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Debugger Components

The Visual Studio debugger is implemented as a VSPackage and manages the entire debug session. The debug session comprises the following elements:

  • Debug Package: The Visual Studio debugger provides the same user interface no matter what is being debugged.

  • Session debug manager (SDM): Provides a consistent programmatic interface to the Visual Studio Debugger for the management of a variety of debug engines. It is implemented by Visual Studio.

  • Process debug manager (PDM): Manages, for all running instances of Visual Studio, a list of all programs that can be or are being debugged. It is implemented by Visual Studio.

  • Debug engine (DE): Is responsible for monitoring a program being debugged, communicating the state of the running program to the SDM and the PDM, and interacting with the expression evaluator and symbol provider to provide real-time analysis of the state of a program's memory and variables. It is implemented by Visual Studio (for the languages it supports) and third-party vendors who want to support their own run time.

  • Expression evaluator (EE): Provides support for dynamically evaluating variables and expressions supplied by the user when a program has been stopped at a particular point. It is implemented by Visual Studio (for the languages it supports) and third-party vendors who want to support their own languages.

  • Symbol provider (SP): Also called a symbol handler, maps the debugging symbols of a program to a running instance of the program so that meaningful information can be provided (such as source-code-level debugging and expression evaluation). It is implemented by Visual Studio (for the Common Language Runtime [CLR] symbols and the Program DataBase [PDB] symbol file format) and by third-party vendors who have their own proprietary method of storing debugging information.

The following diagram shows the relationship among these elements of the Visual Studio debugger.

In This Section

  • Debug Package
    Discusses the debug package, which runs in the Visual Studio shell and handles all of the UI.

  • Process Debug Manager
    Provides an overview of the features of the PDM, which is the manager of the processes that can be debugged.

  • Session Debug Manager
    Defines the SDM, which provides a unified view of the debug session to the IDE. The SDM manages the DE.

  • Debug Engine
    Documents the debugging services that the DE provides.

  • Operational Modes
    Provides an overview of the three modes in which the IDE can operate: design mode, run mode, and break mode. Transition mechanisms are also discussed.

  • Expression Evaluator
    Explains the purpose of the EE at run time.

  • Symbol Provider
    Discusses how, at implementation, the symbol provider evaluates variables and expressions.

  • Type Visualizer and Custom Viewer
    Discusses what a type visualizer and custom viewer are and what role the expression evaluator plays in supporting both.

  • Debugger Concepts
    Describes the main debugging architectural concepts.

  • Debugger Contexts
    Explains how the DE operates simultaneously within code, documentation, and expression evaluation contexts. Describes, for each of the three contexts, the location, position, or evaluation relevant to it.

  • Debugging Tasks
    Contains links to various debugging tasks, such as launching a program and evaluating expressions.

See Also


Getting Started (Visual Studio Debugging SDK)