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IVsOutputGroup2 Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Allows projects to group outputs according to usage.

The IVsOutputGroup2 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
get_CanonicalName Returns the canonical name of the output group. (Inherited from IVsOutputGroup.)
get_DeployDependencies Provides access to one or more deployment dependencies. (Inherited from IVsOutputGroup.)
get_Description Returns the description of an output group. (Inherited from IVsOutputGroup.)
get_DisplayName Returns the display name of the output group. (Inherited from IVsOutputGroup.)
get_KeyOutput Returns the canonical name of the key output group. (Inherited from IVsOutputGroup.)
get_Outputs Returns an array of pointers to IVsOutput2 interfaces providing access to a configuration's output items. (Inherited from IVsOutputGroup.)
get_ProjectCfg Returns a pointer to the configuration's IVsProjectCfg2 interface. (Inherited from IVsOutputGroup.)
get_Property Gets the value of a property.


See Also


IVsOutputGroup2 Interface

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Namespace