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Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop Namespace


  Class Description
VsCodeWindowClass Allows manipulation of a code window.
VsDefaultButtonBarImagesClass Obtains default Buttonbar images.
VsDropdownBarClass Provides control of the drop-down bar at the top of a code window.
VsFinderClass Finds a text image.
VsHiddenTextLayerClass Adds or enumerates hidden text sessions.
VsLocalUserDataClass Allows a caller to use a GUID to set or get user data (properties).
VsMethodTipWindowClass Provides a method tip window for an item in a language service.
VsSmartTagTipWindowClass Controls interaction with a tip window.
VsSyntheticTextLayerClass Handles the addition of and communication with synthetic text sessions.
VsTextBufferClass Acts as the base interface for the VsTextBuffer object and provides general information about the text buffer's properties. Provides read and write access to the text buffer using two-dimensional coordinates.
VsTextImageClass Supports text string matching.
VsTextLineStorageClass Represents the image that is persisted and unpersisted. Represents the range of text that is viewable and editable by text editor views.
VsTextManagerClass Provides general services for anyone wanting information about the active text views.
VsTextPackageClass Provides general services for anyone wanting information about the active text views.
VsTextSpanSetClass Utility for text string matching.
VsTextTipWindowClass Provides a tip when the mouse pauses over a particular context stream in the core editor.
VsTextViewClass Manages the text view of an editor window. Contains methods to manage the text view. The view is essentially the editor window shown in the UI.
VsUndoPackageClass Implements the linked undo stack feature.
VsUndoUnitClass Determines if the undo unit applies to UI items only.
VsUserDataClass Allows a caller to use a GUID to set or get user data (properties).


  Structure Description
AtomicText Describes an embedded object within a LINEDATAEX structure.
BUFFERINITEX Stores buffer initialization parameters.
ChangeInput Holds information about a pending change request *before* it has happened.
ExternalError Used to create a new external error.
FONTCOLORPREFERENCES Specifies color table preferences to be used when painting text or markers.
FONTCOLORPREFERENCES2 Specifies color table preferences to be used when painting text or markers.
FRAMEPREFERENCES Provides frame settings that control whether scroll bars are provided for views.
FRAMEPREFERENCES2 Provides frame settings that control whether scroll bars are provided for views.
INITVIEW Specifies view parameters. Used in Initialize calls.
LANGPREFERENCES Used to communicate user preferences with the text manager, views, and language services. View settings follow the text manager's settings unless a specific set of forced settings are specified when Initialize is called.
LANGPREFERENCES2 Used to communicate user preferences with the text manager, views, and language services. View settings follow the text manager's settings unless a specific set of forced settings are specified when Initialize is called.
LINEDATA Used to pass direct-access to line data in a buffer through IVsTextLines. This structure returns all of the information for a single line.
LINEDATAEX Used to pass direct access to line data in a buffer through GetLineDataEx.
MARKERDATA Specifies directional options for locating markers.
NewHiddenRegion Creates a new outline or hidden text region over the specified text span.
NewHiddenRegionEx Creates a new outline or hidden text region over the specified text span.
NewOutlineRegion Specifies the span and state of a new outline region.
NewSpanMapping Used to create a new span mapping.
NewSyntheticRegion Holds information about a synthetic text region.
SELECTIONSTATE Represents the state of a selection so that it can be restored to that state.
SMARTTAGSIZEDATA Holds data about smart tag size.
TabStop Holds information about tab stops.
TextAddress Defines a text address in terms of a character and a line.
TextLineChange Provides settings for tracking changes to any text line in the buffer.
TextSpan Defines a span of text based on character and line index.
TextSpanAndCookie Used to represent a span of code embedded in a document.
TextSpanPair Used to express two corresponding spans in two separate buffers.
TIPSIZEDATA Sets the size and position of a tip window.
VIEWPREFERENCES Supplies settings for all text views.
VIEWPREFERENCES2 Provides additional members for the VIEWPREFERENCES structure.
VsExpansion Provides information about a code snippet.


  Interface Description
IPersistFileCheckSum Calculates the check sum for the file representation of the associated text buffer.
IVsAction Actions placed in the undo history of a text buffer expose this interface .
IVsButtonBar Provides buttons at the bottom of a code window.
IVsChangeClusterEvents Bracket a series of changes from an undo manager.
IVsChangeTrackingUndoManager Provides undo management for an editor that supports multiple views.
IVsCodeWindow Represents a multiple-document interface (MDI) child that contains one or more code views.
IVsCodeWindowEvents Allows a VSPackage to listen to certain events associated with the view that contains an IVsCodeWindow object.
IVsCodeWindowManager Allows adornments, such as drop-down bars, to be added to or removed from a code window.
IVsColorableItem Provides default font colors, font style, and item name information for a custom colorable item.
IVsColorizer Implemented by the language client to assign color attributes (indexes) to a span of text.
IVsColorizer2 Extends a language services colorizer by allowing the environment to suspend and restart colorization.
IVsCommitGestureSink Indicate that some form of UI commit gesture has occurred.
IVsCompletionSet Provides statement completion capabilities for the language service.
IVsCompletionSetEx Allows a completion set to provide various kinds of customization.
IVsCompoundAction Enables the creation of compound actions.
IVsCompoundViewChange Allows the creation of compound view actions.
IVsContainedCode Implemented by a language to support buffer span mapping.
IVsContainedLanguage Provides simplistic contained language service features.
IVsContainedLanguageCodeSupport Provides support for code navigation, event generation, and the like.
IVsContainedLanguageColorizer Provides colorization for line fragments.
IVsContainedLanguageFactory Provides creation of contained languages.
IVsContainedLanguageHost Represents a host for contained languages.
IVsContainedLanguageHostEvents Receives view change notifications from a contained language host.
IVsContainedLanguageStaticEventBinding Provides support for static event generation.
IVsDefaultButtonBarImages Obtains default Buttonbar images.
IVsDropdownBar Provides control of the drop-down bar at the top of a code window.
IVsDropdownBarClient Describes the contents of the drop-down bar combinations.
IVsDropdownBarClientEx Provides additional drop-down bar client functionality.
IVsDropdownBarManager Manages drop-down bars in code windows.
IVsEnumBSTR Enumerates a collection of BSTRs.
IVsEnumBufferCoordinatorSpans Represents a list of text span mappings between two buffers.
IVsEnumCodeBlocks Represents a list of spans of code blocks.
IVsEnumDebugName Enumerates a collection of debug names.
IVsEnumExternalErrors Represents a list of external errors.
IVsEnumGUID Enumerates a collection of GUIDs.
IVsEnumHiddenRegions Enumerates existing hidden text sessions.
IVsEnumIndependentViews Enumerates a collection of independent views.
IVsEnumLayerMarkers Enumerates a collection of layer markers.
IVsEnumLineMarkers Enumerates a collection of line markers.
IVsEnumStreamMarkers Enumerates a collection of stream markers.
IVsEnumSyntheticRegions Enumerates a collection of synthetic regions.
IVsEnumTextBuffers Enumerates a collection of test buffers.
IVsEnumTextSpans Enumerates a collection of text spans.
IVsEnumTextViews Enumerates a collection of text views.
IVsExpansion Provides a way to insert code snippets into a text buffer.
IVsExpansionClient Allows a VSPackage to participate in the code snippet insertion process.
IVsExpansionEnumeration Represents a list of code snippets for a particular language service.
IVsExpansionEvents Represents a connection point that receives event notifications having to do with code snippets.
IVsExpansionFunction Represents an expansion function in a code snippet.
IVsExpansionIntellisenseHost Provides Insert Expansion support.
IVsExpansionManager Represents the expansion manager, which knows how to find and display lists of code snippets for a particular coding language.
IVsExpansionSession Represents the state of a newly inserted code snippet that is being edited by the user.
IVsExternalCompletionSet Enhances IntelliSense completion set functionality for use in a non-text-view editor.
IVsFileBackup Implemented by components interested in being backed up.
IVsFinalTextChangeCommitEvents Notifies clients of the last commit gesture to trigger the event and provides the range of text changed.
IVsFindCancelDialog Use the IVsFindCancelDialog interface to launch a modeless dialog on the background thread that will allow a user to cancel a lengthy background find or find and replace operation.
IVsFinder Finds a text image.
IVsFindHelper Utility for text string matching.
IVsFindScope Defines a custom scope that can be chosen in the Find in Files, Look in combo box.
IVsFindTarget Implements Find and Replace capabilities within your editor.
IVsFindTarget2 Implements Find and Replace capabilities within your editor.
IVsFormatFilterProvider Interface to provide file extension checking for Save As functionality.
IVsFullTextScanner Exposed by text buffers and used by compilers and other components that need immediate access to the entire buffer. Special-purpose interface exposed by text buffers and used by compilers and other components that need immediate access to the entire buffer.
IVsHiColorItem Provides support for returning a full 24-bit color value.
IVsHiddenRegion Manages the hidden region.
IVsHiddenRegionEx Provides additional methods for IVsHiddenRegion.
IVsHiddenTextClient Provides notification of changes to a newly created hidden text session.
IVsHiddenTextClientEx Supports client drawing of glyphs.
IVsHiddenTextManager Determines whether a hidden text session exists for a given text buffer and creates one if it does not.
IVsHiddenTextSession Used to add or enumerate hidden text sessions.
IVsHiddenTextSessionEx Allows adding of regions with "Ex" properties.
IVsHighlight Used to move a dialog box to reveal a selection or highlight.
IVsIntellisenseCompletor Used to create and display a completor window
IVsIntellisenseHost Implemented by clients (including IVsTextView) to provide intellisense hosting functionality
IVsIntellisenseLangTip Used to expose method tips.
IVsLanguageBlock Determines the span of the current language block.
IVsLanguageClipboardOps Customizes copy and paste operations.
IVsLanguageContextProvider Connects context-sensitive help for a language service that uses the Visual Studio core editor. Hooks up context-sensitive help for a language service that uses the Visual Studio core editor.
IVsLanguageDebugInfo Implement to support debugging for your language service.
IVsLanguageDebugInfo2 Provides support for exception handlers in a language service.
IVsLanguageDebugInfoRemap Allows a language service to remap a pending breakpoint from one location to another.
IVsLanguageInfo Retrieves information about a programming or markup language, including language name, associated file extension, and colorizer requirements for code editing.
IVsLanguageLineIndent Determines the number of "spaces" that should be added to the beginning of the specified line.
IVsLanguageTextOps Provides additional IntelliSense features for the language service.
IVsLastChangeTimeProvider Allows an object to tell clients when its last change occurred.
IVsLayeredTextView Helps a view interact with text layers.
IVsLifetimeControlledObject Instructs undo objects to release references to a designer or buffer.
IVsLinkedUndoClient Indicates that one undo manager is blocking another undo manager from executing a linked action.
IVsLinkedUndoTransactionManager Implements the linked undo stack feature.
IVsMethodData Sets method data for the tip window.
IVsMethodDataEx Provides access to the entire text shown for a method in an IntelliSense Parameter Info ToolTip.
IVsMethodTipWindow Provides a method tip window for an item in a language service.
IVsMethodTipWindow2 Provides additional methods for the IVsMethodTipWindow interface.
IVsMouseCursorProvider Allows a marker to alter the mouse cursor when it is over its glyph.
IVsOutliningCapableLanguage Provides support for the Collapse to Definitions command from the outlining menu.
IVsOutliningSession Adds one or more outline regions to a text buffer.
IVsPackageDefinedTextMarkerType Describes how a custom marker type behaves and appears to the user.
IVsPersistentTextImage Represents the image that is persisted and not persisted.
IVsPreliminaryTextChangeCommitEvents Notifies clients of a commit gesture to trigger a text buffer event, and provides the range of text changed.
IVsProvideColorableItems Informs the code editor about custom colorable items proffered by the language service.
IVsQueryLineChangeCommit Determines if an CCG_CARET_ON_NEW_BUFFER_LINE commit event should be fired.
IVsQueryUndoUnit Queries a linked undo set to determine if an undo action would be aborted.
IVsRegisterFindScope Register a find scope for Find in Files.
IVsReportExternalErrors Used to manage a list of error messages associated with a particular project.
IVsSyntheticTextManager Immediately stops the synthetic text session.
IVsSyntheticTextSession Handles the addition of and communication with synthetic text sessions.
IVsTextBuffer Acts as the base interface for the VsTextBuffer object and provides general information about the text buffer's properties. Also see IVsTextBufferEx, which adds GetTrackChanges and SetTrackChangesSuppression methods.
IVsTextBufferCoordinator Provides mapping services between two buffers.
IVsTextBufferDataEvents Notifies clients when a text buffer is initialized and when changes are made to text buffer data.
IVsTextBufferEvents Notifies clients when a new language service is associated with a text buffer.
IVsTextBufferEx Adds methods to manage change markers to the IVsTextBuffer interface.
IVsTextBufferTempInit Temporary interface for special initialization.
IVsTextColorState Changes the color state of lines in a text buffer.
IVsTextEditorPropertyCategoryContainer Allows an object to expose a set of text editor properties.
IVsTextEditorPropertyContainer Manages properties of text editors.
IVsTextFind Finds a given block of text in the buffer.
IVsTextHidingLayerModule Implemented by any layer module that hides text.
IVsTextImage Supports text string matching.
IVsTextImage2 Examines end-of-line (EOL) markers.
IVsTextImageEvents Implemented to notify a client of a text image change.
IVsTextImageUtilities Provides utilities for loading and saving text files.
IVsTextLayer Handles layout between a base buffer and a view.
IVsTextLayer2 Adds methods to examine end-of-line markers to the IVsTextLayer interface.
IVsTextLayerEvents Notifies a client that a layer's coordinate mapping is changing.
IVsTextLineMarker Provides access to and manipulates the positioning of a text marker within a buffer. This interface has methods to retrieve or change two-dimensional coordinates.
IVsTextLines Provides read and write access to the text buffer using two-dimensional coordinates.
IVsTextLines2 Adds methods to examine end-of-line markers to the IVsTextLines interface.
IVsTextLinesEvents Notifies clients of changes to the underlying text buffer.
IVsTextMacroHelper Enables macro recording code.
IVsTextManager Provides general services for anyone wanting information about the active text views.
IVsTextManager2 Provides additional methods to the IVsTextManager interface.
IVsTextManagerEvents Informs users about changes in the text manager.
IVsTextManagerEvents2 Informs the user about changes in the text manager.
IVsTextMarker Provides methods for managing text markers.
IVsTextMarkerClient Provides callbacks to the Visual Studio environment and other processes used to manipulate a text marker.
IVsTextMarkerClientAdvanced Extends the functionality available through the IVsTextMarkerClient interface by providing additional callbacks.
IVsTextMarkerClientEx Extends the functionality available through the IVsTextMarkerClient interface by providing additional callbacks.
IVsTextMarkerColorSet Allows a marker type to determine whether other marker types share the same color set.
IVsTextMarkerContextProvider Provides context for text markers in the core editor.
IVsTextMarkerGlyphDropHandler A handler provided for markers whose glyphs (an icon indicating the position of a marker) support drag and drop.
IVsTextMarkerType Provides a uniform mechanism for obtaining information about a given text marker type, whether predefined by the editor or registered by a package.
IVsTextMarkerTypeProvider Returns an IVsPackageDefinedTextMarkerType interface from a service providing a text markers other packages.
IVsTextReplaceEvents Information of a change that is about to occur.
IVsTextScanner A special-purpose interface exposed by text buffers and used to provide fast, stream-oriented, sequential access to the text in the buffer.
IVsTextSpanSet Utility for text string matching.
IVsTextStorage Represents the range of text that is viewable and editable by text editor views.
IVsTextStorage2 Adds methods to examine end-of-line markers to the IVsTextStorage interface.
IVsTextStream Provides reading and writing capabilities using one-dimensional coordinates.
IVsTextStreamEvents Notifies clients of changes to the underlying text buffer.
IVsTextStreamMarker Provides access to and manipulates the position of a text marker in the text buffer. This interface has methods to retrieve of change one-dimensional, streaming coordinates.
IVsTextTipWindow Provides a tip when the mouse pauses over a particular context stream in the core editor.
IVsTextTrackingPoint Establishes and maintains an internal tracking point.
IVsTextView Manages the text view of an editor window and contains methods to manage the text view. The view is essentially the editor window shown in the user interface (UI).
IVsTextViewEvents Notifier of events occurring on the text view object.
IVsTextViewEx Adds functionality beyond IVsTextView.
IVsTextViewFilter Allows further modification of the text view.
IVsTextViewIntellisenseHost Core editor provided intellisense host for standard editor views.
IVsTextViewIntellisenseHostProvider Implemented by a text view which provides IvsTextViewIntellisenseHost.
IVsThreadSafeTextView This is a thread-safe subset of IVsTextView.
IVsTipWindow Provides a tip when the mouse pauses over a particular context stream in the core editor.
IVsUndoRedoClusterWithCommitEvents Fires when an undo or redo cluster is closing.
IVsUndoTrackingEvents An IOleUndoManager client can expose this interface to be informed when the undo stack has returned to an unmodified state (that is, no data-changing modifications exist) by the undo manager.
IVsUndoUnit Determines if the undo unit applies to UI items only.
IVsUserData Allows a caller to use a GUID to set or get user data (properties).
IVsUserDataEvents Notifies clients of changes to the user data.
IVsWebFormDesignerSupport Infrastructure. Implemented by project to provide single-file web form support.
SVsCodeWindow Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsCodeWindow.
SVsCodeWindowManager Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsCodeWindowManager.
SVsLanguageFilter Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsTextViewFilter.
SVsLinkedUndoTransactionManager Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsLinkedUndoTransactionManager.
SVsRegisterFindScope Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsRegisterFindScope interface.
SVsTextImageUtilities Passed to GetService to return a reference to the IVsTextImageUtilities interface.
SVsTextManager Passed to GetService to return a reference to IVsTextManager and IVsHiddenTextManager.
SVsTextSpanSet Passed to the QueryService method to return a reference to the IVsTextSpanSet interface.
VsCodeWindow Allows manipulation of a code window.
VsDefaultButtonBarImages Obtains default Buttonbar images.
VsDropdownBar Provides control of the drop-down bar at the top of a code window.
VsFinder Finds a text image.
VsHiddenTextLayer Adds or enumerates hidden text sessions.
VsLocalUserData Allows a caller to use a GUID to set or get user data (properties).
VsMethodTipWindow Provides a method tip window for an item in a language service.
VsSmartTagTipWindow Controls interaction with a tip window.
VsSyntheticTextLayer Handles the addition of and communication with synthetic text sessions.
VsTextBuffer Acts as the base interface for the VsTextBuffer object and provides general information about the text buffer's properties. Provides read and write access to the text buffer using two-dimensional coordinates.
VsTextImage Represents the image that is persisted and unpersisted. Represents the range of text that is viewable and editable by text editor views.
VsTextLineStorage Represents the image that is persisted and unpersisted. Represents the range of text that is viewable and editable by text editor views.
VsTextManager Provides general services for anyone wanting information about the active text views.
VsTextPackage Provides general services for anyone wanting information about the active text views.
VsTextSpanSet Utility for text string matching.
VsTextTipWindow Provides a tip when the mouse pauses over a particular context stream in the core editor.
VsTextView Manages the text view of an editor window. Contains methods to manage the text view. The view is essentially the editor window shown in the UI.
VsUndoPackage Implements the linked undo stack feature.
VsUndoUnit Determines if the undo unit applies to UI items only.
VsUserData Allows a caller to use a GUID to set or get user data (properties).


  Enumeration Description
__PROMPTONLOADFLAGS Flags to prompt user for an encoding on an open with specified codepage.
__tagVSCOLORDATA Specifies a type of color value: foreground, background, or line color.
__VSEDITPROPID2 Specifies editor properties.
__VSFINDBUFFERFLAGS Indicates that a buffer boundary begins or ends a line, without requiring white space characters in the buffer.
__VSFINDERROR Specifies errors in find operation.
__VSFINDHOW Specifies how to find a match.
__VSFINDOPTIONS Specifies text find options
__VSFINDOPTIONS2 Provides additional members for __VSFINDOPTIONS.
__VSFINDPOS Indicates search position.
__VSFINDRESULT Indicates the result of a find or replace operation.
__VSFINDRESULT2 Provides additional members for the __VSFINDRESULT enumeration.
__VSFINDRESULTLOC These values denote where the results of a bulk find operation go.
__VSFINDSTATE Specifies the state of a find operation.
__VSFTNOTIFY Provides notifications to find targets.
__VSFTPROPID Specifies target properties.
__VSFTPROPID2 Provides additional members for the VSFTPROPID enumeration.
__VSTFF Specifies text file format.
_BufferCoordinatorMappingMode Specifies the buffer coordinator mapping mode for contained languages.
_ExpansionFunctionType Specifies the type of an expansion function.
_ExpansionToken Specifies an expansion path typically associated with code snippet locations.
_HighlightMatchingBraceFlags Enumerations for handling matching brace highlighting.
_NavigableLocationResolverFlags Specifies how a navigable location should be resolved.
_QuerySendCommitFlags Specifies whether an ENTER triggers a text change commit event.
_VIEWFRAMETYPE Specifies view frame type.
ADD_OUTLINE_REGION_FLAGS Specifies how outline regions are added to an existing outline session object (IVsOutliningSession).
AtomicTextProviderFlags AtomicTextProvider flags
BufferCoordinatorReplicationDirection Use to specify the buffer coordinator replication direction for contained languages.
BufferLockFlags Sets the Read/Write mode of the text buffer.
BUFFERSTATEFLAGS Sets the state of a text buffer.
CASESELECTION_TYPE Specifies case type of selected text.
CHANGE_HIDDEN_REGION_FLAGS Specifies whether the region is added to the undo/redo stack.
CHANGE_SYNTHETIC_REGION_FLAGS Specifies whether the region is added to the undo/redo stack.
ChangeClusterFlags Provides information about a group of undo/redo operations. Used in IVsChangeClusterEvents calls.
ChangeCommitGestureFlags Flags indicating the type of changes made to text, which triggered the commit gesture.
CHARFMT CHARFMT enum -- file encoding format
CODEMEMBERTYPE Used to specify the type of code members that are to be returned from a list of code members.
COLORINDEX Specifies default foreground, background, or line color.
COLORIZER_ATTRIBUTE Specifies color attributes of the text.
COMMONLANGUAGEBLOCK Language Common Block Query Flags.
ContainedLanguageRefreshMode Used to specify the recompilation mode for a contained language.
ContainedLanguageRenameType Used to specify the type of element is being renamed in a contained language.
CUSTOM_DROP_HANDLER_FLAGS Indicates drop status.
DATA_OBJECT_RENDER_HINT Specifies view or action options for the data object being rendered.
DeeperLayerLineIndexToLocalFlags Specifies how to treat deeper layers.
DEFAULTITEMS Specifies default types that identify items in the core editor view for colorizing.
DROPDOWNENTRYTYPE Specifies the drawing protocol requested for a combo. Used in IVsDropdownBarClient calls.
DROPDOWNFONTATTR DROPDOWNFONTATTR is an enum used by IVsDropdownBarClient to describe the appearance of text entries.
ENUMMARKERFLAGS Provides options for enumerating collections of markers.
EOLTYPE Enumerates end of line markers.
FIND_HIDDEN_REGION_FLAGS Specifies options for finding hidden regions.
FIND_SYNTHETIC_REGION_FLAGS Specifies how to find a synthetic region.
FINDMARKERFLAGS Specifies directional options for locating markers.
FONTFLAGS Provides additional marker options for modifying the font used to display text appearance.
GetSelectedAtomFlags Specifies when to match a selected atom.
GLDE_FLAGS Provides information about a line in the buffer.
GLYPHDRAWFLAGS Provides options for drawing the glyph in the widget margin.
HIDDEN_REGION_BEHAVIOR Specifies whether the hidden region is controlled by the client or the editor.
HIDDEN_REGION_BEHAVIOR2 Provides additional members to the HIDDEN_REGION_BEHAVIOR enumeration.
HIDDEN_REGION_EVENT Determines the exact user action taken on the hidden text region.
HIDDEN_REGION_STATE Specifies whether the span of text is expanded or collapsed.
HIDDEN_REGION_TYPE Specifies whether the new region is a hidden (concealed) or outline (collapsible) region.
IntellisenseHostFlags Specifies IntelliSense host flags.
LanguageContextHint Specifies whether the context is an F1 keyword.
LINEDATAEXFLAGS Provides additional information about the line.
LINESTYLE Specifies default line style options.
LINESTYLE2 Provides additional members for the LINESTYLE enumeration.
LinkedTransactionFlags Specifies whether the linked undo transaction is strict or not.
LinkedTransactionFlags2 Provides additional members to the LinkedTransactionFlags enumeration.
LinkedUndoErrors Undo errors.
LTE_TEXTDATAFLAGS Indicates how a data object is pasted.
MapLocalSpanFlags Specifies mapping conditions for local spans.
MARKERBEHAVIORFLAGS Provides flags that specify marker behavior.
MARKERBEHAVIORFLAGS2 Provides additional members for the MARKERBEHAVIORFLAGS enumeration.
MarkerCommandValues Specifies the integer identifying the item number for a marker type's context menu command.
MarkerCommandValues2 Provides additional members to the MarkerCommandValues enumeration.
MARKERTYPE Sets the characteristics of a text marker.
MARKERTYPE2 Provides additional members to the MARKERTYPE enumeration.
MARKERVISUAL Determines the visual style of the marker.
MARKERVISUAL2 Provides additional members to the MARKERVISUAL enumeration.
MethodTextType Identifies different portions of the method tip to provide information on.
MOVESELECTION_ABS_TYPE Indicates moving a record selection by an absolute amount.
MOVESELECTION_REL_TYPE Indicates expanding a selection by a relative amount.
PANEEVENTS Specifies events for split window panes.
PANEFLAGS Indicates appearance of split window panes.
PANETYPE Specifies the pane to get with GetPane calls.
ParameterTextType Specifies parameter information for the method tip window.
RE_ERRORS Regular expression evaluation errors.
READONLYSTATUS Sets the read and write status of a text buffer.
RelativeSelectionStateFlags Specifies the state of a selection relative to another layer.
REPLACE_TEXT_FLAGS Specifies options for modifying text during a replace operation.
RESOLVENAMEFLAGS Provides flags for ResolveName.
SPLITFLAGS Specifies how a window pane is to be split.
SYNTHETIC_REGION_EVENT Specifies a synthetic region event.
TextBufferErrors General definitions for text buffer errors.
TextBufferInitFlags Specifies text buffer initialization flags.
TextFindMode Specifies text find / replace flags shared by both the buffer and view.
TextSelMode Determines whether stream or box selection mode is being used.
TextViewAction Specifies text positioning within a view.
TextViewErrors General definitions for text view errors.
TextViewInitFlags Specifies view options.
TextViewInitFlags2 Provides additional members to the TextViewInitFlags enumeration.
TipPosPreference Determines where the tip window is placed relative to the context stream.
TipWindowFlags Specifies tip window options.
TipWindowFlags2 Provides additional members for the TipWindowFlags enumeration.
UndoErrors General definitions for undo errors.
UpdateCompletionFlags Specifies completion set flags.
VSEDITPROPID Sets options for text editor property containers.
VSFINDERROR2 Provides additional members for the __VSFINDERROR enumeration.
VSTFF2 Provides additional members to the __VSTFF enumeration.
WORDEXTFLAGS Specifies options for determining the extent of a word.