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Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data Namespace


  Class Description
BasicPropertyAttribute Provides a means for indicating whether or not a given connection property is among those most commonly used.
DataAsyncCommand Enables executing data commands in an asynchronous manner.
DataAsyncCommandEvents Represents a set of delegates that are called by methods on the DataAsyncCommand class to notify clients of command progress.
DataCommand Provides the ability to build and execute data commands of various types against data sources, and to retrieve read-only results or a command status code.
DataCommandType Represents a set of predefined data command types.
DataConnection Supports a connection to a data source.
DataConnectionDialog Provides access to the Data Connection dialog box with which to obtain data connection information from users.
DataConnectionDialogFactory Provides the ability to create an instance of the DataConnectionDialog class.
DataConnectionFactory Provides the ability to create stand-alone instances of the DataConnection class.
DataConnectionManager Represents a shared set of data connection objects that are created on demand and managed by Visual Studio.
DataConnectionMessageReceivedEventArgs Provides event data for the MessageReceived event.
DataConnectionOpenCanceledException Provides the exception that is thrown when a method call to open a data connection causes user intervention and the user is able to cancel the open call.
DataConnectionPromptDialog Represents a dialog box that can prompt the user for information when a data connection is being opened.
DataConnectionProperties Provides support for the parsing and formatting of connection strings containing these properties, as well as for strongly typed property storage, custom attributes, and synonyms.
DataConnectionPropertyChangedEventArgs Provides event data for the PropertyChanged event.
DataConnectionStateChangedEventArgs Provides event data for the StateChanged event on a data connection.
DataConnectionSupport Provides properties and methods that enable you to work directly with connections to a data source.
DataConnectionUIControl Enables a custom user interface (UI) control for editing connection properties on the Data Connection dialog box.
DataExplorerConnection Represents a connection that exists in the Visual Studio Server Explorer or Data Explorer window.
DataExplorerConnectionManager Provides methods and properties that enable programmatic interaction with data connections exposed in the Server Explorer.
DataObjectChangedEventArgs Encapsulates event data for the ObjectAdded, ObjectChanged, and ObjectRemoved events.
DataObjectChangeEvents Provides a set of events which a DDEX provider can raise when changes to data objects are made, and provides the means by which a provider can connect to them.
DataObjectConceptMapper Enables providing a customized mapper of data-source-specific metadata into well known concepts for use by a generic designer.
DataObjectEnumerator Provides the ability to enumerate data objects.
DataObjectIdentifierConverter Provides the ability to convert data-source-specific object identifiers from strings to identifier parts, and from identifier parts to strings.
DataObjectIdentifierResolver Provides the ability to expand and contract an identifier for a specified data object.
DataObjectItemComparer Allows you to compare two data object identifier parts or properties.
DataObjectRestrictionMapper Provides a way to customize mappings from generic restrictions to data-source-specific restrictions.
DataObjectSupport Allows you to retrieve an XML stream that describes a set of data object types on a data source, which can then interpret and manipulate programmatically.
DataParameter Represents a data parameter that is derived from a data source command, or that is passed with a command to a data source.
DataProtection Represents the ability to encrypt and decrypt strings using the Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI).
DataProvider Enables creation of DDEX provider objects.
DataProviderException Represents an exception thrown when a DDEX provider error occurs.
DataProviderManager Represents the set of registered DDEX providers.
DataProviderObjectFactory Allows you to create data objects implemented by a DDEX provider.
DataReader Provides the ability to expose data from any data.
DataSource Represents and provides access to a DDEX data source.
DataSourceInformation Allows you to retrieve well-defined information about a specified data source in the form of properties passed as name/value pairs.
DataSourceManager Represents the set of registered DDEX data sources.
DataSourceSpecializer Represents an ability to specialize the behavior of a DDEX provider based on the data source to which it is connected.
DataSourceVersionComparer Provides the means to compare two data-source-specific version strings.
DataSupport Represents the base class for all classes that provide data support XML.
DataTransaction Enables transaction-processing, which allows you to commit or roll back as a batch a series of related operations.
DataViewBrowseObjectProvider Allows you to retrieve a specialized browse object for a specified node in a given data view.
DataViewCommandHandler Provides the ability to implement commands, specifically custom commands, for nodes in a data view.
DataViewHierarchyAccessor Represents a set of properties and methods that interact with the data view hierarchy implementation of the IVsUIHierarchy interface.
DataViewManager Represents the collection of data view hierarchies currently active in the Visual Studio Server Explorer and provides methods and properties with which to manage these data views.
DataViewSupport Enables retrieving an XML stream that provides a description of one or more data views.
DSRefBuilder Allows you to create a Data Source Reference (DSRef) object that identifies a data object.
NameAttribute Specifies the string literal name of a given connection property when specified in a connection string.
ObjectWithSite Provides a simplified way to support communication between an object and its site in the container.
OleCommand Provides a managed wrapper around the identifier of an OLE command.
OleCommandStatus Provides the status of a specified OLE command.
ServiceProvider Provides an object that can proffer services using both the managed and unmanaged IServiceProvider interfaces.
ServiceProviderWithSite Provides an object that proffers services using both the managed and unmanaged versions of the ServiceProvider interface, and can be sited using the IObjectWithSite interface.
SynonymsAttribute Provides a comma-delimited list of connection property names that are synonymous with a primary connection property name.


  Delegate Description
DataAsyncCommandCancelEventHandler Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous command is canceled.
DataAsyncCommandEndEventHandler Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous command ends.
DataAsyncCommandFailureEventHandler Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous command fails.
DataAsyncCommandFetchEventHandler Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous command has results available for fetching.
DataAsyncCommandStartEventHandler Represents the method that is called when an asynchronous command starts.
DataConnectionDialogFilterCallback Represents the method that is called when a Data Connection dialog box callback occurs while adding DDEX providers and data sources.
DataConnectionMessageReceivedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the MessageReceived event of a data connection.
DataConnectionPropertyChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the PropertyChanged event on the current DataConnectionProperties instance.
DataConnectionStateChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the StateChanged event of a specified data connection.
DataObjectChangedEventHandler Represents the method that handles the ObjectChanged event on the DataObjectChangeEvents class.


  Enumeration Description
DataAsyncCommandRequest Enumeration specifying the manner in which an asynchronous command should continue after a call to the CommandNextResult or CommandRead methods.
DataConnectionState Specifies the state of a specified data connection.
DataItemTypeFormat Specifies the format of a data item type returned by the GetItemType method.
DataObjectChangeType Specifies the type of data object change that has occurred.
DataObjectIdentifierFormat Specifies how to format a data object identifier as a string when converting from a set of identifier parts.
DataParameterDirection Specifies the direction of a data parameter for a specified data command.
OleCommandExecutionOption Provides a managed implementation of the OLECMDEXECOPT enumeration, which specifies allowable options to the ExecuteCommand method.
OleCommandTextType Provides a managed implementation of the OLECMDTEXTF enumeration, which specifies the kind of text that is being requested.