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Opens a color selection dialog box.

virtual BOOL OpenColorDialog(
   const COLORREF colorDefault,
   COLORREF& colorRes 


  • [in] colorDefault
    The default color that is selected in the color dialog box.

  • [out] colorRes
    Returns the color that the user selects from the color dialog box.

Return Value

Nonzero if the user selects a new color; otherwise, zero.


When the menu button is clicked, call this method to open a color dialog box. If the return value is nonzero, the color that the user selects is stored in the colorRes parameter. Use the CMFCColorMenuButton::EnableOtherButton method to switch between the standard color dialog box and the CMFCColorDialog Class dialog box.


Header: afxcolormenubutton.h

See Also


CMFCColorMenuButton Class

Hierarchy Chart