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CHeapPtr Class

A smart pointer class for managing heap pointers.

   typename T,
   class Allocator = CCRTAllocator
> class CHeapPtr :
   public CHeapPtrBase< T, Allocator >


  • T
    The object type to be stored on the heap.

  • Allocator
    The memory allocation class to use.


CHeapPtr is derived from CHeapPtrBase and by default uses the CRT routines (in CCRTAllocator) to allocate and free memory. The class CHeapPtrList may be used to construct a list of heap pointers. See also CComHeapPtr, which uses COM memory allocation routines.


Header: atlcore.h

See Also


CHeapPtr Members

CHeapPtrBase Class

CCRTAllocator Class

ATL Class Overview