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Microsoft.SpecExplorer.ObjectModel Namespace

The Microsoft.SpecExplorer.ObjectModel namespace contains types used describe a transition system, which is the result of an exploration event.

The TransitionSystem class represents a complete transition system, including all the states and transitions, along with their properties and contents. Other classes represent important elements of a state machine, such as states, transitions, constraints, and so on.

To create a custom post processor, write a class that implements the IPostProcessor interface. When Spec Explorer calls a post processor, it supplies the post processor with the transition system on which to operate.


Class Description
ActionInvocation An class representing an action invocation.
ActionSymbol A class representing an action symbol.
AssociationReference A type represents property association reference of a get or set method.
ConfigSwitch Supports the serialization infrastructure. Do not use this type.
Constraint A class representing a constraint.
ExplorationResult The object model representing an exploration result.
ExplorationResultExtensions A class used to persist exploration result extension.
ExplorationResultLoader This class supports loading exploration result file into corresponding object models.
ExplorationResultLoadingException Exception thrown when error occured loading exploration result
ExplorationResultPacker This class supports packing exploration result object models into file.
Node A class to represent a node in state content. It can be value, frame, thread, etc...
ObjectModelHelpers A class which contains extension methods to convert LINQ expressions and reflection data into serializable form.
PostProcessorException An exception used for customized processing to report errors, Spec Explorer will catch PostProcessorException thrown in Process method and report its message in Error List Window and Output Window.
Probe A class representing a probe.
SerializableBinaryExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ binary expression
SerializableConditionalExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ conditional expression
SerializableConstantExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ constant expression
SerializableConstructorInfo A binary and XML serializable representation of a constructor.
SerializableElementInit A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ element initialization
SerializableEnumExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ enum expression
SerializableEventInfo A binary and XML serializable representation of an event.
SerializableExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ expression
SerializableExpressionVisitor visitor of SerializableExpression
SerializableFieldInfo A binary and XML serializable representation of a field.
SerializableInvocationExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ invocation expression
SerializableLambdaExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ lambda expression
SerializableListInitExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ list init expression
SerializableMemberAssignment A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ member assignment
SerializableMemberBinding A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ member binding
SerializableMemberExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ member expression
SerializableMemberInfo A binary and XML serializable representation of a member.
SerializableMemberInitExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ member init expression
SerializableMemberListBinding A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ list binding
SerializableMemberMemberBinding A binary and XML serializable representation of a recursive LINQ member binding
SerializableMethodBase A binary and XML serializable representation of a method base.
SerializableMethodCallExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ call expression
SerializableMethodInfo A binary and XML serializable representation of a method.
SerializableNewArrayExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ new array expression
SerializableNewExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ new expression
SerializableParameterExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ parameter expression
SerializableParameterInfo A binary and XML serializable representation of a parameter.
SerializablePropertyInfo A binary and XML serializable representation of a property.
SerializableType A binary and XML serializable representation of a type.
SerializableTypeBinaryExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ type binary expression
SerializableUnaryExpression A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ unary expression
SharedEntitySet A class to represent the shared entities which contains values shared among all states in a transition system.
State A class representing a state.
StateContents The object model wrapping state entities and shared entities.
StateEntity The object model representing state content.
Transition A class describing a state transition.
TransitionSystem A class representing the states and transitions in an exploration result, together with their properties and contents.
TransitionSystemElement The base class of all transition system elements.
For internal purposes only; supports the serialization infrastructure.


Interface Description
IPostProcessor Interface of user customized processing


Enumeration Description
ActionSymbolKind The kind of an action.
AssociationReferenceKind Describes the kind of an association reference.
ExpressionType Describes the node types for the nodes of an expression tree. This type must be consistent with ExpressionType
NodeKind Describes the kind of a node.
ProbeValueKind The kind of probe value.
StateFlags A type representing the targetFlags of a state.
StateRelationKind Possible kinds of relation between one state and its representative.