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Add Miscellaneous Form Buttons Sample

File: ...\Samples\Solution\Ffc\Buttons.scx

This sample contains the following classes.

Class Library Description
_shellexecute _environ.vcx Runs applications other than Visual FoxPro in the Windows shell.
_mailbtn _miscbtns.vcx Uses the MAPI ActiveX control to send an email message from a form.
_cmdlaunch _miscbtns.vcx Provides a button to launch an application using the Run command.
_cmdok _miscbtns.vcx Releases a form and updates any outstanding buffered data.
_cmdcancel _miscbtns.vcx Releases a form and discards any outstanding buffered data.
_cmdhelp _miscbtns.vcx Provides a button that displays a Help topic.
_cmdrunform _miscbtns.vcx Provides a button to run a form.
_cmdrunreport _miscbtns.vcx Provides a button to run a report.

This sample demonstrates adding command buttons to your application. The command buttons perform the following functions:

  • Launch an application
  • Open a web page in the Windows shell
  • Display a form
  • Preview a report
  • Stop a program with OK or Cancel options
  • Display a Help topic

For details on all classes available in the foundation classes, see Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes.

See Also

Run Form Button | Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes A-Z | Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes