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Calculate the expected rectangle of a docked window.

virtual void CalcExpectedDockedRect(
   CWnd* pWndToDock,
   CPoint ptMouse,
   CRect& rectResult,
   BOOL& bDrawTab,
   CDockablePane** ppTargetBar


  • [in] pWndToDock
    A pointer to the window to dock.

  • [in] ptMouse
    The mouse location.

  • [out] rectResult
    The calculated rectangle.

  • [out] bDrawTab
    If TRUE, draw a tab. If FALSE, do not draw a tab.

  • [out] ppTargetBar
    A pointer to the target pane.


This method calculates the rectangle that a window would occupy if a user dragged the window to the point specified by ptMouse and docked it there.


Header: afxpaneframewnd.h

See Also


CPaneFrameWnd Class

Hierarchy Chart