Compartir a través de

NamedRange.PivotItem (Propiedad)

Obtiene un objeto PivotItem que representa el elemento de tabla dinámica que contiene la esquina superior izquierda del control NamedRange.

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel (en Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.dll)


ReadOnly Property PivotItem As PivotItem
PivotItem PivotItem { get; }

Valor de propiedad

Tipo: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.PivotItem
Objeto PivotItem que representa el elemento de tabla dinámica que contiene la esquina superior izquierda del control NamedRange.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se crea un informe de tabla dinámica y un control NamedRange dentro del área del informe de tabla dinámica. A continuación, se utilizan las propiedades: PivotTable, LocationInTable, PivotCell, PivotItem y PivotField para mostrar información sobre la ubicación de NamedRange dentro del informe de tabla dinámica. En el ejemplo también se utiliza el método Group para realizar la agrupación numérica por el primer valor del campo.

Se trata de un ejemplo para una personalización en el nivel del documento.

    Private Sub DisplayPivotTableInformation()
        ' Specify values for the PivotTable.
        Me.Range("A1").Value2 = "Date"
        Me.Range("A2").Value2 = "March 1"
        Me.Range("A3").Value2 = "March 8"
        Me.Range("A4").Value2 = "March 15"

        Me.Range("B1").Value2 = "Customer"
        Me.Range("B2").Value2 = "Smith"
        Me.Range("B3").Value2 = "Jones"
        Me.Range("B4").Value2 = "James"

        Me.Range("C1").Value2 = "Sales"
        Me.Range("C2").Value2 = "23"
        Me.Range("C3").Value2 = "17"
        Me.Range("C4").Value2 = "39"

        ' Create and populate the PivotTable.
        Dim table1 As Excel.PivotTable = _
            Me.PivotTableWizard( _
            Excel.XlPivotTableSourceType.xlDatabase, _
            Me.Range("A1", "C4"), Me.Range("A10"), "Sales Table", _
            False, False, True, False, , , False, False, _
            Excel.XlOrder.xlDownThenOver, , , )

        Dim customerField As Excel.PivotField = _
            CType(table1.PivotFields("Customer"), Excel.PivotField)
        customerField.Orientation = _
        customerField.Position = 1

        Dim dateField As Excel.PivotField = _
            CType(table1.PivotFields("Date"), Excel.PivotField)
        dateField.Orientation = _
        dateField.Position = 1

        table1.AddDataField(table1.PivotFields("Sales"), _
            "Sales Summary", Excel.XlConsolidationFunction.xlSum)

        ' Create a NamedRange in the PivotTable and display the 
        ' location.
        Dim namedRange1 As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.NamedRange _
            = Me.Controls.AddNamedRange(Me.Range("B11"), _

        MessageBox.Show("The NamedRange is in the PivotTable report '" & _
            namedRange1.PivotTable.Name & "' at the location '" & _
            namedRange1.LocationInTable.ToString() & "'.")

        MessageBox.Show("The NamedRange has a PivotCell type of: " & _

        MessageBox.Show("The NamedRange is in the PivotTable field: " & _

        MessageBox.Show("The NamedRange is in the PivotTable item: " & _

        namedRange1.Group(True, , , )
    End Sub

private void DisplayPivotTableInformation()
    // Specify values for the PivotTable.
    this.Range["A1", missing].Value2 = "Date";
    this.Range["A2", missing].Value2 = "March 1";
    this.Range["A3", missing].Value2 = "March 8";
    this.Range["A4", missing].Value2 = "March 15";

    this.Range["B1", missing].Value2 = "Customer";
    this.Range["B2", missing].Value2 = "Smith";
    this.Range["B3", missing].Value2 = "Jones";
    this.Range["B4", missing].Value2 = "James";

    this.Range["C1", missing].Value2 = "Sales";
    this.Range["C2", missing].Value2 = "23";
    this.Range["C3", missing].Value2 = "17";
    this.Range["C4", missing].Value2 = "39";

    // Create and populate the PivotTable.
    Excel.PivotTable table1 = this.PivotTableWizard(
        this.Range["A1", "C4"],
        this.Range["A10", missing], "Sales Table", false,
        false, true, false, missing, missing, false, false,
        Excel.XlOrder.xlDownThenOver, missing, missing, missing);

    Excel.PivotField customerField =
    customerField.Orientation =
    customerField.Position = 1;

    Excel.PivotField dateField =
    dateField.Orientation =
    dateField.Position = 1;

        "Sales Summary", Excel.XlConsolidationFunction.xlSum);

    // Create a NamedRange in the PivotTable and display the 
    // location.
    Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.NamedRange namedRange1 =
        this.Range["B11", missing], "namedRange1");

    MessageBox.Show("The NamedRange is in the PivotTable report '" +
        namedRange1.PivotTable.Name + "' at the location '" +
        namedRange1.LocationInTable.ToString() + "'.");

    MessageBox.Show("The NamedRange has a PivotCell type of: " +

    MessageBox.Show("The NamedRange is in the PivotTable field: " +

    MessageBox.Show("The NamedRange is in the PivotTable item: " +

    namedRange1.Group(true, missing, missing, missing);

Seguridad de .NET Framework

Vea también


NamedRange Interfaz

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel (Espacio de nombres)