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How to: Add Bands to Reports

You can add bands to your reports and labels so you can specify additional areas and when to display certain data on the report or label page. You can add the following bands to reports and labels:

  • Title band.

  • Summary band.

  • Detail bands.

  • Page Header band, Page Footer band, or both, for a Summary band.

  • Detail Header and Detail Footer bands for a Detail band.

For more information, see Report Bands.

To add a Title, Summary, or Detail band

  1. Open the report or label for editing in the appropriate designer.

  2. On the Report menu, click Optional Bands.

    The Report Properties dialog box opens.


    If the _REPORTBUILDER system variable is not set to the default Report Builder, the Optional Bands dialog box opens instead. If _REPORTBUILDER is set to a third-party builder, a different dialog box might display. For more information, see _REPORTBUILDER System Variable and Optional Bands Dialog Box.

  3. In the Report Properties dialog box, click the Optional Bands tab.

  4. To select the bands you want to add, perform the following:

    • To add a Title band, in the Title area, click Report has title band.


      To specify that contents from the Title band displays on a separate page, click New page after title has printed.

    • To add a Summary band, in the Summary area, click Report has summary band.


      To specify that contents from the Summary band displays on a separate page, click Summary prints as new page. To add a Page Header or Page Footer band for the Summary Band, click Include page header with summary or Include page footer with summary, or both.

    • To add Detail bands, in the Detail bands area, click Add for every Detail band you want to add.

      Each Detail band that you add is numbered in the order you add them from lowest to highest.

  5. When you are finished, click OK.

For more information, see Optional Bands Tab, Report Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder).

  1. In the appropriate designer, add a Detail band to the page layout.

  2. On the Report menu, click Edit Bands.

  3. In the Edit Bands dialog box, select the Detail band you want and click OK.

    The Detail Band Properties dialog box opens.


    You can also double-click the Detail band separator to open the properties dialog box for the Detail band.


    If the _REPORTBUILDER system variable is not set to the default Report Builder or is set to a third-party builder, the Detail dialog box displays or a different dialog box might display. For more information, see _REPORTBUILDER System Variable.

  4. In the Detail Band Properties dialog box, click the Band tab.

  5. In the Detail properties area, click Associated header and footer bands, and then OK.

For more information, see Band Tab, Report Band Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder).

See Also


How to: Open Reports and Labels
How to: Configure Output for Report Bands
How to: Delete Bands from Reports

Other Resources

Working with Report Controls
Working with Report Bands