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Commands.RemoveCommandBar (Método)

Quita una barra de comandos creada con el método AddCommandBar.

Espacio de nombres:  EnvDTE
Ensamblado:  EnvDTE (en EnvDTE.dll)


Sub RemoveCommandBar ( _
    CommandBar As Object _
void RemoveCommandBar(
    Object CommandBar
void RemoveCommandBar(
    [InAttribute] Object^ CommandBar
abstract RemoveCommandBar : 
        CommandBar:Object -> unit 
function RemoveCommandBar(
    CommandBar : Object



Este método da un error si la barra de comandos es intrínseca (está integrada) en el entorno.

El objeto CommandBar es un miembro del modelo de objetos de Microsoft Office.


' Macro code.
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars
Sub RemoveCommandBarExample()
   ' Before running, you must add a reference to the Office 
   ' typelib to gain access to the CommandBar object. Also, for this 
   ' example to work correctly, there should be an add-in available 
   ' in the Visual Studio environment.
   Dim cmds As Commands
   Dim cmdobj As Command
   Dim customin, customout As Object
   Dim cmdbarobj As CommandBar
   Dim colAddins As AddIns

   ' Set references.
   colAddins = DTE.AddIns()
   cmds = DTE.Commands
   cmdobj = cmds.Item("File.NewFile")

   ' Create a toolbar and add the File.NewFile command to it.
   cmdbarobj = cmds.AddCommandBar("Mycmdbar", _
   MsgBox("Commandbar name: " & cmdbarobj.Name)
   cmds.AddNamedCommand(colAddins.Item(1), "MyCommand", _
   "Button Text", "Some tooltip", True)
End Sub

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Commands Interfaz

EnvDTE (Espacio de nombres)