AddressableOutputs |
Specifies the definition for the Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.AddressableOutputs type. |
AddressableOutputNested |
Specifies the definition for the AddressableOutputNested type. |
ControlConfiguration |
Specifies the definition for the ControlConfiguration type. |
ConfigurationNested |
Specifies the definition for the ConfigurationNested type. |
CriteriaPropertyMappingAttribute |
Dependencies |
Specifies the definition for the type Dependencies. |
DependentOnNested |
Specifies the definition for the type DependentOnNested. |
EnterpriseManagementObjectGenericProperty |
Represents a generic property. |
Extension |
ExtensionChangelist |
ExtensionException |
ExtensionIdentifier |
ExtensionRegistration |
ExtensionRegistry |
FieldMappingAttribute |
IgnoreFieldMappingAttribute |
ManagementPack |
Represents a management pack. |
ManagementPackAccessibleElement |
The ManagementPackAccessibleElement class is an abstract class that represents a public management pack item. Unlike internal management pack items, items that are public can be referenced or extended by other management packs. |
ManagementPackActionType |
Specifies the action type of the management pack. |
ManagementPackAggregateMonitor |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackAggregateMonitor complex type. This type defines a monitor that reports health information from monitors lower in the monitor hierarchy tree. Health information is reported in a given instance of a class. |
ManagementPackAssemblyResource |
Represents a management pack assembly resource. |
ManagementPackAssemblyResourceDependency |
Represents a management pack assembly resource dependency. |
ManagementPackBaseComponentReference |
Represents a management pack base component reference. |
ManagementPackBaseFactType |
Specifies the base class used for the management pack fact types. |
ManagementPackBehaviorImplementation |
Represents the management pack behavior implementation. |
ManagementPackBehaviorImplementationCriteria |
Represents the management pack behavior implementation criteria. |
ManagementPackBehaviorImplementationUnit |
Represents the management pack behavior implementation unit. |
ManagementPackBehaviorImplementationUnitProperty |
Represents the management pack behavior implementation unit property. |
ManagementPackBehaviorType |
Represents a management pack behavior type. |
ManagementPackBehaviorTypeCriteria |
Represents the management pack behavior type criteria. |
ManagementPackCatalogItemType |
Defines the type of the catalog item in a management pack. |
ManagementPackCategory |
Represents a management pack category. |
ManagementPackCategoryCriteria |
Represents the management pack category criteria. |
ManagementPackCategoryOverride |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackCategoryOverride complex type. |
ManagementPackCategoryResultantOverrideSet |
Represents the management pack category result set. |
ManagementPackClass |
Represents a management pack class. Management pack classes are defined in the ClassTypes elements in management packs. You can use this class to find information such as the available properties on the management pack class. |
ManagementPackClassCriteria |
Represents the management pack class criteria. |
ManagementPackClassProperty |
Represents a class property in a management pack. The property is populated during discovery of the class. Obsolete. |
ManagementPackComplexValueCollectionReference |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackComplexValueCollectionReference complex type. This type defines a complex value collection reference that links a complex value collection to a management pack element. |
ManagementPackComplexValueReference |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackComplexValueReference complex type. This type defines a complex value reference that links a complex value to a management pack element. |
ManagementPackComponentBehavior |
Represents a management pack component behavior. |
ManagementPackComponentBehaviorCriteria |
Represents the management pack component behavior criteria. |
ManagementPackComponentImplementation |
Represents a management pack component implementation. |
ManagementPackComponentImplementationComposite |
Represents the management pack component implementation composite type. |
ManagementPackComponentImplementationCompositeVariable |
Represents a management pack component implementation composite variable. |
ManagementPackComponentImplementationCriteria |
Represents the management pack component implementation criteria. |
ManagementPackComponentImplementationUnit |
Represents the management pack component implementation unit. |
ManagementPackComponentImplementationUnitProperty |
Represents the management pack component implementation unit property. |
ManagementPackComponentOverride |
Represents a management pack component override. |
ManagementPackComponentOverrideCriteria |
Represents the management pack component override criteria. |
ManagementPackComponentReference |
Represents a management pack component reference. |
ManagementPackComponentReferenceCriteria |
Represents a management pack component reference criteria. |
ManagementPackComponentType |
Represents the management pack component type. |
ManagementPackComponentTypeCriteria |
Represents the management pack component type criteria. |
ManagementPackComponentTypeProperty |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackComponentTypeProperty complex type. |
ManagementPackComponentTypeReference |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackComponentTypeReference complex type. This type defines a reference to a component type in a management pack. |
ManagementPackConditionDetectionModule |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackConditionDetectionModule complex type. |
ManagementPackConditionDetectionModuleType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackConditionDetectionModuleType complex type. |
ManagementPackConfigurationGroup |
Represents a configuration group element in a management pack. |
ManagementPackConfigurationGroupCriteria |
Represents a management pack configuration group criteria. |
ManagementPackConfigurationSchemaType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackConfigurationSchemaType complex type. |
ManagementPackConsoleTask |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackConsoleTask complex type. This type defines a console task in a management pack. |
ManagementPackConsoleTaskCriteria |
Represents a management pack console task criteria. |
ManagementPackConsoleTaskParameter |
Represents a management pack console task parameter. |
ManagementPackConsoleTaskParameterProxyCollection |
Represents a management pack console task parameter proxy collection. |
ManagementPackCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetManagementPacks method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria. |
ManagementPackCube |
Defines the management pack cube. |
ManagementPackCubeExtension |
Defines the management pack cube extension type. |
ManagementPackCubeSubstitutionType |
Defines the management pack cube custom substitution type. |
ManagementPackCustomMeasureType |
Defines the management pack custom measure type. |
ManagementPackDatabaseWriter |
Allows you to write management pack information in a management group. |
ManagementPackDataSourceModule |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDataSourceModule complex type. This type defines a data source module that outputs a certain type of data. |
ManagementPackDataSourceModuleType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDataSourceModuleType complex type. This type defines a code-based module type that requires no input data and outputs data of a specific type. |
ManagementPackDataType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDataType complex type. This type defines a data type used by a component of the management pack, such as a module. Data types require a code implementation. |
ManagementPackDataTypeCriteria |
Represents a management pack data type criteria. |
ManagementPackDataWarehouseDataSet |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDataWarehouseDataSet complex type. This type defines a custom data set that extends the data stored in a data warehouse object. |
ManagementPackDataWarehouseDataSetCriteria |
Represents the management pack data warehouse data set criteria. |
ManagementPackDataWarehouseScript |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDataWarehouseScript complex type. This type allows you to create tables, indexes, and stored procedures, which are often required by reports to optimize performance. |
ManagementPackDataWarehouseScriptCriteria |
Represents the management pack data warehouse script criteria. |
ManagementPackDependencyMonitor |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDependencyMonitor complex type. This type defines a monitor that reports health information from monitors in a defined relationship type. Health information is reported based on a defined algorithm for all instances across the relationship type. |
ManagementPackDeployableAssemblyResource |
Represents a management pack deployable assembly resource. |
ManagementPackDeployableResource |
Represents a management pack deployable resource. |
ManagementPackDeploymentInformation |
Represents the management pack deployment information. |
ManagementPackDiagnostic |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDiscovery complex type. This type defines a diagnostic object that is triggered by a monitor state change. The diagnostic object probes the system for data. |
ManagementPackDiagnosticConfigurationOverride |
Defines an override a for a custom configuration parameter for a diagnostic. The override is defined in a Management Pack and allows you to change the default value of the configuration parameter. The configuration parameter name and value can be accessed through this type. |
ManagementPackDiagnosticCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetDiagnostics(ManagementPackDiagnosticCriteria) method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria. |
ManagementPackDiagnosticOverride |
Defines an override for a diagnostic. You can use this type to find the identifier for the diagnostic that has the override and the override value. Cast an object of this type as one of the derived types to access override information such as the diagnostic property or configuration parameter that is overridden. For a list of derived classes, see the inheritance hierarchy. |
ManagementPackDiagnosticPropertyOverride |
Defines an override a for a diagnostic property. The override is defined in a Management Pack and allows you to change the default value of the property. The property name and value can be accessed through this type. |
ManagementPackDiagnosticResultantOverrideSet |
Represents the management pack diagnostic resultant override set class. |
ManagementPackDimensionType |
Represents a management pack dimension type. |
ManagementPackDimensionTypeCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetDimensionTypes method, limiting the returned dimension type objects to those that meet the criteria. |
ManagementPackDiscovery |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDiscovery complex type. This type defines a discovery object that discovers instances and properties of one or more class types or relationship types. A discovery object consists of a single data source module and contains metadata to declare the classes and relationships that can be discovered. |
ManagementPackDiscoveryClass |
Represents a Management Pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDiscoveryClass complex type. This type defines a view in a class that can be instantiated by a discovery object in a Management Pack. |
ManagementPackDiscoveryClassProperty |
Represents a Management Pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDiscoveryClassProperty complex type. This type defines a view in a property that can be populated for a discovered class by a discovery object. |
ManagementPackDiscoveryConfigurationOverride |
Defines an override a for a custom configuration parameter for a discovery. The override is defined in a Management Pack and allows you to change the default value of the configuration parameter. The configuration parameter name and value can be accessed through this type. |
ManagementPackDiscoveryCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetDiscoveries method, limiting the returned discovery objects to those that meet the criteria. |
ManagementPackDiscoveryOverride |
Defines an override for a discovery. You can use this type to find the identifier for the discovery that has the override and the override value. Cast an object of this type as one of the derived types to access override information such as the discovery property or configuration parameter that is overridden. For a list of derived classes, see the inheritance hierarchy. |
ManagementPackDiscoveryPropertyOverride |
Defines an override a for a discovery property. The override is defined in a Management Pack and allows you to change the default value of the property. The property name and value can be accessed through this type. |
ManagementPackDiscoveryRelationship |
Represents a Management Pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDiscoveryRelationship complex type. This type defines a relationship that can be instantiated by a discovery object. |
ManagementPackDiscoveryRelationshipProperty |
Represents a Management Pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDiscoveryRelationshipProperty complex type. This type defines a property that can be populated for a discovered relationship. |
ManagementPackDiscoveryResultantOverrideSet |
Represents the management pack discovery resultant override set class. |
ManagementPackDisplayString |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackDisplayString complex type. This type defines a display string for a specific element or child element in the management pack. |
ManagementPackDisplayStringCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetDisplayStrings method, limiting the returned display string objects to those that meet the criteria. |
ManagementPackDrillThroughColumnType |
Defines a management pack drillthrough column type. |
ManagementPackDrillThroughPropertyType |
Defines a management pack drillthrough property type. |
ManagementPackElement |
Defines the abstract base class for all management pack elements. |
ManagementPackElementCollection |
Manages a collection of ManagementPackElement objects. |
ManagementPackElementInfo |
Specifies the base class used to define information about a management pack element. |
ManagementPackElementInfoCollection |
Contains a collection of ManagementPackElementInfo objects. |
ManagementPackElementProxyCollection |
Manages a collection of ManagementPackElement objects. |
ManagementPackElementReference |
Defines a reference to a management pack element of type T. |
ManagementPackEnumeration |
Represents a management pack enumeration. |
ManagementPackEnumerationCriteria |
Represents the management pack enumeration criteria. |
ManagementPackFactType |
Represents a management pack fact type. |
ManagementPackFactTypeCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetFactTypes method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria. |
ManagementPackFactTypeDimension |
Represents the management pack fact type dimension class. |
ManagementPackFactTypeOutrigger |
Represents a management pack fact type outrigger. |
ManagementPackFolder |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackFolder complex type. This type defines a folder that stores management pack elements. |
ManagementPackFolderCriteria |
Represents the management pack folder criteria. |
ManagementPackFolderItem |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackFolderItem complex type. This type defines a folder item that adds a management pack element to a defined folder. |
ManagementPackForm |
Represents a management pack form. |
ManagementPackFormCriteria |
Represents the management pack form criteria. |
ManagementPackImage |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackImage complex type. This type defines an image in a management pack. |
ManagementPackImageObjectCriteria |
Represents the management pack image object criteria. Obsolete. |
ManagementPackImageReference |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackImageReference complex type. This type defines an image reference that links an image to a management pack element. |
ManagementPackItem |
Provides the base class used for an item in a management pack. |
ManagementPackItemCollection |
Used to manage a collection of ManagementPackItem objects. This class contains a dictionary of ManagementPackItem objects and provides search functionality for the items. |
ManagementPackKeyPerformanceIndicatorType |
Defines a management pack Key Performance Indicator (KPI) type. |
ManagementPackKnowledgeArticle |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackKnowledgeArticle complex type. This type defines a knowledge article for a specific element or subelement in the management pack. The knowledge article is either in HTML format or XML format (Microsoft Assistance Markup Language, or MAML). |
ManagementPackKnowledgeArticleCriteria |
Represents the management pack knowledge article criteria. |
ManagementPackLanguageIdentity |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackLanguageIdentity complex type. This type defines a language in a management pack. |
ManagementPackLanguagePack |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackLanguagePack complex type. This type defines display strings and knowledge articles for a given language. |
ManagementPackLanguagePackCriteria |
Represents the management pack language criteria. |
ManagementPackLinkedReport |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackLinkedReport complex type. This type defines a linked report in a management pack. |
ManagementPackLinkedReportCriteria |
Represents the management pack linked report criteria. |
ManagementPackLinkedReportParameter |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackLinkedReportParameter complex type. This type defines a parameter in a linked report. |
ManagementPackManagedImplementation |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackManagedImplementation complex type. This type defines the code-based implementation used for an object in a management pack. |
ManagementPackManyToManyRelationshipType |
Defines a management pack many-to-many relationship type. |
ManagementPackMeasureGroupType |
Defines a management pack measure group type. |
ManagementPackMeasureType |
Represents a management pack measure type. |
ManagementPackMeasureTypeCriteria |
Represents the management pack measure type criteria. |
ManagementPackModule |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackModule complex type. This abstract type defines a module in a management pack. |
ManagementPackModuleCompositionNodeType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackModuleCompositionNodeType complex type. This type defines a reference to a module node in a management pack. |
ManagementPackModuleType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackModuleType complex type. This type defines the type for a module in a management pack. |
ManagementPackModuleTypeCriteria |
Represents the management pack module type criteria. |
ManagementPackModuleTypeReference |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackModuleTypeReference complex type. This type defines a reference to a module type in a management pack. |
ManagementPackMonitor |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackMonitor complex type. This is an abstract type that defines a monitor object in a management pack. |
ManagementPackMonitorAlertSettings |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackMonitorAlertSettings complex type. |
ManagementPackMonitorConfigurationOverride |
Defines an override for a custom configuration parameter for a monitor. |
ManagementPackMonitorCriteria |
Represents the management pack monitor criteria. |
ManagementPackMonitoringOverride |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackMonitoringOverride complex type. |
ManagementPackMonitorOverride |
Defines an override for a monitor. You can use this type to find the identifier for the monitor that has the override and the override value. Cast an object of this type as one of the derived types to access override information such as the monitor property or configuration setting that is overridden. For a list of derived classes, see the inheritance hierarchy. |
ManagementPackMonitorPropertyOverride |
Defines an override for a monitor property. |
ManagementPackMonitorResultantOverrideSet |
Represents a monitor result set. |
ManagementPackMonitorSLO |
Represents a management pack monitor Service Level Objective (SLO). |
ManagementPackMonitorTypeDetection |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackMonitorTypeDetection complex type. |
ManagementPackMonitorTypeState |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackMonitorTypeState complex type. |
ManagementPackNamedCalculationType |
Defines a management pack named calculation type. |
ManagementPackObjectTemplate |
Represents a management pack object template. |
ManagementPackObjectTemplateCriteria |
Represents the management pack object template criteria. |
ManagementPackObjectTemplateObject |
Represents a management pack object template. |
ManagementPackObjectTemplateProperty |
Represents the management pack object template property. |
ManagementPackOfferingType |
Defines a management pack offering type. |
ManagementPackOutriggerType |
Represents a management pack outrigger type. |
ManagementPackOutriggerTypeCriteria |
Represents the management pack outrigger type criteria. |
ManagementPackOverride |
Defines the abstract base class for overrides in a management pack. Cast an object of this type as one of the derived types to access override information such as the property or configuration setting that is overridden and the value of the override. For a list of derived classes, see the inheritance hierarchy. |
ManagementPackOverrideableParameter |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackOverrideableParameter complex type. |
ManagementPackOverrideCriteria |
Represents the management pack override criteria. |
ManagementPackPageCriteria |
Represents the management pack page criteria. |
ManagementPackPageSetCriteria |
Represents the management pack page set criteria. |
ManagementPackPerformanceCounterSLO |
Represents the management pack performance counter Service Level Objective (SLO). |
ManagementPackPlatformValue |
Represents a management pack platform value. |
ManagementPackProbeActionModule |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackProbeActionModule complex type. This type defines a probe action module that can be executed. |
ManagementPackProbeActionModuleType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackProbeActionModuleType complex type. This type defines a probe action module type, which is a code-based or composed module type that has a single input data stream of a specific type and outputs data of a specific type. |
ManagementPackProperty |
Represents a property in a management pack. |
ManagementPackPropertyBinding |
ManagementPackPropertyOptimization |
Represents the management pack property optimization. |
ManagementPackPropertyOptimizationPropertyReference |
Represents a management pack property optimization property reference. |
ManagementPackRecovery |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackRecovery complex type. This type defines a recovery object that is triggered by a monitor state change or by a diagnostic object execution. The workflow performs an action that can change the state of a monitored component. |
ManagementPackRecoveryConfigurationOverride |
Defines an override for a custom configuration parameter for a recovery. The override is defined in a management pack and allows you to change the default value of the configuration parameter. The configuration parameter name and value can be accessed through this type. |
ManagementPackRecoveryCriteria |
Represents the management pack recovery criteria. |
ManagementPackRecoveryOverride |
Defines an override for a recovery. You can use this type to find the identifier for the recovery that has the override and the override value. Cast an object of this type as one of the derived types to access override information such as the recovery property or configuration parameter that is overridden. For a list of derived classes, see the inheritance hierarchy. |
ManagementPackRecoveryPropertyOverride |
Defines an override for a recovery property. The override is defined in a management pack and allows you to change the default value of the property. The property name and value can be accessed through this type. |
ManagementPackRecoveryResultantOverrideSet |
Represents the management pack recovery result set. |
ManagementPackReference |
Represents a reference to a management pack. |
ManagementPackReferenceCollection |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackReferenceCollection complex type. This type defines a collection of references used by the management pack. |
ManagementPackRelationship |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackRelationship complex type. This type defines a relationship between two management pack classes. |
ManagementPackRelationshipCriteria |
Represents the management pack relationship criteria. |
ManagementPackRelationshipEndpoint |
Represents a management pack relationship endpoint. |
ManagementPackRelationshipFactType |
Represents a management pack relationship fact type. |
ManagementPackRelationshipFactTypeCriteria |
Represents the management pack relationship fact type criteria. |
ManagementPackRelationshipFactTypeRelationships |
Represents a ManagementPackRelationship as referenced by a ManagementPackRelationshipFactType. |
ManagementPackRelationshipProperty |
This class will be removed in the next release and should no longer be used. Please use ManagementPackProperty instead. Obsolete. |
ManagementPackReport |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackReport complex type. This type defines a report in a management pack. The report contains a rule, task, view, and data set. |
ManagementPackReportCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetReports method, limiting the returned report objects to those that meet the criteria. |
ManagementPackReportDataWarehouseScript |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackReportDataWarehouseScript class. |
ManagementPackReportParameterControl |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackReportParameterControl complex type. This type defines a report control in a management pack by defining the implementation for the control. |
ManagementPackReportParameterControlCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetReportParameterControls method, limiting the returned report parameter control objects to those that meet the criteria. |
ManagementPackReportParameterControlImplementation |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackReportParameterControlImplementation complex type. |
ManagementPackReportResource |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackReportResource complex type. This type defines resource data for a report. |
ManagementPackReportResourceCriteria |
Specifies the criteria expression for selecting management pack report resource objects. |
ManagementPackReportString |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackReportString complex type. |
ManagementPackResource |
Represents a management pack resource. |
ManagementPackResourceCriteria |
Represents the management pack resource criteria. |
ManagementPackRule |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackRule complex type. This type defines a rule that consists of at least a single data source and a single write action. Optionally, a single condition detection module can be used. Rules are not used to monitor state. |
ManagementPackRuleConfigurationOverride |
Defines an override for a custom configuration parameter for a rule. The override is defined in a management pack and allows you to change the default value of the configuration parameter. The configuration parameter name and value can be accessed through this type. |
ManagementPackRuleCriteria |
Represents the management pack rule criteria. |
ManagementPackRuleOverride |
Defines an override for a rule. |
ManagementPackRulePropertyOverride |
Defines an override for a rule property. |
ManagementPackRuleResultantOverrideSet |
Represents a management pack rule resultant override set. |
ManagementPackSchemaType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackSchemaType complex type. This type defines a schema type that can be used to validate user-supplied values. |
ManagementPackSchemaTypeCriteria |
Represents the management pack schema type criteria. |
ManagementPackSearchableProperties |
Represents the management pack searchable properties. |
ManagementPackSearchablePropertyReference |
Represents the management pack searchable property reference. |
ManagementPackSecureReference |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackSecureReference complex type. This type defines a secure reference that is defined in a management pack. The secure reference can store credentials. |
ManagementPackSecureReferenceCriteria |
Represents the management pack secure reference criteria. |
ManagementPackSecureReferenceOverride |
Represents a management pack secure reference override. |
ManagementPackSecureReferenceResultantOverrideSet |
Represents a management pack secure reference resultant override set. |
ManagementPackServiceLevelObjectiveCriteria |
Represents the management pack service-level objective criteria. |
ManagementPackServiceOverride |
ManagementPackSimpleValueReference |
ManagementPackSLO |
Represents a management pack Service Level Objective (SLO). |
ManagementPackStringResource |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackStringResource complex type. This type defines a resource string in a management pack. |
ManagementPackSubElement |
Contains a child element to another element in a management pack. |
ManagementPackSubElementCollection |
Represents a collection of child elements in a management pack. |
ManagementPackSubElementReference |
Represents a reference to a management pack subelement of type T. |
ManagementPackTask |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackTask complex type. This type defines a task in a management pack that is triggered on demand by a user. The task consists of a single probe action or a single write action. |
ManagementPackTaskCriteria |
Represents the management pack task criteria. |
ManagementPackTemplate |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackTemplate complex type. This type defines a template in a management pack. |
ManagementPackTemplateCriteria |
Represents the management pack template type criteria. |
ManagementPackTemplateSection |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackTemplateSection complex type. |
ManagementPackType |
Specifies the base class used for the management pack types. |
ManagementPackTypeProjection |
Represents a management pack type projection. |
ManagementPackTypeProjectionComponent |
Represents a management pack type projection component. |
ManagementPackTypeProjectionCriteria |
Represents the management pack type projection criteria. |
ManagementPackTypeWarehouseAttribute |
Represents a management pack type warehouse attribute. |
ManagementPackUIPage |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackUIPage complex type. This type defines a code-based UI page that shows configuration information for modules, monitors, and templates when it is used as part of a UI page set. |
ManagementPackUIPageReference |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackUIPageReference complex type. |
ManagementPackUIPageReferenceSubElement |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackUIPageReferenceSubElement complex type. This type defines a child element of an element of type ManagementPackUIPageReference. |
ManagementPackUIPageSet |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackUIPageSet complex type. This type defines the UI page reference and transform that are used to define the flow of UI pages to configure a module, monitor, or template. |
ManagementPackUnitMonitor |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackUnitMonitor complex type. This type monitors some aspect of a target instance and determines the state of the instance based on the workflows defined by the monitor type. |
ManagementPackUnitMonitorOperationalState |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackUnitMonitorOperationalState complex type. This type defines a monitor operational state. One operational state is required for each monitor type state declared by the unit monitor type. |
ManagementPackUnitMonitorType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackUnitMonitorType complex type. This type defines a monitor that declares states and corresponding workflows to monitor the state of class instances. |
ManagementPackUnitMonitorTypeCriteria |
Represents the management pack unit monitor type criteria. |
ManagementPackView |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackView complex type. This type defines a view in a management pack. |
ManagementPackViewCriteria |
Represents the management pack view criteria. |
ManagementPackViewType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackViewType complex type. This type defines how a view is implemented and configured. |
ManagementPackViewTypeCriteria |
Represents the management pack view type criteria. |
ManagementPackWarehouseEntityType |
Represents the management pack warehouse entity type. |
ManagementPackWarehouseModuleType |
Represents a management pack warehouse module type. |
ManagementPackWarehouseModuleTypeCriteria |
Represents the management pack warehouse module type criteria. |
ManagementPackWarehouseProperty |
Represents the management pack warehouse property. |
ManagementPackWarehouseRelationalEntityType |
Provides the base class used to represent the management pack warehouse relational entity type. |
ManagementPackWriteActionModule |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackWriteActionModule complex type. This element defines a write action module. |
ManagementPackWriteActionModuleType |
Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackWriteActionModuleType complex type. This type contains information about the input and output data types that a module of this type uses. |
MappingAttribute |
MonitoringTaskCredentials |
Specifies the base class used for task credentials. Obsolete. |
Product |
Defines product types. |
RequestOffering |
Defines the RequestOffering type. |
PresentationMappingTemplateNested |
Defines the PresentationMappingTemplateNested type. |
CustomWebFormNested |
Defines the CustomWebFormNested type. |
SourcesNested |
Defines the SourcesNested type. |
SourceNested |
Defines the SourceNested type. |
TargetsNested |
s.s.t |
TargetNested |
s.s.t.t |
ResultantOverride |
Defines the base class for all resultant overrides. |
ResultantOverrideSet |
Provides the base class for defining the base resultant override set. |
ResultantOverrideSetWithWorkflowPropertyOverrides |
Provides the base class used for defining the base resultant override set. |
RunbookMapping |
Defines the RunbookMapping type for a management pack. |
MappingNested |
Defines the MappingNested type for a management pack. |
DataNested |
Defines the DataNested type for a management pack. |
ParameterNested |
Defines the ParameterNested type for a management pack. |
SDKServiceConnector |
You can use this class to find all registered software development kit (SDK) services. |
ServiceOfferingType |
Represents the service offering type. |
SkipFieldMappingFromSdkCriteriaAttribute |
SystemClass |
Represents the commonly known system classes. |
SystemRelationship |
Defines the known system relationship types. |
TaskConfiguration |
Represents a configuration for starting a task. |
TaskCredentials |
Specifies the base class used for all credentials. |
TypeMappingAttribute |
WindowsTaskCredentials |
Represents a full Windows credential set. |