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Class Browser Properties

The following properties are associated with the Class Browser.

**Note   **Properties marked as "Reference only" or "Internal use only" are maintained internally and used by the Class Browser. Avoid changing the value of reference-only properties; you might cause errors in the Class Browser.

  • lActive
    Reference only. Returns the active status of the Class Browser. If the Class Browser has the focus, the value is True (.T.).

  • cAlias
    Returns the alias of the work area within the Class Browser data session associated with the selected class in the class list. By default, the Class Browser private data session opens at least two table aliases: BROWSER and METADATA. The BROWSER alias is for Browser.dbf and is shared for all instances. The METADATA alias is for the class library (.vcx) or form (.scx) open in the Class Browser. If more than one file is open, the METADATA alias is incremented once for each open file.

  • cAddInMethod
    Reference only. Returns the method name that called the external add-in being executed and clears when execution is complete. When an add-in is executed, this property contains the name of the method that called the add-in.

  • lAddInMode
    Returns the status of a Class Browser add-in. If True (.T.), the add-in is called; if False (.F.), the add-in is complete.

  • lAddInTrace
    Returns the status of the display trace mode that monitors the events of an add-in. If True (.T.), messages describing the events of an add-in are sent to the Visual FoxPro main window.

  • nAtPos
    Internal use only. The default value is 0.

  • lAutoExpand
    Determines whether the class list expands or collapses automatically when it is refreshed. If the value is True (.T.), the class list automatically expands or collapses the class trees in the outline. If False (.F), the class list outline does not expand or collapse. The default value is True (.T.).

  • cBaseClass
    Reference only. Returns the name of the base class of the selected class in the class list.

  • cBrowserTable
    Reference only. Returns the full path of the Browser.dbf registration table.

  • lBusyState
    Reference only. Returns the status of the refresh operation for the Class Browser. If True (.T.), the refresh operation is in progress.

  • cClass
    Reference only. Returns the name of the selected class in the class list.

  • nClassCount
    Reference only. Returns the total number of items in the class list. The default value is 0.

  • cClassLibrary
    Reference only. Returns the name of the class library for the selected class in the class list.

  • aClassList
    Reference only. A two-dimensional array of values associated with a class library (.vcx) or form (.scx) file in the current class list. Each file in the list has its own alias. For example, if the class list displays two files, the aliases are METADATA1 and METADATA2.

    The array contains the following formation.

    aClassList position Setting
    [nIndex,1] Name of a class
    [nIndex,2] Associated metadata record number
    [nIndex,3] Outline indentation level
    [nIndex,4] Name of the file containing the parent class
    [nIndex,5] Name of the parent class
    [nIndex,6] Name of the file containing the class
    [nIndex,7] Name of the class icon file
    [nIndex,8] The BaseClass of the class
    [nIndex,9] Specifies whether class is defined as OLE public
  • nClassListIndex
    Reference only. Returns the position of the selected class in the Class list. The value for the first item is 0. The default value is – 1.

  • nClassTimeStamp
    The TimeStamp value (from the .vcx/.scx TimeStamp field) for the selected class.

  • cClassType
    Reference only. Returns the current filter on the Class list as specified in the ClassType box.

  • tcClassType
    The initial Type filter for the Class list.

  • tcDefaultClass
    Reference only. Returns the value or reference of the second parameter passed to BROWSER.APP. For example, if you open the Class Browser by typing the following code, this property returns "baseform."

    DO (_BROWSER) WITH "wizstyle.vcx","baseform"
  • lDescriptions
    If True (.T.), descriptions are displayed for classes and members.

  • lDisplayHierarchyError
    Whether or not to display an error message if classes without valid ParentClasses are loaded in the Class Browser. The default is True (.T.).

  • nDisplayMode
    Reference only. Returns the display mode specified by the display mode option group: 1 – hierarchical or 2 – alphabetical. The default value is 1.

  • lDragDrop
    For internal use only. Whether or not a drag operation is in progress.

  • cDragIcon
    Returns the current cursor file for the drag icon during a drag operation.

  • lEmptyFilter
    If True (.T.), empty methods are displayed in the Members list. The default is False (.F.).

  • lError
    Returns the status of error checking. If True (.T.), an error occurred and the Class Browser error dialog box is displayed. When the Class Browser opens, this property is set to False (.F.). If you want to check for errors, make sure this property is set to False.

  • lExpanded
    For internal use only.

  • nFileCount
    Reference only. Returns the number of class library (.vcx) or form (.scx) files currently open in the Class Browser. The default value is 0.

  • lFileMode
    Reference only. Returns the type of the selected item in the class list. If True (.T.), a file is selected; if False (.F.), a class is selected.

  • cFileName
    Reference only. Returns the full path of the file associated with the selected class in the class list.

  • tcFileName
    Reference only. Returns the value or reference of the second parameter passed to BROWSER.APP. For example, if you open the Class Browser by typing the following code, this property returns "Wizstyle.vcx."

    DO (_BROWSER) WITH "wizstyle.vcx","baseform" 
  • aFiles
    Reference only. An array of class library (.vcx), form (.scx), application (.exe), object library (.olb), and type library (.tlb) files currently opened in the Class Browser.

  • cFilter
    Reference only. Returns the current SET FILTER setting from the open metadata table for the selected class in the class list.

  • lFormAddObject
    For internal use only.

  • cGetFileExt
    Determines the Class Browser's GETFILE( ) default method extensions. The default value is "VCX;SCX;PJX;EXE;OLB;TLB."

  • lHiddenFilter
    If True (.T.), hidden members are displayed in the Members list. The default is False (.F.).

  • lIgnoreErrors
    For internal use only.

  • lInitialized
    Reference only. Returns the initialization state of the Class Browser. If True (.T.), the Class Browser is initialized; if False (.F.), the Class Browser is not initialized.

  • aInstances
    Reference only. An array of instances associated with the selected class in the class list. Functionality is identical to AINSTANCE( ).

  • nInstances
    Reference only. Returns the total number of instances associated with the selected class in the class list using AINSTANCE( ). The default value is 0.

  • cLastFindText
    For internal use only.

  • nLastHeight
    The initial height of a form before a Resize event occurs. The default value is (THIS.Height).

  • nLastRecNo
    For internal use only. The initial value is 1.

  • cLastSetComp
    The setting of SET COMPATIBLE when the Class Browser was loaded.

  • cLastSetESC
    The setting of SET ESCAPE when the Class Browser was loaded.

  • cLastSetUDFParms
    The setting of SET UDFPARMS when the Class Browser was loaded.

  • cLastValue
    For internal use only.

  • nLastWidth
    Returns the initial width of a form before a Resize event occurs. The default value is (THIS.Width).

  • tlListBox
    If a True (.T.) value is passed to the Class Browser in this argument, classes and members are displayed in list boxes rather than in tree view controls.

  • lModalDialog
    Determines if the class list is refreshed when the Class Browser regains focus after activating a modal dialog box. If True (.T.), the list is not refreshed; if False (.F.), the list is refreshed. The default value is True (.T.).

  • nMouseButton
    For internal use only. Returns which mouse button was pressed.

  • lNoDefault
    Returns the status indicating how default behavior is handled when returning from an add-in. If True (.T.), the default behavior is ignored.

  • lOutlineOCX
    Reference only. If True (.T.), classes and members are displayed in tree view controls. You might need this information in an add-in program.

  • cParentClass
    Reference only. Returns the name of the parent class of the selected class in the class list.

  • lParentClassBrowser
    If True (.T.), the Edit ParentClass Method toolbar is displayed. The default is True. You can click this button to immediately view or edit the parent class method from the editor

  • cParentClassBrowserCaption
    The caption of the ParentClass Browser toolbar. The default value is SPACE(10) + "ParentClass Browser"

  • cParentClassSymbol
    Determines the symbol displayed beside a class to indicate that it is a subclass of a class that is not displayed in the Classes list.

  • nPixelOffset
    Internal use only. Determines the number of pixels to cascade multiple instances of the Class Browser. The default value is 22.

  • cPlatform
    Reference only. Returns the name of the current platform.

  • cProgramName
    Reference only. Returns the full path of the BROWSER.APP file being executed.

  • lProtectedFilter
    If True (.T.), protected members are displayed in the Members list. The default is False (.F.).

  • lReadOnly
    Reference only. Returns the read-only status of the file associated with the selected class in the class list.

  • nRecCount
    Reference only. Returns the total number of records in the open class library (.vcx) and form (.scx) files. The default value is 0.

  • lRefreshMode
    Internal use only.

  • lRelease
    Internal use only. Specifies that the Class Browser is automatically released.

  • lResizeMode
    Internal use only. Returns the resize mode status of the Class Browser.

  • lSCXMode
    Reference only. Returns the status of the file type of the selected class in the class list. If True (.T.), the file is a form (.scx); if False (.F.), the file is a class library (.vcx).

  • nShift
    For internal use only. State of the SHIFT key when a mouse button is pressed.

  • oSource
    Reference only. Returns the reference for an object dropped on a form from the Class Browser. After the DragDrop method is complete, oSource is set to null (.NULL.).

  • cStartName
    Reference only. Returns the Name property of the Class Browser from when the Class Browser was loaded, but before the name is incremented. For example, the default value is ClassBrowser and, for each instance opened, the name is incremented: ClassBrowser1, ClassBrowser2.

  • nStrLen
    For internal use only. The default value is 0.

  • cTimeStamp
    Reference only. Returns the timestamp field value of the selected class in the class list.

  • lVCXSCXMode
    If True (.T.), the class or file selected is a .vcx or .scx, or is in a .vcx or .scx.

  • tnWindowState
    For internal use only. Whether the Class Browser window is minimized (1), maximized (2), or normal (0).

Initial Values of Class Browser Properties

When an instance of the Class Browser is opened, the properties are set to the default values shown in the following table.

Class Browser property Initial setting
Caddin ""
caddinmethod ""
Calias ""
Caption "Class Browser"
Cbaseclass ""
Cbrowsertable ""
Cclass ""
Cclasslibrary ""
cclasstimestamp ""
Cclasstype ""
Cdragicon ""
Cfilename ""
Cfilter ""
Cgetfileext vcx;scx;pjx;exe;olb;tlb
clastgetfileext ""
Clastsetcomp ""
Clastsetesc ""
clastsetudfparms ""
Clastvalue ""
Cparentclass ""
cparentclasssymbol (IIF(VERSION(3)=="00",CHR(171),"<"))
Cplatform ""
cprogramname ""
Cstartname ""
DataSession 2
FontBold .F.
FontName "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize 8
Height 360
HelpContextID 95825501
Icon Browser.ico
Lautoexpand .T.
Ldescriptions .T.
ldisplayhierarchyerror .T.
Left 0
lparentclassbrowser .T.
MinHeight (175)
MinWidth (250)
Name "classbrowser"
Natpos 0
Nclasscount 0
nclasslistindex -1
Ndisplaymode 1
Nfilecount 0
Ninstances 0
Nlastheight (this.Height)
Nlastrecno 1
Nlastwidth (this.Width)
nmousebutton 0
Npixeloffset 22
Nreccount 0
Nshift 0
Nstrlen 0
Ntimestamp 0
oparentclassbrowser .NULL.
Osource .NULL.
ShowTips .T.
Top -1
Width 462

See Also

Browsing Classes with the Class Browser | Class Browser Buttons | Class Browser Methods | Class Browser Object Members | Class Browser Properties | Class Browser Window | Customizing the Class Browser