CSimpleException Class
This class is a base class for resource-critical MFC exceptions.
class AFX_NOVTABLE CSimpleException : public CException
CSimpleException is the base class for resource-critical MFC exceptions and handles the ownership and initialization of an error message. The following classes use CSimpleException as their base class:
Out-of-memory exception |
Requests for an unsupported operation |
Windows resource not found or not creatable |
Exception that indicates a resource could not be found |
Exception that indicates an invalid argument |
Because CSimpleException is an abstract base class, you cannot declare a CSimpleException object directly. Instead, you must declare derived objects such as those in the previous table. If you are declaring your own derived class, use the previous classes as a model.
For more information, see the CException Class topic and Exception Handling (MFC).
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