance was not found.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocationObjectNotManagedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a location object instance is not managed.

System_CAPS_pubclass ManagementPackException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is a problem processing or parsing a management pack.

System_CAPS_pubclass ManagementPackExceptionMessages

Allows you to retrieve localized exception messages for the management pack–based exceptions that are listed in the ManagementPackExceptionCode enumeration.

System_CAPS_pubclass ManagementPackWarningMessages

Allows to retrieve localized warning messages for the management pack–based exceptions that are listed in the ManagementPackWarningCode enumeration.

System_CAPS_pubclass ManagementServersImmutableException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the management server cannot be changed.

System_CAPS_pubclass MissingUserInSystemUserRoleException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the system user role does not have a user assigned to it. The system user role must have at least one user assigned to it.

System_CAPS_pubclass MissingUserRoleException

Represents the exception that is thrown because there is no user role to insert or update.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringBase

Obsolete.Provides the base class for all the connected objects in a management group.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringBaseWithId

Obsolete.Provides the base class for all the connected objects with identifiers in a management group.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringClassInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because a monitoring Class already occurs in the User Role scope. Check for duplicate assignments.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringClassInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because the monitoring Class is not allowed in the User Role scope. The profile associated with the User Role does not allow the monitoring Class to be specified.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringException

Obsolete.Represents the base exception class for all exceptions in the Service Manager and Operations Manager SDKs.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringObjectInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because a monitoring object already exists in the user role scope. Check for duplicate assignments.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringObjectInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because the monitoring Object is not allowed in the User Role scope. The profile associated with the User Role does not allow the monitoring Object to be specified.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringTaskInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because a monitoring task already exists in the user role scope. Check for duplicate assignments.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringTaskInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because the monitoring Task is not allowed in the User Role scope. The profile associated with the User Role does not allow the monitoring Task to be specified.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringViewInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because a monitoring View already occurs in the User Role scope. Check for duplicate assignments.

System_CAPS_pubclass MonitoringViewInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because the monitoring View is not allowed in the User Role scope. The profile associated with the User Role does not allow the monitoring View to be specified.

System_CAPS_pubclass MultipleUsersInSystemUserRoleException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the Administrator user role cannot have multiple users assigned to it. It must have one user assigned to it.

System_CAPS_pubclass NullConstraintException

Represents a data access layer specific exception that is thrown because an item that cannot be null was set to null.

System_CAPS_pubclass NullRecurrenceValueException

Represents the exception that is thrown when null values are specified for the recurrence properties.

System_CAPS_pubclass ObjectAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown when an object is unable to be created because the object already exists.

System_CAPS_pubclass ObjectChangelist<T>

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

System_CAPS_pubclass ObjectInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown because an object already exists in the user role scope. Check for duplicate assignments.

System_CAPS_pubclass ObjectInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the object is not allowed in the user role scope. The profile associated with the user role does not allow the object to be specified.

System_CAPS_pubclass ObjectNotConnectedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a connection has not been established.

System_CAPS_pubclass ObjectNotFoundException

Represents the exception that is thrown because an object could not be found.

System_CAPS_pubclass ObjectNotUniqueException

Represents the exception that is thrown because more than one object matches a request. A more specialized request is needed to return a single object.

System_CAPS_pubclass ObjectProjectionCriteria

Represents criteria for a projection.

System_CAPS_pubclass ObjectQueryOptions

Represents a class for specifying query options available for methods that return instances.

System_CAPS_pubclass Pair<T, V>

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Combines two types into one type.

System_CAPS_pubclass PathElement

Specifies the base class used for path elements.

System_CAPS_pubclass ProfileOperationImplicitScopeAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the profile operation scopes already exist with the same broader rights.

System_CAPS_pubclass ProfileOperationImplicitScopeNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when you cannot delete system profile operation scopes.

System_CAPS_pubclass PropertyPathElement

Represents a property at the end of a path.

System_CAPS_pubclass QueryCriteria<T>

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Specifies the base class used for criteria types.

System_CAPS_pubclass QueryDefinitionDoesNotExistException

Represents the data access layer specific exception that is thrown because a query definition does not exist.

System_CAPS_pubclass QueryGrammarException

Represents the exception that is thrown because an error occurred related to the grammar (syntax) of a query.

System_CAPS_pubclass ReaderException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a reader object encounters an error.

System_CAPS_pubclass RecurrenceArgumentException

Represents the exception that is thrown when recurrence properties are specified for add, update, and delete subscriptions.

System_CAPS_pubclass RelationshipPathElement

Represents the relationship-based node of the path.

System_CAPS_pubclass ResourceStream

Provides a generic view of a sequence of bytes from a Management Pack resource.

System_CAPS_pubclass Schedule

Represents a schedule.

System_CAPS_pubclass SdkServiceNotInitializedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the SDK service is not initialized or started.

System_CAPS_pubclass SeedPathElement

Represents the first node of the path string.

System_CAPS_pubclass ServerDisconnectedException

The exception that is thrown when the client has been disconnected from the server.

System_CAPS_pubclass ServiceNotRunningException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the service is not running.

System_CAPS_pubclass SimpleReccuringSchedule

Represents a simple recurring schedule.

System_CAPS_pubclass SubmitJobException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a job submission failed. The inner exception error message can be checked for more information about the error.

System_CAPS_pubclass TaskInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a task already exists in the user role scope. Check for duplicate assignments.

System_CAPS_pubclass TaskInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the task is not allowed in the user role scope. The profile associated with the user role does not allow the task to be specified.

System_CAPS_pubclass TemplateInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a template is assigned that is already applied to the user role.

System_CAPS_pubclass TemplateInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when a user role does not allow the requested template.

System_CAPS_pubclass TieredMonitoringException

Obsolete.Represents the exception that is thrown because an error occurred while processing a method for a Management Group.

System_CAPS_pubclass TieringException

Represents the exception that is thrown when processing a tiering method for a particular Management Group causes an exception.

System_CAPS_pubclass TieringSetupException

Represents the exception that is thrown because an error occurred while setting up a tiered Management Group.

System_CAPS_pubclass TopologicalSort

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

System_CAPS_pubclass UnauthorizedAccessEnterpriseManagementException

Represents the exception that is thrown when an authorization manager unauthorized data access error occurs.

System_CAPS_pubclass UnauthorizedAccessMonitoringException

Represents the exception that is thrown when an authorization manager unauthorized access error occurs.

System_CAPS_pubclass UndeclaredTemplateReferenceException

Represents the exception that is thrown during template processing when one of the references of the template is not found in the References section.

System_CAPS_pubclass UnexpectedResultSetException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the data access layer returns an unexpected result set or does not return an expected result set.

System_CAPS_pubclass UniquenessConstraintException

Represents the data access layer specific exception that is thrown when an item's value is unexpectedly not unique.

System_CAPS_pubclass UnknownAuthorizationStoreException

Represents the exception that is thrown when an operation failed to be completed because of authorization store errors.

System_CAPS_pubclass UnknownChannelException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the channel threw an unknown exception.

System_CAPS_pubclass UnknownDatabaseException

Represents the exception that is thrown when an operation was unable to be performed because of database errors.

System_CAPS_pubclass UnknownServiceException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the service threw an unknown exception.

System_CAPS_pubclass UnsupportedQueryCriteriaException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the object criteria cannot be formed into a supported query at the data access layer.

System_CAPS_pubclass UserRoleAdministratorAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a user role with the Administrator profile already exists. You cannot create another user role with the same profile.

System_CAPS_pubclass UserRoleUserUnresolvedException

Represents the exception that is thrown when the user associated with the User Role is unable to be resolved.

System_CAPS_pubclass ViewInUserRoleScopeAlreadyExistsException

Represents the exception that is thrown because a view already exists in the user role scope. Check for duplicate assignments.

System_CAPS_pubclass ViewInUserRoleScopeNotAllowedException

Represents the exception that is thrown because the view is not allowed in the user role scope. The profile associated with the user role does not allow the view to be specified.

System_CAPS_pubclass WeeklyDailySchedule

Represents a weekly and daily schedule.

System_CAPS_pubclass WeeklyMultipleDaysSchedule

Represents the weekly/multiple days schedule.

System_CAPS_pubclass JobCredentials.WindowsJobCredentials

Represents a set of Windows credentials.


Structure Description
System_CAPS_pubstructure DayInterval

Represents a span of time for a single day.

System_CAPS_pubstructure SdkEntityInstance

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Represents a managed entity instance.

System_CAPS_pubstructure SdkRelationshipInstance

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Represents an entity relationship instance.

System_CAPS_pubstructure SdkXmlConstants

Defines common constants used during XML processing.

System_CAPS_pubstructure WeeklyDays

Represents the day intervals for the weekly/days schedule.

System_CAPS_pubstructure WeeklyMultipleDays

Represents the day intervals for a weekly/multiple days schedule.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IClientDataAccess

Defines common client data access operations.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IComposableProjection

Allows navigation through an EnterpriseManagementObjectProjection object.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IMonitoringBase

Obsolete.Defines the properties and methods for all the connected objects in a monitoring group.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IObjectCriteria

Represents object criteria used in searching and filtering.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IObjectProjectionReader<T>

Provides a way to read an object projection.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IObjectReader<T>

Provides a way to read a set of objects.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IObjectReaderBase

Provides the capability of traversing objects.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IQueryCriteria

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

System_CAPS_pubinterface ISortableProperty

Represents a common interface between generic and type-specific properties.


Delegate Description
System_CAPS_pubdelegate GetWindowsIdentityDelegate

Returns a Microsoft Windows identity.

System_CAPS_pubdelegate ObjectTemplateCallback

Represents the method that allows users to change how a template is applied to an object.

System_CAPS_pubdelegate ShouldDeleteReferencedObjectCallback

Represents a method in the context of a Remove call within a projection that is called when a non-hosting relationship is traversed from the parent to decide whether the instance should be deleted or whether just the relationship should be deleted.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum AccessRightsRetrievalBehavior

Defines the default behavior for instances when property list is not specified.

System_CAPS_pubenum CacheConfiguration

Represents the predefined configurations for cache in the configuration mode.

System_CAPS_pubenum CacheMode

Defines the available cache modes of the client-side interface.

System_CAPS_pubenum EnterpriseManagementObjectAccessRights

Indicates the access rights set on property instances and relationships.

System_CAPS_pubenum EnterpriseManagementObjectHistoryChangeType

Indicates the type of history change made.

System_CAPS_pubenum EntityObjectValidationErrorType

Specifies the list of entity object validation error types.

System_CAPS_pubenum IntervalUnitsType

Declares the type of interval for a simple schedule.

System_CAPS_pubenum InvalidSimpleObjectValueExceptionType

Defines the data types used to describe errors in simple object values.

System_CAPS_pubenum JobCategory

Defines category values for a job.

System_CAPS_pubenum LicenseSku

Represents different license Stock-Keeping Units (SKU) for the product.

System_CAPS_pubenum ManagementPackExceptionCode

Defines the exception codes that are used to define the exceptions that are thrown when you are working with a Management Pack. To get the message for the exception code, pass the code into the GetMessage method.

System_CAPS_pubenum ManagementPackWarningCode

Defines the warning codes that are used to define the warnings that are thrown when working with a management pack. To get the message for the exception code, pass the code into the M:Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common. ManagementPackWarningMessages.GetMessage(Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common. ManagementPackWarningCode) method.

System_CAPS_pubenum BinaryStream.Mode

The mode used to retrieve data from the stream.

System_CAPS_pubenum MonitoringObjectGenericPropertyName

Represents a generic property type for a monitoring object.

System_CAPS_pubenum ObjectProjectionOptions

Defines object projection options.

System_CAPS_pubenum ObjectPropertyRetrievalBehavior

Defines the default behavior for instances when a property list is not specified.

System_CAPS_pubenum ObjectRetrievalOptions

Defines object retrieval options.

System_CAPS_pubenum ProductSku

Identifies various products.

System_CAPS_pubenum RelationshipPathElementSeedRole

Defines the role of the seed within a path expression.

System_CAPS_pubenum SortingOrder

Defines the sorting order.

System_CAPS_pubenum TraversalDepth

Defines the level of depth that a method should traverse when returning objects.

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