Enables or disables display of the Open Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro) in commands that allow the user to select a table (or view) if one is not open.
(Default) The Open dialog box is displayed when no table or view is open, and a command is executed that requires an open table or view.The Visual FoxPro SELECT - SQL command looks for tables in all work areas in the current session. Other commands only look for a table in the current work area unless a work area is explicitly specified. The following are some of the commands affected by the TABLEPROMPT setting.
The Open dialog box is suppressed when no table or view is open, and a command is executed that requires an open table or view.The command will fail and an error will be generated. Typical errors are File "name" does not exist (Error 1) and No table is open in the current work area (Error 52).
You can use SET("TABLEPROMPT") to determine the current setting. You can also specify a startup value for TABLEPROMPT in the Config.fpw, the Visual FoxPro configuration file.
This feature is supported in COM server scenarios (MTDLL and DLL) where users do not have access to a user interface. SET TABLEPROMPT provides similar support in Visual FoxPro. You can use SYS(2335) - Unattended Server Mode to control modal states for COM servers.
See Also
Open Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro)
GETFILE( ) Function
Special Terms for Configuration Files