Call this member function to get the full path of the specified file.
virtual CString GetFilePath( ) const;
Return Value
The path of the specified file.
You must call FindNextFile at least once before calling GetFilePath.
GetFilePath is one of three CFileFind member functions that return some form of the file name. The following list describes the three and how they vary:
GetFileName returns the file name, including the extension. For example, calling GetFileName to generate a user message about the file c:\myhtml\myfile.txt returns the file name myfile.txt.
GetFilePath returns the entire path for the file. For example, calling GetFilePath to generate a user message about the file c:\myhtml\myfile.txt returns the file path c:\myhtml\myfile.txt.
GetFileTitle returns the file name, excluding the file extension. For example, calling GetFileTitle to generate a user message about the file c:\myhtml\myfile.txt returns the file title myfile.
See the example for CFileFind::GetFileName.
Header: afx.h